Environmental Planning Instrument - Heritage (HER)
This spatial dataset identifies areas subject to Heritage conservation as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental Planning... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Minimum Lot Size (LSZ)
This spatial dataset identifies the minimum lot size that is permitted on land as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Floor Space Ratio
This spatial dataset identifies the maximum floor space ratio that is permitted on land as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Application (LAP)
This spatial dataset identifies the boundaries of land to which a NSW Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan applies including areas which may be excluded or deferred as... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Drinking Water Catchment
This Spatial dataset shows land that has been identified as the Drinking Water Catchment. Development in the Drinking water catchment land must adhere to local provisions clause... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Reclassification
This spatial dataset identifies public land classified or reclassified as either 'operational land' or 'community land' as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Reservation (LRA)
This spatial dataset identifies land that is reserved for acquisition by an authority of the State or land to which the owner-initiated acquisition provisions in Division 3 of... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Urban Release Area
This spatial dataset identifies the land allocated to Urban Release Areas as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The specific EPI which...