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State Significant Development


Trinity Grammar School Redevelopment

Inner West

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

New teaching and educational facilities including a new five storey building and pavilion, improved pedestrian movement and the refurbishment of existing school building facilities and basement car park.

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Conditions


Notice of Exhibition (2)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (39)

Response to Submissions (36)

Additional Information (34)

Recommendation (2)

Determination (8)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (17)

Community Consultative Committees and Panels (1)

Other Documents (3)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 20 of 92 submissions
Name Withheld
SUMMER HILL , New South Wales
I support the project and the improved benefits it will bring to the community and children's education.

My major concern is how dangerous Hurlstone Ave Summer Hill has become to cross and the current heavy vehicle traffic that will increase with this project.

The Avenue is perpendicular to both Prospect Rd (facing the main entry to the school) and Old Canterbury Road and is a very short Avenue of only 9-10 houses long. The movement of vehicles turning into Hurlstone Ave from both ends especially Old Canterbury Rd has become very dangerous with the high speed of cars travelling through to cross over from Old Canterbury Rd.

Also, the number of vehicles moving through, particularly during peak times where traffic can bank up from end to end of the Avenue. This Avenue is not able to service such high volume of vehicles. Also during school events and weekends which is very often and outside peak times there is increased traffic and no parking available for residents.

The Avenue is only permitted for one ton vehicles but is used by private buses, I assume from the school, which are well over one ton and should not be allowed to travel through.

There's many car accidents and close collisions at the Hurlstone Ave & Old Canterbury Rd intersection end with a death close to this intersection in the last 6-8 months. At this end of the Avenue its very wide making it easy for vehicles to turn into it at high speeds to avoid the oncoming traffic and has now become a rat run for vehicles to pass through.

I recommend that Hurlstone Ave should be blocked off for any vehicle access from Old Canterbury Rd and there is precedent to this with Herbert St Summer Hill (refer attached) a few blocks down which was blocked off from Old Canterbury Rd for Summer Hill Public School. This will make it safer for school children and residents as well as reducing traffic into this short Avenue that was never built to accommodate such heavy volume of traffic.

I strongly recommend for Hurlstone Ave Summer Hill to be blocked off from Old Canterbury Rd to reduce traffic, parking and most of all children's and residents safety.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
The traffic congestion related to increasing the number of students and therefore pickups and drop offs would be unacceptable in the neighbouring streets not to mention dangerous for children and residents.
No building in this area are currently above 4 stories and it is a quiet a residential zone apart from 8-9 am
and 230-400 pm weekdays and all day Saturday when school traffic, buses and parking makes travel very difficult.
Driving children to school should be discouraged for health and safety and environmental reasons.
Please see the attached photos of Victoria St on a school morning during the peak hour mentioned above.
Increasing the student numbers by 545 will only inconvenience local residents further and contribute to the gridlock and dangerous conditions on the road adjacent to the school at busy times.
Michael Thomas
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I am writing to express my deep concern, as a resident of Ashfield, regarding the latest notification of planning outlined above. This was received by me on Wednesday 6th May 2020 and outlines the latest development proposal.

I have lived in Holwood Avenue since August 2001. Throughout this time I have had to continually endure ongoing works not only carried out by Trinity Grammar, but also Cardinal Freeman Aged Care facility, the Sydney Eye Hospital and various other works undertaken by both private and commercial concerns. While I understand schools need to look at development needs from time to time there is no evidence that this current proposal has merit and therefore considering the impact on the residential neighbourhood, I feel it absolutely necessary to raise my objections to this latest venture. There has been continual disruption to the enjoyment of my property with noise, dust and road work closures since moving into the area and this has impacted me for the last 19 years.

Despite Trinity Grammar only recently completing major capital works within the past couple of years they are now proposing further expansion and increasing pupil enrolment from 1,655 to 2,100 (27% increase in capacity). Given that the latest proposal involves substantial capital works the construction period and the consequential disruption period will most likely take another 18-24 months, and I note than an estimate of this period has not been included in the current publicly available documents.

Enough is really enough!!

Further, one of the proposals is a new 5 storey classroom and school facility building impacting on neighbouring residents who currently enjoy their views. Let us not forget that when Seaview Street was given it’s name as there were views of the ocean from this area which some residents still enjoy. This view will be removed for a number of residents if this proposal is approved. I raise this point because of the cultural and historical significance. Not to mention the devaluing of these properties and subsequent residential properties upon completion.

I have always admired and supported Ashfield Council’s position on preserving the historical integrity of the area. Indeed a substantial area around the school is a conservation area with heritage listed homes.

The development application proposes to demolish two School acquired residences positioned outside the perimeter of the school which are approaching 100 years old. Surely these residences have a historical significance and therefore deemed preserving for future generations.

Moreover these particular ‘historical’ residences currently provide a border along Seaview which shields the residents outside that border from noise. Trinity Grammar’s proposal has not exhibited any concerns for the look of and integrity of the area and these new school buildings will take the form of an ugly 21st century construction with no respect for the area’s historical culture.

In addition it is proposed that a number of trees, which, as yet have not been identified in the proposal supplied, will be removed. I suspect the said trees have been insitu for generations.

For residential properties in the area surrounding Trinity Grammar, development proposals have been constrained in the past, in that the height cannot exceed the current property height. Many friends and neighbours in the area who have proposed works to their properties have been advised by Ashfield Council that all alterations need to be in line with the historical culture of the area and have had to subsequently build ‘down, rather than up. Why can’t the same rules and restrictions apply to Trinity Grammar?

I would therefore ask , as a long standing resident, denial of this Development Application by Trinity Grammar and request that if the works are to proceed they are reconsidered to incorporate the above points raised.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Thomas
11 Holwood Avenue, Ashfield NSW 2131
Biodiversity and Conservation Division
PARRAMATTA , New South Wales
Please find attached EES comments
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
Some further photos of traffic congestion around the school at pick up time including buses, cars, the driveway into and out of the school and local residents and children trying to negotiate the traffic.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I live directly opposite Trinity Grammar in XXXXXXX, Ashfield in the Holwood Avenue Conservation Area. That is, a heritage conservation area. There are a considerable number of houses opposite the school which are individually heritage listed and many of the streets surrounding the school are also heritage listed . It is one of the most beautiful precincts in the inner west and the integrity of the area should be preserved. When we purchased our home eight years ago, we have made a point of choosing one in a quiet, green, garden suburb and we were drawn to the heritage aspect as we felt it would ensure that the area would remain free from developments which would negatively impact the area.
In particular, the proposal to build up to five stories in height is deplorable. It is completely out of keeping with the charming and quiet, private nature of the neighbourhood. And it is completely unacceptable that they build something that high simply to accommodate more students. Students they don't currently have. The only reason they have to increase enrollments is to make more money from the exorbitant fees that they charge. And there is no justification for ruining a heritage area just so that the school and its executive can make more money.
In increasing the number of students, the traffic around the school will also be dramatically increased. As it is, it is almost impossible for me to get in and out of my driveway at school opening and closing time. This quiet residential area is simply not able to absorb these kind of numbers.
I have previously had NO inclination to leave the home I have established, and I really don't want to. But if this development does go ahead, I will. And since the development will, no doubt, affect the value of the homes in the area, since it will be a less desirable place to live, I won't even be in a position to buy in another nice, quiet area.
The school is trying to sugarcoat their application with a plan to redirect some of the traffic from the main driveway. Please note that this was what the local police and neighbours lobbied to have done when Trinity ran their last building project (about 10 years ago) and the school fought it and won. Now all of a sudden they are planning to fix the driveway, and the whole PR thing is an attempt to blindside the community.
This building project really will be a blight on the local area and Sydney's heritage.
The government has a responsibility to preserve Sydney's heritage areas, including this one, for future generations and for the sake of the people who have invested (financially and socially-emotionally) in living here.
Please do not allow this to go ahead.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
As you will see from my address we live one street away from Trinity grammar. The traffic over the last few years since we moved here has increased substantially. Receiving this development notice to make the school larger is infuriating. I have previously complained to the school about how they manage their car flow in the mornings and afternoons. their carpark exit insists that all cars and buses turn left into VIctoria street and then into Harland street. We live on one of the corners, at times it is impossible to drive out of our driveway due to the sheer traffic. we get loads of cars but also bus loads of children. the school also backs onto Canterbury road, an already main road, i would suggest thinking about using that as an exit to keep our once suburban streets quieter. It would be very disappointing to see the school increase in numbers again. Our streets could become worse than parramatta road in peak hour!
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I object to the 30% increase in student numbers at Trinity Grammar as I have a concern regarding the adverse amenity impact for the local residents. We currently suffer from significant traffic disruption on our street in the mornings and afternoons and experience significant delays in travelling in and out of our street at peak times. We have older students parking (out of uniform) on our street regularly which takes up our parking spots. It's dangerous for my kids to walk or cycle to school as there is no pedestrian crossing from Service Avenue. Cars drive too fast around our street - there is already too many cars.. we cannot sustain a 30% increase in traffic
Whenever there is a school event, parking and traffic is congested for numerous streets in our vicinity.. A delivery dock on Seaview Street would significantly increase traffic.

I object to the removal of any trees to support this development, 26 trees and trees on Seaview Street should be preserved and protected and the students in the school taught the value of these trees to their future.
Name Withheld
SUMMER HILL , New South Wales
I am concerned that the proposal allows for an additional 500 students on the current site. This increase will exacerbate traffic in the surrounding streets. Additionally, Trinity Grammar School has only recently completed major new building works on this site (on the Prospect Road side) which entailed the demolition of existing houses plus significant excavation. This proposal details further demolition of existing houses, school buildings, and excavation works. During construction our street was heavily used by trucks arriving and departing carrying the resultant spoil. Our street is not wide enough for this usage. The road surface was significantly damaged and we had burst water mains in the street that we believe this heavy traffic contributed to. Since then the road has been re-surfaced (I assume, not at the expense of the school), so I would hate to see the same damage occur all over again. Additionally, when Trinity holds sporting or other events during the year, all surrounding streets including ours are filled with visiting cars parking (despite Trinity having extensive underground carparking on-site). And, I note that the proposed development does not significantly increase that on-site parking capacity (12 additional spaces!) despite the significant increase in student numbers.
PARRAMATTA , New South Wales
Heritage Council NSW comments attached.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
My particular objections to the proposed Trinity project are in regard to:

• the delivery dock in Seaview Street
• 5 storey building
• removal of trees
• increase in student numbers from 1500 to 2,100
• outdoor teaching area.

Trinity Grammar already negatively impacts the local residents who receive no benefit from the school. The proposed project will:

• increase heavy traffic (including trucks, vans and buses) on narrow Seaview Street. With that comes reduced safety (particularly for pedestrians) and amenity, increased noise and pollution.
• be incompatible with the local low rise environment and become an eyesore.
• turn a residential street into a commercial area with reduced mature tree coverage.
• increase the level of noise emanating from the school.

I understand that in 2015 the Land and Environment Court determined that it was not in the public interest to allow an increase of 200 students given adverse amenity impacts for the local residents. We, the residents, are still here. There is no reason why that determination should not be upheld.

I reiterate that Seaview Street is a narrow residential street and in parts the footpath is also extremely narrow. Increased traffic will have a significant negative impact on the homes of residents and their enjoyment of their homes.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
My main concern is the increase in noise and congestion from traffic both during the construction process and from the subsequent increase in student numbers. Streets in the area are already heavily congested because of Trinity traffic in the morning from 7 to 9 am, then in the afternoon from 3 to 6 pm, making it difficult and frustrating for residents. Of particular concern is the choke point for traffic travelling to and from Victoria Street via Harland Street, which seems to be the main direction for all the school traffic. If traffic increases any more in this street it will make it impossible for the residents of Service Avenue to use Harland Street. Already at peak hour it is gridlock around the school making it very difficult for residents to travel northwards. It is impossible to get past Trinity Grammar on Victoria Street because of traffic turning into the school or turn right into Queen Street from Harland Street because of Trinity traffic turning right from Queen Street into Harland Street.
I am also concerned that the beautiful old fig trees in Seaview Street will become victims in the building process, these trees are at least 50 years old and give great charm and character to the street, offering respite to the built environment and habitat to birds and animals, I would be very unhappy to see them destroyed.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I am writing to state my objection against Trinity Grammar's school redevelopment proposal because it will have an adverse impact on local residents. A dramatic increase in students will increase traffic. I live on Service Av and during the week it takes me at least 10 minutes just to turn into Harland St because of the traffic congestion leading to Trinity Grammar, then I end up caught in traffic on Victoria Rd as cars pile into the car park. In the afternoon the traffic also poses a threat to children walking home from school as cars double park or illegally overtake cars. The proposed removal of 26 trees is also a concern as urban trees can help to mitigate some of the negative impacts and social consequences of urbanization. Trees are excellent filters for urban pollutants, they reduce carbon emissions and improve the physical and mental health so council should be focused on planting more trees not removing trees. I am also concerned with the way Trinity Grammar monopolizes Yeo Park. During the week students under the instruction of coaches uses the walking path for athletic training and on the weekend sporting teams dominant the green space as the prepare or train for competition. This impinges on the residents ability to use this green space freely and safely. An increase in student numbers will only exacerbate the problem. Thus, this proposal should not be approved due to the detrimental traffic impact and the adverse amenity impacts for local residents.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I object to this development application because it is far too big for the local community to bear. The increase in students, and the accompanying transportation, is not feasible for our roadways. We have twenty buses and hundreds of cars go down our street each school day now and the damage to our road and the danger to young children is enormous. Also 600 additional students with only 12 additional car spaces will have adverse impacts on local residents who are having trouble parking now when school is on. On weekends when the students have sport, or if there is a function at the school and parents have to come they park our neighbouring streets out now, sometimes over our driveways, making it difficult for us to come and go from our properties. Also I believe a five storey high rise building is inappropriate for the area. Noise from the school is enough now, 600 students extra will be far too much to bear. In 2015 the Land and Environment Court determined it was not in the public interest to allow an increase of 200 students because of adverse impacts to local residents and now they want 600 extra students.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
In view of the long term proposal by Trinity Grammar to increase student numbers from 1,500 to 2,100 and short term increase of 200 students, I object to the current proposed development as it will adversely impact local traffic and is an over development in a residential area.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
Because first of all the noise pollution is going to increase near my street and this is going to affect my sleep even more. I don't get weekends off and some shifts i finish at 7.00 am plus I have elderly parents who don't like noise pollution. My quite street turns into mayhem in the mornings and afternoon.
Secondly is the traffic is going to increase which means it shouldn't take 10-15 minutes to get out of my street in the morning's or afternoon while trying to head into work.
Thirdly is Trinity has it all, they have 3 ovals, gym, pool and multiple buildings to cater for all those students and they also use Yeo Park for training. If I don't say no what else do they want in the future when they get the money. Do they want the whole of Yeo Park next? Money talks just like a second casino is being built in Sydney but we all know we didn't need it. I'm afraid we say yes to this and then whats next more students, more traffic, more noise and more upset locals.
Fourth point I believe doing my research online isn't Prospect Road Heritage Listed but have to ask the Heritage Council and the inner west council as well. The inner west council hasn't really replied to a few of my requests so if inner west council approve and can't approve my tiny request why should I say yes?
To wrap it up Trinity has it all and I don't believe they need upgrades. If they want to see how good they have it and go to my High School down the road to Ashfield Boys. Our oval wasn't straight, only time we could use the gym to play indoor sports was once a week for 2 hours. We would play football in something called the cage which was concrete and fence. Before Trinity gets the upgrade I want to see local schools get the upgrade as well from the help of government.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I object to the Trinity Grammar School proposed development application for the following reasons:
* I am asthmatic with chronic sinus problems and the pollution and dust created by demolition and excavation will adversely affect my health, despite the claims in the contrary in the development proposal, as I have many allergies and are super-sensitive. Now that myself and others are working from home due to COVID this is even more of an issue. I won't be able to open my windows and get fresh air. I won't be able to get any exercise during the day as too risky with all the dust and pollution created by the works.
* There is also potential damage to residences due to the excavation. The car park re-development will only increase the number of spaces by 12 so of no real benefit in that respect compared to the construction noise, vibrations and the detrimental environmental impact.
* Removal of 26 trees in also an issue in an area that doesn't have enough trees or green spaces.
* There is already too much traffic in the area and Clissold Street is already used as a"rat run. When when factoring in parking on one side of street it is really only a one lane road and is not designed for the amount of traffic it gets already, let alone more.
* The proposed significant increase in the student population will mean more traffic with parents driving their children to school. There will also be an increase in students on public transport during peak hours filling up the trains and buses when seating will be limited due to COVID - preventing people getting to work. There are already too many school children travelling long distances to schools, crowding public transport and adversely impacting people's journeys to work.
* The roads in the area are already pot holed and damaged and are not made for heavy vehicles. This proposal will mean a significant increase in heavy traffic, noise and further damage to already sub-standard roads in the area.
* Given the proposed timings of the various activities within the proposal from 3.5 to 21 months, the period of impact and extent of the works creates significant disruption for local residences.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I disagree with the proposed increase in student numbers at Trinity Grammar as I believe it will have a negative impact on the amenity of the neighbourhood for local residents. There is already a deluge of traffic in the neighbourhood caused by Trinity dropoff, pickup and other deliveries to the school . Mornings and afternoons are particularly difficult - many cars perform illegal u-turns in the area and drive too fast, making it unsafe for walkers, joggers and cyclists in the neighbourhood.
I object to the proposed removal of the trees in Seaview street.
Local parking is impacted by Trinity Grammar students parking (out of uniform) on local streets for the day.
Name Withheld
ASHFIELD , New South Wales
I strongly object to this proposal and development application. This school currently has a significant impact on the local community in a negative way.
There is already far too much traffic with the schools current numbers they block the roads and my local street of service ave is more like a main road in the morning and afternoon drop offs .
A five story high rise building will also look out of place and effect the street scope.
There will be increased noise with more kids as well.
I also object to this proposal because of the removal of 26 trees and the demolition of four houses in Seaview Street.
Please don't let it go ahead
Name Withheld
SUMMER HILL , New South Wales
I object to the increase in enrolment numbers to Trinity grammar school due to the impact on traffic and parking in the local area.
Student Numbers
Trinity Grammar school was limited to 1500 enrolments by the Land and Environment court, a limit which the court imposed given the traffic issues at the time. This limit was ignored by Trinity, who had 1600+ enrolments when they last attempted to increase numbers, and from their own report, the 2100 enrolments proposed would be an increase of approximately 400 students. So by their own admission, they are now at approximately 1700, or about 200 over the court imposed limit.
Current traffic situation
Traffic and poor driving behaviour by parents and students continues to be a problem in the area during drop off and pick up periods. There is rarely a time that I pass in the morning or afternoon that a car or bus is not parked and unloading or loading students across the pedestrian crossing zone on Prospect Rd. Yesterday, an L plate driver, I assume supervised by a parent, parked in the no stopping zone. Parents often park on corners to unload their children, causing disruption to the buses and passing traffic.
The traffic in Victoria street continues to be heavy. When supervised by staff, parents obey the no right turn on exit from the Victoria street exit, but unsupervised, at least 20% of cars ignore the directive. Many of those that do turn left, do u-turns further down the street and return up Victoria street, adding to the traffic. Many fellow residents have complained of the speed of cars on Victoria street, especially those with P plates.
The 40 km school zone on Prospect rd is regularly ignored in the area between Junction Rd and Seaview rd, where traffic travelling to Trinity is heavy, making it difficult for local Summer Hill public students to cross the road to attend school.
Current traffic survey
The traffic survey was undertaken last year after the year 12 cohort had left school and before the HSC exams had begun, so more than 10% of students were not attending, and no students were driving to school as most of the Year 11’s don’t have licences at this stage.
On street parking in the area
Given the timing of the traffic survey (above), the on street parking section of the report is invalidated.
There is a suggestion that there are 113 parking spots along Old Canterbury Rd, but there are 2 bus stops, traffic lights and no stopping zones along Old Canterbury Rd. It is also used by Trinity as a bus parking area for up to 9 buses of an afternoon to alleviate the issues on Prospect Rd. The use of this road as off street parking would cause major issues to the ability to manage bus movements.
Parking on site
All the 312 available parking spaces on site are currently occupied, with cars overflowing into local streets.
The proposal is to increase the approved student intake by 600 or 40% (with the corresponding increase in teaching and support staff) and car spots by 12 cars. This will result in at least 124 extra cars (40% of current occupied on site parking spots) vying for 12 extra car spots. The 324 car spots will only cater for Full Time Equivalent staff members, with the staff number probably higher due to part time staff.
Public transport
Very few of the students live in walking distance (only 14% within 2 kms), so about 90% need transport to school. In times past, being a high school, many travelled by public transport. Now that there are many primary and infant school children attending the school, most junior school children are driven as they are too young to catch public transport and few live locally.
Currently, buses are managed by Trinity in an attempt to have no buses double parked or waiting on no standing zones. This doesn’t always work, with buses often waiting on Prospect Rd in illegal places.
In the streets adjacent to school there are currently local buses (406), 11 Trinity bus routes (one or more buses for each route each morning and afternoon), other buses that travel to other private schools in the area and a bus that travels between Summer Hill station and Trinity many times of a morning (not sure about the afternoon).
Increasing the number of buses travelling to and from the area would further exacerbate the issues with bus traffic.
Students being driven to school – drop off facility
The plan has designated that 1 in 40 Primary and Secondary school students will be dropped off at school, the rest travelling by public transport or walking. This figure would be correct for a local school, but given the students are not local, it is unlikely that 5-11 year olds are travelling by public transport, so this assumption of 1 in 40 will be driven to school is incorrect. It is more likely to be 1 in 2 or higher for infants and primary students, at least an extra 160 cars.
Local Traffic Survey
The date of the survey was not obvious, but it should be checked against the school’s timetable to ensure that the majority of students were attending that day/week. There was no survey of the average wait time on the entry to the school drop off zone, which is often backed up, delaying local traffic attempting to travel along Victoria street to the local Yeo Park Infants school or other local destinations.
The survey shows there are already intersections that are listed as “F” - At capacity; requires other control mode. A 40% increase in enrolment numbers is likely to increase the number of unsatisfactory traffic situations.
The proposed traffic scenarios (SIDRA) uses a less than 2% increase in total car numbers when student numbers are proposed to be increased by 40%, so again is not valid.
During the proposed building construction, there will be construction zones, parked semi trailers and builders vehicles crowding the local area from early in the morning and into the afternoon pickup time, as there has been at every previous major construction initiative. This causes major issues for local traffic, local school kids, buses attempting to travel in the local streets and Trinity parents attempting to deliver their children to school.
Green Plan
Bikes - There is no safe way for students to travel by bike within the local area of the school because of the traffic associated with the school. I would be very worried if there was an increase in bike travel in the area. Please view videos attached to understand how dangerous this would be.
Walking – given only 14% live within 2 kilometres and 7% already walk, it is unlikely that many more would be able to walk given distances and in many cases, ages of the student. Given the weight of school bags, it is also unlikely that students will walk up to 2 kilometres. Students travel by bus from the local station rather than walking the 1.6 kilometres.
Buses – there is not a lot of scope to increase bus numbers and there is already many buses trying to negotiate the inner city streets and traffic.
Leadership – as I watched parents parking in no stopping zones this morning, 3 teachers charged with supervising bus disembarkation and recording the Trinity bus trips to charge students, chatted amongst themselves rather than one walking over to parents to suggest that they park safely, or supervising the kids trying to cross Prospect Rd at a busy corner 100 metres down from the Pedestrian crossing.
Having live near Trinity for 25 years, I have seen it changed from an 800 student high school, to an 1700 student all age school which has court issued approval limit for 1500 students.
It has removed a dozen heritage listed homes which no private person is able to do, it has caused years of dust, noise and traffic chaos with massive developments each few years. Developments have been threatened or underway approximately half the time I have lived nearby.
It pretends that there is a demand for students to attend, but is constantly advertising on billboards for students throughout Sydney. There is no “demand” for places.
Mostly I am sick of trying to protect the local children from the traffic Trinity creates, originally my own children and their friends, and now 2 of whom are my grandchildren who will soon be walking the streets.
Please do not allow this increase in numbers, it is dangerous and unnecessary.
I have attached a few photos.
1 Parents and students parked illegally over a morning and afternoon.
2. Pictures of Old Canterbury rd where overflow cars are expected to park. If the buses can’t park here of an afternoon, there will be even more chaos, especially when there are more buses as predicted.
3. A mother walking her 2 kids to school. She is carrying the 11 year olds bag because it is too heavy for him with his sports bag.
The following videos were uploaded to youtube:-
A video of morning traffic attempting to get in and out of Victoria st car park
Video of traffic attempting to get in and out of the driveway on Victoria street on an afternoon. There was a 500 metre queue in both directions
Video of the Seaview and Victoria st intersection of an afternoon. This intersection is currently listed as “good operation”.
Another video of the queue on Victoria st


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Educational establishments
Local Government Areas
Inner West
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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