Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP)
The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (the CPCP) facilitates growth in Western Sydney to 2056 and beyond, and delivers important development and biodiversity outcomes. The CPCP... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Zoning
This spatial dataset identifies land use zones and the type of land uses that are permitted (with or without consent) or prohibited in each zone on any given land as designated... -
Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map
This dataset contains map data relevant to the Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map, as referenced in Chapter 4 of State Environmental Planning Policy... -
Urban Development Program
This contains the latest data displayed on the Urban Development Program dashboards as they are updated. Please go to the specific resource to download the appropriate data. The... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Heritage (HER)
This spatial dataset identifies areas subject to Heritage conservation as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental Planning... -
Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2022
The Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2022 provides both an area and percentage of canopy for city blocks and infrastructure corridors in the Greater... -
Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2019
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2020. This dataset contains... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Minimum Lot Size (LSZ)
This spatial dataset identifies the minimum lot size that is permitted on land as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Local Provisions
This spatial dataset identifies land where a variety of planning requirements apply as found in Part 5 'Miscellaneous provisions', or Part 6 'Additional Local Provisions', of... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Environmental Conservation Area
The layer aims to provide a focus for Environmental Conservation activity and protected areas expansions. -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Floor Space Ratio
This spatial dataset identifies the maximum floor space ratio that is permitted on land as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the... -
Planning Regional Growth Boundary
The spatial data identifies regional boundaries for regional planning being developed to meet future population’s needs for housing, jobs, infrastructure and a healthy... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Application (LAP)
This spatial dataset identifies the boundaries of land to which a NSW Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan applies including areas which may be excluded or deferred as... -
Repealed - State Environmental Planning Policy no. 14 - Coastal Wetlands
This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018. Please use this data... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Additional Permitted Uses
This spatial dataset identifies lands with additional permitted uses designated beyond those already allowed under a given land use zone as designated by the relevant NSW... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Active Street Frontages
This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the land being defined as Active Street Frontages (intended to attract the pedestrian... -
Environmental Planning Instrument - Dwelling Density
This spatial dataset identifies the maximum density of dwellings on certain land. Development for the purposes of residential accommodation on land is subject to an "Additional... -
Planning District Boundaries
Identifies the district boundaries declared in the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Greater Sydney Region Districts) Order 2017. For the purposes of Part 3B of the... -
Local Development Performance Monitoring 2009-10
The LDPM data provides an outline of the performance of the NSW planning system and information on local and regional development determined by councils, private certifiers and... -
Local Development Performance Monitoring 2006-07
The data in this publication provides an overview of development trends in NSW for 2006-07, aspects of the performance of the 152 councils in NSW in assessing local development,...