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Social Impact Assessment Guideline

The department has finalised a new Social Impact Assessment Guideline. To read the new Guideline and support materials please visit the social impact assessment major project webpage.

The department sought your feedback on the draft Social Impact Assessment Guideline for State significant projects during public exhibition from 30 October to 27 November 2020. The Guideline standardises the SIA approach across all State significant development, State significant infrastructure and Critical State significant infrastructure projects.

The draft Guideline builds on the 2017 SIA Guideline for State significant resource projects, and provides advice to applicants, whether State Government or industry, on how to complete a social impact assessment as a part of their overall environmental impact assessment process.

Exhibited Documents

If you have any questions about this project email the project team directly


View submission received during consultation


  • On Exhibition

    The consultation is open for public comment.

  • Under Consideration

    We'll be reviewing what you told us.

  • Made and Finalised

    The final outcomes of this consultation will be documented here.

Consultation period


More information

Relevant legislation: Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979
Exhibiting agency or agencies: NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Exhibition location: NSW Planning Portal