Sydney Drinking Water Catchment Boundary
Map (non-EPI) of the Sydney Drinking Water Catchment as declared (within the meaning of the Water NSW Act 2014) by s 6.60 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Groundwater Vulnerability
This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the presence of vulnerable groundwater resources as designated by the relevant NSW... -
State Environmental Planning Policy No 1-Development Standards
The data represents Development Standards for State Environmental Planning Policy -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Salinity
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the presence of salinity, to ensure the effects of development are minimised and mitigated, as... -
Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability...
This State Environmental Planning Policy was repealed on 30 September 2023 and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sustainable Buildings) 2022. Click... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Obstacle Limitation Surface
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the Obstacle Limitations Surface for certain airports, as designated by the relevant NSW... -
Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Miscellaneous Consent...
This State Environmental Planning Policy was repealed on 31 January 2020. This historical record represents Miscellaneous Consent Provisions for SEPP 2007. The data and resource... -
State Environmental Planning Policy No 52-Farm Dams and Other Works in Land...
The data represents Farm Dams and Other Works in Land and Water Management Plan Areas for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008
The data represents Exempt and Complying Development Codes for SEPP 2008 . -
State Environmental Planning Policy No 65-Design Quality of Residential...
The data represents Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
State Environmental Planning Policy No 62-Sustainable Aquaculture
The data represents Sustainable Aquaculture for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
State Environmental Planning Policy No 30-Intensive Agriculture
The data represents Intensive Agriculture for State Environmental Planning Policy. -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Terrestrial Biodiversity
This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the presence of terrestrial biodiversity as designated by the relevant NSW environmental... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Wetlands
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the presence of wetlands, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument.... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Mineral and Extractive Resources
This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to presence of mineral and extractive resources, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental... -
State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Regional) 2021
This SEPP contains planning provisions for precincts within Regional NSW. This SEPP has consolidated and repealed the provisions from the: SEPP (State Significant Precincts)... -
State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021
This SEPP contains planning provisions for precincts within the Western Parkland City. This SEPP has consolidated and repealed the provisions from: SEPP (State Significant... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Flood
This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the risk of flood as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI).... -
State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Eastern Harbour City) 2021
This SEPP contains planning provisions for precincts within the Eastern Harbour City. This SEPP has consolidated and repealed the: SEPP (State Significant Precincts) 2005... -
State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Central River City) 2021
This SEPP contains planning provisions for precincts within the Central River City. This SEPP has consolidated and repealed the provisions from: SEPP (State Significant...