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SSI Modifications


MOD 1 - Main Access Tunnel to Marica Services Connection

Snowy Valleys

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. Prepare Mod Report
  2. Exhibition
  3. Collate Submissions
  4. Response to Submissions
  5. Assessment
  6. Recommendation
  7. Determination

Modification to permit horizontal directional drilling for utilities/services between the Lobs Hole and Marica areas of the project

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Modification Application (1)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (9)

Determination (3)


Showing 1 - 5 of 5 submissions
Steven Broussos
GREENACRE , New South Wales
If any towns are created/expanded for this project, please consider building a tourist industry in said towns, so that that way, those of us who can't afford to/don't want to go skiing can have somewhere nice to go and enjoy the snow in NSW
Robert Michie
KENTLYN , New South Wales
The changing to using boring machinery rather than explosives is an improvement, but it also makes obvious that the overhead power lines should also be run underground,
for both environmental and safety reasons. Overhead transmission lines always present a fire hazard particularly in highly exposed alpine areas subject to high winds, that are likely to get more extreme as global warming increases. The trans mission lines also increase the hazard to water bombing aircraft in smokey conditions. If the voltage levels are regarded as to high for underground cabling then the voltage can be dropped and heavier conductors used.
National Parks Association of NSW
Pyrmont , New South Wales
Please find attached submission on the proposed modification by the National Parks Association of NSW
Nancy Pallin
MILSONS POINT , New South Wales
Submission re Snowy 2.0 – Main Works Modification (SSI-9687-Mod-1
I write to support the undergrounding of utilities and services between the Lobs Hole and Marica areas of the Snowy 2.0 project.
Horizontal directional drilling (HDD)has been used for undergrounding powerlines for decades. The technology is well understood and will suit the purpose of providing electricity and water connections between the Main Access Tunnel portal at Lobs Hole and Marcia which is at the top of the surge tank. The direct drilling distance is 2,200m which is much shorter than alternatives.
Alternative methods such as trenching for the conduits along the 5 km road alignment which varies over an elevation of 600m I expect would be more costly and time consuming.
My main reason for writing in support of the use of HDD is because it avoids disturbance of the ground surface which leads to soil erosion and loss of native vegetation. Disturbances such as trenching, road making etc changes conditions of the soil which leads to invasion by exotic plants and routes for invasive animals to move into previously undisturbed area.
Why is Horizontal Directional Drilling not being used for other electricity connections which pass through Kosciuszko National Park?
It would be preferable to use HDD for the connection of Snowy 2.0 to the electricity grid, especially where it crosses the national park.
Name Withheld
LAKE ALBERT , New South Wales
I object to SSI-9687-Mod-1 - Main Access Tunnel to Marica Services Connection on the grounds that the whole Snowy 2.0 plan & Hume Link Interconnector is completely farcical!
It is an extraordinarily ridiculous waste of tax payer funds for an illogical system of pumping water 27 klms up hill!

Whilst the Overview of Snowy 2.0 (1.1) declares Snowy 2.0 "the largest committed renewable energy Project in Australia & is critical to underpinning system security & reliability as Australia transitions to a decarbonised economy" & 1.3 Overview of Proposed Modification states:- "Snowy Hydro & FGJV are continuing to optimise the design of the Project, in order to realise efficiency in the delivery of the Project & minimise the overall environmental impacts" - this is a disingenuous, false narrative.

What a shameful disgrace that our taxes are wasted so substantially on funding Snowy 2.0 in conjunction with land/water contaminating solar/wind/lithium battery garbage that has nothing to do with caring for the environment at all!
The ad nauseam promotion of such a disingenuous fake ' green, clean, cheap, reliable, secure, efficient' narrative by this DPIE document & supported with more wasted tax dollars by the unbalanced, extremely biased public broadcaster - the ABC - is illogical & detrimental to Australia's welfare.
Not only is Snowy 2 & Hume Link designed to cause environmental vandalism - destruction of biodiversity & precious ecological habitat, it is being implemented to encourage the ruination of our irreplaceable soil heritage - rural food growing areas & pretty rural communities - through inefficient, ugly & detrimental large scale solar/wind energy.

I object to any advice being given to Snowy 2.0 by Lazards Energy Consultants as they are substantial investors in Spark Infrastructure - so are conflicted as inside investors in this proposed energy transition. It consistently appears their cost benefit analysis - comparing wind/solar with coal - purposely excludes astronomically costly grid upgrades, battery/hydro storage, interconnectors, etc - all of which are absolutely essential in order to incorporate inferior, unreliable wind/solar into the grid.
It's no wonder Snowy 2.0 costs have blown out so extensively as it made no sense at all in the first place!

The energy transition is out of control & must be halted by a moratorium.
It is not based on demonstrable science at all but on unproven, exaggerated modelling - designed to transfer wealth from hard working, ordinary people to billionaires, carpet baggers & rent seekers - in exchange for energy poverty & deprivation of living standards - all benefiting Chinese solar/wind manufacturing.
No financial modelling has ever been scrutinised by the NSW State Parliament, nor seen by NSW Treasury.
NSW DPIE are carelessly forcing large-scale toxic Solar/Wind Electricity Generating Works & toxic Battery Storage Facilities onto rural communities & food producing land - without any consideration or appreciation for Agricutural Land, no assessment for obvious toxic risks, without due process & without social licence.

It appears this transition fantasy is being rushed through by incompetent planners, advised by developers, at the behest of beneficiaries & foolish ideologues - in reckless haste - before enough people wake up & realise wind/solar is creating a toxic environmental disaster, extensive ruination of beautiful, precious rural landscapes/ecological habitat, is far too expensive & just doesn't work - instead, resulting in energy poverty, deprivation of living standards, deindustrialisation, no jobs & a much weakened Australia.
All the while supporting unethical Chinese manufacturing & increasing our dependence on Chinese components - unconscionably giving more power to the hostile Chinese Communist Party & increasing control of numerous solar/wind/battery works & Australia's critical energy infrastructure through Project Energy Connect - plugging us into the State Grid of China through ElectraNet.

The severe detrimental environmentally impacts for our iconic Kosciusko National Park are an unacceptable tragedy - depriving Australians of the natural beauty & splendour of this area that all future generations deserve to enjoy.
Barging the destructive, ugly, unhealthy & increased fire risk - Hume Link transmission nightmare through this precious area to connect with the totally illogical Snowy 2 is grossly destructive & for no environmental, ecological, social, economical benefit whatsoever.
*The Key Points - p.3.

There is nothing genuinely sustainable or renewable at all about Snowy 2.0 when it is such an energy wasting system - being established to enable large-scale solar/wind which is not renewable energy at all.
Solar/Wind/Batteries are all based on highly extractive, energy intensive, unethical industries, with solar manufacturing creating extensive toxic pollution & leaking the most potent greenhouse gases known to man - including SF6. With SF6 increasing exponentially - leaking from wind/solar switch gear, circuit breakers & wind turbines.
This fake green energy is contaminating our FOOD bowls & creating a massive toxic waste burden - with solar works creating 300 x more toxic waste per unit of energy than from nuclear power plants!
45% of the poly silicon used to make solar panels comes from Xinjiang slave labour camps & making them ourselves requires a highly energy intensive process Australia could not competitively achieve with our current inflated energy prices.

According to Sustainability Victoria 7th April 2021: -
"It is estimated that more than 100,000 tonnes of solar panels will enter Australia's waste stream by 2035. This has the potential to create a hazardous waste management issue as materials contained within solar panels can leach into soil & groundwater, causing environmental contamination & human health problems."
All solar panels are declared hazardous e-waste in Victoria, EU & several USA counties.

The Federal Government fails to comprehend/acknowledge the hazardous nature of solar panels - claiming much of the responsibility belongs to the States.
No plan to remove toxic solar panels - Malcolm Roberts 26th Oct 2021 Senate Estimates:-*

The NSW State Government has not based their energy transition plans on substantiated science/truthful facts:-
Net Zero Hysteria Based on False Claims - Facts Regarding CO2 Removed Through Natural Sequestration, Drought, Foliage Increase, Barrier Reef, Sea Levels, Bushfires


Project Details

Application Number
Main Project
Assessment Type
SSI Modifications
Development Type
Electricity generation - Other
Local Government Areas
Snowy Valleys
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Dominic Crinnion