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State Significant Development


Barangaroo Residential Building R5

City of Sydney

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The application seeks approval for the construction, fit out and use of residential Building R5, with a height of 30 storeys (RL 107) and Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 19,158 m2.

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Consent


Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

Development Application (1)

EIS (57)

Submissions (3)

Response to Submissions (68)

Agency Advice (19)

Amendments (1)

Additional Information (4)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (4)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (7)

Reports (2)

Other Documents (10)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no enforcements for this project.


There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 8 of 8 submissions
Withheld Withheld
millers point , New South Wales
1. the buildings will block the views of my property on level 20 of 183 kent st. I purchased the unit on the basis that the planned development at that time was less than 2 floors in front of my building, and now my place will be substantially diminished in value.

2. I object to the fact that the developers don't give Australians a fair chance to purchase the property on our own shores - they sell all the good property offshore and we are left with the rubbish. the government needs to crack down on this.
Enmore , New South Wales

I would like to provide this personal submission in support of this development in its current form. The structures look absolutely incredible and are of a quality and size not commonly seen in Sydney.

The Sydney skyline has for quite sometime appeared quite dated and uninspiring. It is structures like these that will change our skyline for the better.

Kind regards

Sydney , New South Wales
Document attached.
Withheld Withheld
N/A , New South Wales
I don't where to start.

Talk about a lost opportunity. A great city would have had this whole
site, a magnificent park. Horrible ghetto, too high, particularly
unattractive and unimaginative architecture, way too dense.

Just revolting. This government will go down in history as devoid of
taste, style and good planning. Thank god for Clover - so that some of
our city is left to be beautiful.
Millers Point , New South Wales
Hi. I note that the ARUP traffic estimates (11/07/2018) for the proposed
R5 building are 21 and 14 (am and pm peaks) for 151 dwellings and
increased to 29 and 19 for the amended 210 dwellings. These traffic
estimates would be grossly incorrect fantasies compared to
reality-based traffic numbers experienced from any of the existing
high rise residential buildings in the area. An independent traffic
report is needed to ensure that traffic is correctly estimated and
catered for. Thanks Philip
Sydney , New South Wales
Please. refer to attachment.
Withheld Withheld
Sydney , New South Wales
We object to this project. Please see PDF attached.
Withheld Withheld
Sydney , New South Wales
We understand that submissions will soon be under review.

We wish to bring to your attention and hopefully further instil with
the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) the need for robust
conditions when consenting to the application, in particular relating
to the operation of mechanical equipment overnight. As mentioned in
our submission, we have suffered far too many instances of sleep
deprivation because of overnight noise disturbance (low frequency
noise) from the Barangaroo South site. The noise issue relating to the
operation of the de-watering of the site last year clearly
demonstrates that unless mechanical equipment, which is to operate
overnight are themselves attenuated and attenuated within the areas
they are placed then ours and the community's night time amenity will
be adversely affected.

We recently experienced another night of deprived sleep from what we
believe was a re-emergence of the noise relating to the de-watering
functions on the site. The matter was reported but as is always the
case there has been no timely response. While it appears this may be
an intermittent problem the fact remains that our night time amenity
continues to be threatened by the overnight use of mechanical

As the One Sydney Harbour site evolves, unless the DPE imposes robust
conditions covering the need for attenuation of mechanical equipment
(self powered lights, pumps, generators, fans and etc), and
attenuation within the areas placed when operating overnight, then
ours and the community's night time amenity will remain threatened.

We hope our submission and this additional information gives
justification to the Department to ensure consents provide the robust
conditions to ensure the surrounding neighbours night time amenity is

Unless the Department of Planning and Environment acts to protect
communities night time amenity.. then who will?


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Residential & Commercial
Local Government Areas
City of Sydney
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

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Karl Fetterplace