

Field Value


NSW Aridity Index - High resolution (30 meter)


The aridity index, also known as the Budyko radiative index of dryness, is a dimensionless parameter that represents the long-term balance between net radiation and precipitation. The method used to generate the high-resolution aridity index layer across New South Wales was developed by Nyman et al., 2014. To create the high-resolution (30 m) aridity index layer for New South Wales, the following parameters were used: 1 arc second monthly net radiation and shortwave radiation ratio, 30 years of historical data encompassing precipitation and surface temperature from the period 1992 to 2021, 30-meter Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model, and 30-meter Leaf Area Index layer which provides insights into the density and distribution of vegetation across the region. The aridity index layer is a high-resolution dataset that allows identification of finer-scale variations in local moisture balance related to aspect unlike existing aridity index layers. This dataset serves as a valuable tool for understanding and managing water resources, assessing environmental conditions, and informing decision-making in a wide range of applications related to water management, land use, and climate change adaptation. The Lineage section of the metadata provides more information about the method.

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Data quality statement for NSW Aridity Index - High resolution (30 meter)

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ArcGIS REST Services Directory - NSW Aridity Index - High resolution (30 meter)

Name: ArcGIS REST Services Directory - NSW Aridity Index - High resolution (30 meter)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


An ArcGIS Server web service represents a GIS resource such as a map, locator, or image that is located on an ArcGIS Server site and is made available to client applications. Depending on the layers enabled, this web service allows a user to query its features and/or visualise the dataset. This service is aimed at advanced geographical information users, and will require access to geographical information system (GIS) software such as ArcGIS/ArcMap.

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Fire management planning



Spatial representation type


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Spatial resolution

30 m

Classification of spatial data and services

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keyword value


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ANZLIC Search Words

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Contact info

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Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



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Quality and validity

Field Value


1 Introduction Aridity index or radiative index of dryness (AIB) is a non-dimensional measure of the long-term balance between rainfall and net radiation. Landscape aridity can be calculated from the annual sum of net radiation, Rn (MJ/m2/day) and precipitation, P through the following ratio Equation 1 AIB = Rn / λP
where P is the average daily rainfall (m/day) and λ is the latent heat of vaporisation (MJ/m3) which is a function of topographic adjusted surface temperature, TD (°K): Equation 2 λ = (3.146 – 0.002361TD) x 1000 And TD is a function of air temperature Ta (°C), the change of temperature with elevation Tlapse , The topographic downscaling factor STD, Z is the elevation of each 30 m cell, Zb is the average elevation of 5 km tile, and the leaf area index, LAI by the following equation: Equation 3 TD (°C) = Ta – ((Tlapse*(z-zb)) / 1000) + k (STD – 1/STD) x (1 – LAI / LAImax) Equation 4 TD (°K) = TD (°C) + 273
Where k = 1 and the standard lapse rate will typically decrease at a rate of roughly 9.8 degrees Celsius per thousand meter, Tlapse = 9.8.

2 Layers implemented in the model 2.1 Net Radiation (Rn) Mean monthly solar radiation was modelled across Australia using topography from the 1 arcsecond resolution SRTM-derived DEM-S and climatic and land surface data. The twelve SRAD modelled net radiation layers (MJ/m2/day) were used to calculate the net radiation layer. The 1 arcsecond tiled SRAD net radiation .tif files can be found here:

.tif files were opened in ArcGIS Pro, projected, extracted to the area of interest, and averaged over the twelve months.

2.2 Average daily rainfall (P) Annual daily rainfall NetCDF files for thirty years from 1992 to 2021 were downloaded from Australian climate data SILO website. The NetCDF files can be found in here: By using Python code in each individual year, the mean rainfall in each year was calculated, consecutively the mean rainfall over the 30 years were calculated. After exporting the final .tif file and opening it into ArcGIS Pro, projected and extracting the area of interest, the pixel values divided by 1000 to convert the rainfall unit from mm to m. Finally, the layer was resampled to 30 m to have the same pixel size as net radiation layer.

2.3 Surface temperature (Ta) The maximum and minimum surface temperature NetCDF files for thirty years from 1992 to 2021 were also downloaded from Australian climate data SILO website. The NetCDF files can be found in here:

In ArcGIS Pro, the average surface temperate for each year was calculated by the following equation: Equation 5 (Tmax + Tmin) / 2 The exported .tif file were projected and extracted to the area of interest and resampled to 30 m.

2.4 Digital elevation model (DEM) from SRTM The SRTM .tif files were downloaded from the SEED website: The raster file was projected and extracted to the area of interest and snapped to the surface temperature layer.

2.5 Lapse rate temperature (Tlapse) Lapse rate standard was mentioned in the introduction section.

2.6 Topographic downscaling factor (STD) Topographic downscaling factor was calculated based on the modelled mean monthly shortwave radiation ratio. Mean monthly shortwave radiation ratio was modelled across Australia using topography from the 1 arcsecond resolution SRTM-derived DEM-S and climatic and land surface data. The twelve SRAD modelled short wave ratio layers were used to calculate the mean short ware ratio layer. The 1 arcsecond mosaic SRAD short wave ratio .tif files can be found here:

Tif files were opened in ArcGIS Pro, projected and snapped to surface temperature (Ta), extracted to the area of interest, and averaged over the twelve months.

2.7 Leaf area index (LAI) Bands 4, 5 and 6 of the Landsat 8 scenes to cover the area of interest were downloaded and mosaiced. By the equation 6, leaf area index was calculated. Equation 6 Band 5 / (Band 4 + Band 6) The Landsat 8 scenes can be found here: The final mosaic raster file was projected and snapped to surface temperature (Ta) and extracted to the area of interest.

2.8 Maximum leaf area index (LAImax) The leaf area index layer with 30 m pixel size In ArcGIS Pro was aggregated with max aggregation technique to 5000 m. By applying this step, we will have the maximum LAI value in each 5 km which is required in Equation 3.

2.9 Topographic adjusted surface temperature (TD ) In Python by using equation 3, topographic adjusted surface temperature (TD) can be calculated.

2.10 Latent heat of vaporisation (λ) In Python by using Equation 2, latent heat of vaporisation (λ) can be calculated.

References: Nyman et al., 2014. Aust. Met. and Ocean. Journal 64 109–122.

Constraints related to access and use

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Constraint set

Use constraints

This data is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence Attribute 'NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water' in publications using this data.

Limitations on public access

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language