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Register your interest to access the 2022 Greater Sydney canopy dataset.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure publicly released the 2022 Greater Sydney canopy dataset in October 2023. The publicly accessible dataset is summarised to modified mesh block and available through the NSW Government SEED portal.

The granular version of the 2022 Greater Sydney canopy dataset can be accessed by: 

  • Greater Sydney councils through the Green Infrastructure User Interface, which allows users to view and analyse the new data 
  • NSW Government employees
  • Members of the public (subject to department assessment and approval).


Councils can sign up for a free login (access to end April 2025) to the Green Infrastructure User Interface (hosted by ArborCarbon) to view, analyse and download the new 2022 canopy data.

If you are interested in downloading the data, but do not want to retain a login for regular use of the Green Infrastructure User Interface, you will receive a temporary login.

To register your interest for a login, please fill the required information below:

5. Please choose from the following.

6. The department is providing councils with access to the granular 2022 canopy dataset, and therefore requires all users who will be accessing the data (or one representative from council – recommended Director-level representative) to sign a Data Deed Poll.

7. Please indicate whether the Data Deed Poll will be signed by an individual user or by a representative on behalf of council.
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Section 2

NSW Government employees can access the granular version of the 2022 Greater Sydney canopy dataset. Please fill the required information below and the department will work with you to organise access via the most appropriate pathway.

5. The department is providing access to the granular 2022 canopy dataset, and therefore requires all users who will be accessing the data (or one representative from your agency – recommended Director-level representative) to sign a Data Deed Poll. (Note this does not apply to Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure staff).

If you are a NSW Government employee outside the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure...

One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx.

Section 3

5. Are you currently working on a green infrastructure project with the department?
6. Have you previously worked on green infrastructure projects with the department?
Provide explanation below (include project name, timeframes and outcomes)
8. Are you willing to share findings and outcomes of your use of the granular dataset with the department?
9. Can you use the publicly available version of the dataset available on the SEED portal?

 11. If your application is approved, you will be required to sign a Data Deed Poll to access the 2022 canopy dataset. Please review the Data Deed Poll here and confirm if you will be able to comply with the agreement.
