For single dwelling developments the site details page requires you to enter:
- site area
- roof area
- number of storeys
- conditioned floor area of the development (single dwellings only)
- unconditioned floor area of your development
- garage area
- mezzanine area
- whether a swimming pool and or outdoor spa will be installed. Do not include any indoor spas, including spa baths.
If your dwelling is a secondary dwelling, you will also be required to enter:
- roof area of the existing dwelling
- number of bedrooms in the existing dwelling
For multi dwelling developments the site details page requires you to enter:
- site area
- total roof area (for all buildings)
- non-residential floor area
- number of residential car spaces
- number of non-residential car spaces.
For multi dwellings developments you are also asked to specify details of common areas (such as communal car park) in the common areas page. BASIX only requires you to enter details for communal car park areas(s) which are underground or covered:
- undercover communal carports
- underground communal carparks
Do not include:
- private garage/carports
- above ground, open air carparks
For clarification of terminology please consult the BASIX definitions
Last updated: 02/10/2023