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State Significant Development


Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility

Wingecarribee Shire

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Plasrefine is seeking approval for the construction and operation of a plastics recycling facility with the capacity to accept and process up to 120,000 tonnes of plastic waste per annum. The facility would also manufacture plastic fibers and resins

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (2)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (2)

EIS (14)

Response to Submissions (29)

Agency Advice (38)

Amendments (14)

Additional Information (10)


Showing 101 - 120 of 685 submissions
Donna Shaw
NEW BERRIMA , New South Wales
I object to the Moss Vale Plastic Recycling Facility.
Peter Shaw
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
I object to the Moss Vale Plastic Recycling Facility
Robyn McKern
NORMANHURST , New South Wales
I want to express my concerns regarding the Plasrefine proposal in Moss Vale. I am strongly opposed to the project going ahead for a number of reasons.

My mother-in-law, who is 85 years old, has lived on her peaceful property for the past 28 years. Her home will overlook the project and will impacted both by the noise and vibration due to the constant truck traffic to and from the the factory. If the factory goes ahead it is likely she will need to relocate.

Surely there is a better location for the plant that won’t impact the community and environment. The impact on the surrounding local community will be big and detrimental due to noise, vibration and pollution and I think a more appropriate property should be selected.

Thank you for allowing me to have my say on the Plasrefine proposal.
Robyn McKern
Lachlan Stuart
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
Dear Sir/ Madam,
You must not support such a ridiculous, toxic, and unnecessary development. The toxic waste and air pollution so close to domestic residence and schools for children is unconscionable. How on earth could a project that would put local children in harms way ever get to this stage let alone approved. This would ruin our area. This would ruin our reputation as a healthy country shire and would create a large unmitigated health risk on our community.
Name Withheld
PENSHURST , New South Wales
I am a local business owner who relies on the tourist industry of the Southern Highlands to support my business. I also have an immediate family member living in the area that will be directly impacted by the proposed development to be located within the town of Moss Vale.

I know that my family will be impacted by the 24hr operation, 7 days per week for 44 weeks per year and 8 weeks for maintenance. It is something weighing on their mind and a particular sore point given they only purchased the property less than a year ago, for the peacefulness and greenery in the area.

For this same reason, it doesn't create a great picture for the thousands of tourists who come through Moss Vale to deal with that industrial traffic on suburban streets.
From a business perspective odour from plastic waste bales, storage, processing, wastewater facility are concerns that are very real and cannot be proven otherwise until it is too late and the facility is up and running. That is a combined risk not worth the welfare of the residents in the area, nor people passing through. The Highlands are known for beautiful greenery, homes and fresh air, Plasrefine does not suit that picture or lifestyle. It is too close and an unsuitable plot to conduct such work.

The visual intrusion of building bulk on neighbouring properties would be heartbreaking for anyone that showed any empathy. There is no suitable balance between landscaped areas and the industrial buildings involved.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough the ever growing concerns and anxiety over this construction and business.
Please, consider that this is not a suitable location. Many people will be unnecessarily affected. Please consider denying its position and allow it find one more suitable in a less invasive location. 
Ben Shaw
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
I object to the Moss Vale Plastics Recycling Facility.
Lynda Porter
Moss Vale , New South Wales
The proposed site of this facility is too close to the township of Moss Vale where multiple thousands of people live. If the facility could be positioned near the cement works - where there is already a commercial facility, and very few houses close by, then this would be a much better outcome for the majority.
Alicia Anderson
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
A few highlighted reasons to object to this project: The excessive traffic of trucks on already damaged and crowded roads, Beaconsfield Rd is not suitable for heavy vehicles as are any roads in the Moss Vale area. The factory is proposed to be located within 150-200m from homes, off Beaconsfield Road which is unacceptable for existing residents. With the supposed 24hr operation, 7 days per week for 44 weeks per year & 8 weeks for maintenance and only metres from Australian Bio Resources the excessive noise would affect residents and the environment alike. 38,638 square metres of building, a 6ha complex over 5 storeys in a small town will affect water and air quality, there will be toxic residue, and toxins in plastic dust residue will blow on the prevailing westerlies, they are proposing to use 46,300L of water every day to wash plastic, their water tanks hold 150,000L, they will get the rest from the small Wingecarribee catchment which leaves the residents and all the new homes being built short on water. And they are proposing to pump 16,300L of contaminated water a day into our already overloaded sewerage system! The proposal constitutes an overdevelopment of the site, particularly taking into account its excessive site coverage.
Name Withheld
BOWRAL , New South Wales
There needs to be a a new up to date assessment of the site. Our area has majorly increased in population since an assessment on suitability of the site was completed two years ago.
I also have concerns on the impact to people’s health living close to the site and the long term effects of the site for future generations.
We are a tourist destination in the southern highlands and I am concerned this will
impact our local businesses and those who choose to visit.
We need to reduce plastic use and take steps to educate the public but I am not convinced this type of facility should be placed so close to existing residential areas.
Alena Shaw
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
I object to the Moss Vale Plastic Recycling Facility.
Name Withheld
Sutton Forest , New South Wales

74-76 Beaconsfield Road Moss Vale NSW 2577

I object to the above mentioned development for the following reasons:

- Social impacts to the community of Moss Vale, these impacts are not considered in the brief socio economic assessment made by GHD.
- Traffic impacts from 80 – 100 heavy vehicle movements per day with no road infrastructure to support this many trucks.
- Burden to the community via rates used to upgrade roads leading to the site.
- No consideration of a quality Social Impact Assessment.
- Location impacting the Sydney Drinking Water Catchment, this effects 4 million people if it becomes irreversibly damaged.
- potential for escape of plastic pellets into the environment and into the significant waterbodies on site
- Relocating the eastern watercourse, and the impacts associated to the riparian areas and potential flooding / contamination impacts down stream
- Impact to the category 2 riparian zone from earthworks and construction of the facility.
- Bulk and Scale, the buildings are an over development of the site.
- Access or lack there of, Lytton / Beaconsfield roads should not be considered for construction use, limited pedestrian facilities, narrow, pavement is substandard.
- Who is plasrefine? NO information has been supplied as to who and what experience they have in running a facility of this size.
- Smell / noise / air quality, these issues have not been properly addressed in the EIS by GHD
- This Proposal has to be considered a Hazardous Development / Industry, with the heating, shredding plastics which have known chemical impacts for the human body and the environment.
- Community benefit is negligible, and Minister for Planning or the Independent Planning Commission should refuse the proposal based on the impacts, lack of detail in the EIS and concerns of the community.
Robyn Bull
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
This project has too many inconsistencies including:
. Number of truck movements each day
. Disposal of toxic wastes into our already over worked sewage system.
. How the rain run off will be dealt with in order to protect the residents in close proximity and Sydney Water catchment
. Employment that will be created for locals, if this is a robotic operation the skill set required for these positions will not be found in the streets of Moss Vale.
. Too many unknown effects on locals health from micro plastics in our air and water ways.
Noise and light pollution could become unbearable and then where to from there.
. There has been no mention of compensation for residents whose valuable properties become worthless.

The objections from those whose life will become negatively effected are these and many more. This development is not about helping the earth recover it is more about making more money for those involved in it’s creation. Robyn Bull
Name Withheld
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
I object to this project on the grounds of size of site coverage, lack of road access infrastructure for constant 20 tonne truck movements, lack of proper access, water usage and stormwater provisions, lack of firefighting resources in the area if this highly flammable factory catches fire, potential odours from burning plastic which would blow eastward into town.
Name Withheld
SUTTON FOREST , New South Wales
It is clear to me that the proposed development is contrary to the principles of good planning and to the protection of good health in the community. It should be located further away from residential areas.
Name Withheld
BURRADOO , New South Wales
This project is totally inappropriate for Moss Vale - it is near places where people LIVE, and the increased traffic is proposed on roads that already cannot cope with the existing traffic. This project should be located FAR AWAY from homes, and with infrastructure appropriate to the proposal
Bev Filmer
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
Working in the area of work health and safety for many years I know that the proposed Plasrefine plant has many safety concerns for residents and community users of Moss Vale and beyond. I fully support the idea of dealing with our plastic waste however not at the expense of human health and well being. The short sightedness of this proposal astounds me that something of this scale could even be considered at the proposed site. A non stop prodution plant, 24/7, generating increased heavy traffic, on already congested roadways,streets that potentially have school children and younger. The pollution, noise and air, would be enough, without also then considering the pollution from the plant itself. How could such a dangerous proposition be considered in such a high impact area where the effects of plastic polution will be detrimental to the immediate areas health, as well as the potential for damage to the water catchment for Sydney.
Has there been any study into the socio and economic impact of this plant on the local residents of Moss Vale? Therefore, not only are we talking about the physical health of residents but also their mental health through the impact on way of life, concern for families health, loss of income through diminished investment, decreased access to community or destruction of that sense of community.
I am deeply concerned that something like this could even get to this stage of consideration. Please show some leadership and genuine concern for the residents of Moss Vale, the Southern Highlands, and potentially Sydney as well.
Name Withheld
BURRADOO , New South Wales
Noise and traffic factors
Name Withheld
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
I object to the building of a plastics factory on the location. The proposed site is not the good choice for several reasons.
*The site is situated in a major residential area and between three major towns - Moss Vale, Berrima and Burradoo. The proposed facility is in the heart of the Moss vale township.
*The roads/infrastructure is not available, nor will it be possible to provide appropriate infrastructure necessary to maintain a facility of this size. The Company does not own the land needed to build a direct route to the facility. Also if it did, this road would run next to a research facility. The alternate route via Lackey and Beaconsfield Roads Cannot handle the traffic or the volume of traffic with this facility would generate on a 24/7 basis. This alternate route would take trucks through a quiet residential street causing safety and disruptions to residents. The entrance to Beaconsfield Road cannot currently handle the buses from the local bus company accessing it(small turning circle onto street). It would not be able to handle trucks. The safety of local children is of concern with a school, preschool and young people with a disability residing in the street and surrounding area. Also truck drivers I believe would try to take quicker alternate routes down Lytton Road which is also not designed for such a heavy traffic and has the above issues sited as well. THE TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT WAS DONE IN 2020 during COVID downtime. So traffic was not assessed properly. No assessment done of Lackey Road was done.
*Noise/vibrations, fire safety and light from the facility have not been adequately addressed by the Company and the scale and size of the facility in a residential these cannot be overcome.
*The excess waste being put into local landfill is concerning.
*The company has not addressed the extra Transport necessary for transporting its products after processing. Adding to the traffic , noise, light, disruptions and safety issues.
*There is a waterway running through the site which drains into the Wingecarribbee River which in turn drains into the Sydney water catchment. This could have potential disastrous ramifications if Plastics residue were to enter water cause. The company has had environmental infractions in the past. Which is concerning for so many reasons.
* The facility proposes to use large amounts of water which is only partially harvested from proposed water tanks and does not allow for drought or lack of rain. The local water infrastructure cannot maintain such a drain especially when the area already tops up the Goulburn and Sydney water when needed.
* Odour and emissions affecting quality of living of residents and air quality are of grave concern.

This facility should NOT BE BUILT ON THIS SITE. Is is poorly thought out as the above list states. This is a residential area with schools. preschools and residences too near proposed facility . This proposal poses a major risk to the town of Moss Vale and it's residents. It should not be build on this particular site.
WinZero Inc
MITTAGONG , New South Wales
While we strongly support the recycling and reusing of plastic waste in principle, our reasons for objecting to this project at this particular location are contained in the attached file.
Bev Hordern
MOSS VALE , New South Wales
The risk to the health and safety of the Southern Highlands Community, its air and water quality, road users both vehicular and pedestrian and the lack of rigour and accountability in this EIS along with the absence of critical detail which will not be provided until post consent make this facility completely unsuitable and unwelcome on its current site.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Other manufacturing
Local Government Areas
Wingecarribee Shire

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Emma Barnet