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To help certifiers to use the NSW Planning Portal we have compiled a comprehensive collection of resources. 

Before you begin

We have prepared quick reference guides to help first-time users and those wishing to gain access to the NSW Planning Portal.

If you have yet to register for an account, or are having problems with registering, then this quick reference guide will help you through the process.

QRG: How to register for a NSW Planning Portal account 

Frequently asked questions about using the NSW Planning Portal are answered on our FAQ page.

Our Certifier Services

Certifier Quick Reference Guides

We have an extensive collection of quick reference guides (QRGs) for certifiers, which are currently available on the NSW Planning Portal via our Knowledge Management system. To access these, simply login to the Portal and then select the Knowledge Management tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

QRG: How to use knowledge management

Spatial Viewer

The NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer is an enhanced digital mapping service that provides easy-to-use, information-rich maps for every address and lot in NSW.

QRG: How to navigate the Spatial Viewer

Contact us

If you would like to contact the department, please use this online form

Last updated: 13/03/2024