NARCliM1.0 climate projections
Ensuring a sustainable NSW through climate change and energy action, water management, environment and heritage conservation and protection. Read more
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NARCliM1.0 climate projections
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Data and Resources
Data quality statementPDF
Data quality statement for NARCliM1.0 data.
NARCliM1.0 climate variablesPDF
List of variables generated for NARCliM1.0, alongside of NARCliM1.5. For more...
NARCliM1.0 reanalysis climate variablesHTML
This link will redirect you to the NSW Climate Data Portal, where you can...
Technical Note 1 - Choosing GCMsURL
Method for choosing global climate models for NARCliM1.0
Technical Note 2 - Choosing the RCMs to...URL
Method for choosing regional climate models for NARCliM1.0
Technical Note 3 - Guidance on the use of bias...URL
Guidance on the use of bias corrected data developed for NARCliM1.0
Technical Note 4 - NARCliM1.0 Climatological AtlasURL
Climatological atlas for NARCliM1.0
NARCliM Terms and Condition of usePDF
Please read: covers the requirement of how to acknowledge and cite NARCliM in...
Additional Info
Metadata template type | Raster |
Asset Type | Dataset |
Parent | narclim-climate-projections |
Alternative Title | Regional climate projections |
Edition | NARCliM1.0 |
Purpose | Meeting strategic requirements for regional climate data |
Update Frequency | As needed |
OEH Service | Climate Change Impacts and Adaptions |
Field of Research (optional) | Climate Change Processes |
Vector representation |
Geospatial Topic | Climatology meteorology atmosphere |
NSW Place Name | South-eastern Australia |
Geospatial Coverage |
Dataset extent |
Temporal Coverage From | 1990-01-01 - 2079-12-31 |
Datum | WSG84 |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution |
Landing page | |
Legal Disclaimer | Read |
Attribution | NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2024" |
DOI | doi:10.25948/khzk-3g09 |
DOI Creator name | Joseph Miller |
DOI Resource Type | Climate modelling |
DOI Resource Type General Description | Dataset |