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State Significant Development


Birriwa Solar Farm

Mid-Western Regional

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The development of a 600 MW solar farm, energy storage facility and associated infrastructure.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (2)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (18)

Response to Submissions (17)

Agency Advice (37)

Amendments (14)

Additional Information (10)


Showing 101 - 120 of 139 submissions
Name Withheld
LAKE ALBERT , New South Wales
I strenuously Object again to this Environmentally Destructive, Energy Poverty - Weather Dependent, Pathetic Part-Time 25% Capacity Factor, Unethical Birriwa Solar Electricity Generating Works Amended Application Plan SSD-29508870 on irreplaceable Agricultural Land at Dunedoo - designed solely to rip-off Australian taxpayers forever to feed the Fake Green RenewaBULL Solar/Wind Grift & Ponzi Scheme/Scam - in exchange for a monumental pile of INDUSTRIALISED, TOXIC CONTAMINATING ELECTRONIC JUNK THAT WILL NEVER EVER PROVIDE RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE POWER!

There is NO SOCIAL LICENCE for any of the CW REZ that dodgy Policy Makers & the stitched up, Conflict of Interest Planning, Assessment & Approving Bodies are forcing on Rural Communities & Landowners AGAINST OUR WILL - WITHOUT OUR CONSENT!

A total influx of 1700 workers in the vicinity of Gulgong is a TOTALLY UNMANAGEABLE PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY RISK, a MASSIVE BIOSECURITY RISK, a HUGE, TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE BURDEN regarding Water, Sewerage, Trespass, Theft, unplanned for/NOT even Researched FIRE🔥RISK….. the list goes on & on!!
It all adds up to RISKY MORAL HAZARD!


Solar/Wind Electricity Generating Works, BESS & Multiplication of Transmission Line Infrastructure Plans & Irresponsible Approvals Have Neglected to Accurately Address All of the Following:-
**Food Security + Australian Energy Security = National Security
**Australian Independent Energy = Coal, Gas & a clean, safe, Nuclear SMR Power future.
**Which companies involved & all of their Solar/Wind/BESS connections are subject to the CCP’s National Intelligence Law?
**Public Health & Safety Risks - Electric Force & Electromagnetic Radiation, Soil/Food/Water Contamination, Energy Deprivation.
**Proper Research Needed - No Scientific Rigour.
** Engineering Facts Have Been Ignored.
**Connecting Subsidised, Mandated Weather Dependent - Intermittent Solar/Wind to the Grid is the Worst Policy Failure in History.
**Fake Green - Not Clean & Green or Sustainable at all - as the Full Lifecycle of Solar/Wind/BESS has to be accounted for.
At least 1,000% more Mining + intensive energy & toxic pollution during processing.
**Power Sources Needed in major City areas instead - avoiding long distance transmission loss, ruination of rural Australia & harming Agricultural productivity.
**Unconscionable scale of Industrialised Solar/Wind land mass required.
Michael Shellenberger says it's approx 300-800 times more land required for Solar/Wind than for far superior conventional power generation.
**Massive Toxic Waste Burden being intentionally created for future generations that will NEVER be economically viable to recycle - if ever even possible.
**Energy Security risks from inferior, unreliable, weather dependent, Dunkelflaute based Solar/Wind which will NEVER be base-load power available on demand.
**Economic Suicide - Skyrocketing Energy Prices = Cost of Living Crisis. The more Mandated, Subsidised Solar & Wind in the system = the Higher the Prices.
**National Security Risks - we need to rely on our own AUSTRALIAN Energy Sources rather than our Most Hostlie Enemy - the CCP.
**Fake Green Wokeness = Weakness
**Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chain Reliance - Solar’s cruelly tortured Xinjiang Uyghurs & Cobalt for Wind Turbines + Batteries reliant on shocking treatment of the Congolese - with Child Labour - children as young as 6 years old forced to mine toxic cobalt in the Congo with their bare hands!
**No Social Licence - Failed Consultation process by GOVERNMENTS, AEMO, NETWORKS & DEVELOPERS.
**Immediate Moratorium & Federal Independent Inquiry is Essential.

INFRASTRUCTURE IN NSW/AUSTRALIA - including but not limited to:-
**Public Health & Safety Risks - Personal Discomfort & Health Impacts from Electrical Force/ EMR & Deprivation.
**Contamination of Life Sustaining Food Resource Land, Food Supplies & Water Sources.
**Unplanned for, Not Even Researched & Not Appropriately Assessed, Toxic Carcinogenic & Teratogenic Fire/Smoke Hazard Risks.
**Energy Deprivation - Lack of Reliable, Affordable Electricity - Resulting from Inferior, Unreliable Solar/Wind Generation causing Austerity, Suffering, ill Health & Loss of Basic Services.
**Consequential Skyrocketing Electricity Prices - Causing Unnecessary Cruelty & Hardship, Cost of Living Crisis & Potential Death from Hyperthermia.
**Unjust Mistreatment of Landholders & Rural Communities Forced to Endure Such Detrimental Plans - Causing Extreme Distress, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Family/Social Fracturing & Loss.
**Deprivation of Rural Outlook & Quality of Life - With Unhealthy, Distressing Noise, Infrasound & Visual Pollution.
**Emotional Distress, Anxiety & Fear Caused by Government Inflicted Skyrocketing Energy/Cost of Living Crisis.
**Damaging Consequences of Increased SF6 emissions.
**Increased Economic Hardship due to Failure of Councils to do their Due Diligence, to Address Compliance, to be Transparent & to be Honest, to Address the Facts & Community Concerns, ie. Additional Council charges for Flawed Assessments & Wrong Approvals - Leading to Unplanned for Clean up & Remediation Costs for Abandoned, Derelict, Contaminating Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Detrimental Cost Implications for Ratepayers from the Council's & any NSW/Federal Government Body’s Persistence in Ignoring Their Duties Regarding the Unethical Hosting, Procurement & Power Purchase Agreements With Energy Generation Reliant on Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chains.
**Loss of Productivity & Income Due to Contamination, Increased Fire Risk & Heat Island Impacts from Solar/Wind EG Works & BESS.
**Any Cyber Security Breaches or National Security Threats & Harm Caused.
**Any Costs Incurred for Ratepayers & Taxpayers by Dealing With the Obvious, Economic Suicide - the Financial Consequences for the Future of Making Seriously Retrograde Decisions by Hosting & Approving Such Harmful, Industrialised Solar/Wind Electricity Generating Works, BESS & Associated Unnecessary
Transmission Infrastructure - none of which is FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
Nick White
MUDGEE , New South Wales
I object to this project due to the fact that the powerlines should be run underground. I feel this because not only are they known to cause many health issues such as leukemia with high exposure rate. The project is also based on some of the most fertile agriculture country in the district it is going to disturb and disrupt farmers trying to making a living in some of the most unprecedented times they have faced if they lines go underground I feel it will impact them less . If the powerlines are run above ground they will also cause a high bush fire risk not only are they know to cause fires they will limit the good work of the fire fighters trying to put the fire out, they need to go underground.
Name Withheld
MUDGEE , New South Wales
Simply the powerlines proposed are dangerous to health, aesthetically not great and as a result will devalue land.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
There was 100 % objection to the Birriwa Solar project by Acen. This should be respected by the department and not approve the project.

Regarding the workers camp, there is no clear solution for dealing with sewerage or waste. Mayer Doolan stated at a community meeting in Coolah on 17/10/23 that Warrumbungle Shire cannot cope with any extra waste. Mudgee and Gulgong have also stated that they will not take any extra waste, so at this stage the camp is unviable.

The water usage of 125000 litres/day is substantial, and given the dry period we are now in, this will likely be difficult to sustain and contribute to pressure on local water. The cumulative water use of renewable developments in the area is unprecedented and potentially beyond availability. This places local water and livestock producers in potentially catastrophic risk to their business and home water supply.

The footprint of the Birriwa project is increased due to the workers camp, taking the total to 1197 ha. This all contributes to a reduction in agricultural land, and therefore increases the risks to food security for all Australians.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
100 % of public submissions objected to this project by ACEN, no mention of that in the amendment or the response to submissions.

Why expand a project that has no social licence and is not in the public interest?

A workers camp for up to 1000 people is unacceptable. There are no emergency services at this location, the cumulative impact of this project and all the other projects in the area will have a serious and irreversible impact on the environment and on the agricultural production in this area.

Who is accountable for the environmental damage that will result from this ACEN project?
Camilla Armstrong
BIRRIWA , New South Wales
I strongly object to the proposed amendments to ACEN's solar project at Birriwa.
The suggestion to include a workers' camp within the proposed project is not appropriate. The solar project is already large enough, and being a direct neighbour to the project, I do not feel that it is appropriate to place a camp of up to 500 workers within such close proximity to so many dwellings. The thought of this camp, as well as the proposed CWO REZ camp for the Merotherie Hub (within 3.5km of each other) makes me feel very unsafe and scared within my own home. I am often at home alone with my baby during the day and night, I also work from home, and the increased amount of traffic and people within our community is just not desirable. Not to mention the increased amount of agricultural land the project will use to accommodate the workers onsite, let alone the 6 truckloads of water required for the camp per day - how is that environmentally friendly?? I am also very concerned about the extra pressure this workers' camp will place on our already inadequate local healthcare options; Dunedoo, Gulgong, Mudgee simply do not have the capacity to provide medical care to their own permanent populations currently, let alone another 500 persons.
The changes mentioned within the amendment increase the developmental footprint by a further 38 hectares; as per my submission to the initial proposal, this is simply just too large for our community to have to accommodate. The cumulative impacts of this solar project, as well as other solar and wind projects, and EnergyCo's transmission lines and energy hubs is just devastating for our community.
It is not acceptable for ACEN to expect us to fairly analyse their proposed project when many details are not included, and won't be determined until the detailed design of the project.
I am strongly against the Birriwa Solar Project and any amendments made by ACEN to the initial EIS.
Louise Cahill
EAST LINDFIELD , New South Wales
I am questioning the access to the project.
Sarah Armstrong
Dunedoo , New South Wales
Please find my submission of objection attached.
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
This project is not in the public interest.

This project has no social licence.

The RTS report gives no information as to the percentage of public submissions that objected to the project. Is this because 100% of public submissions objected and 0% support? This should be spelt out in the RTS. Every other project spells this out.

ACEN admit there is unlikely to be any benefit to the local community for this project, so why not build it closer to the communities who will benefit? Save the $ on building a workers camp by building it closer to the workers. Build this where you can provide access for workers to emergency services and away from a bush fire area.

Will all workers be expected to sign a waiver upon entry to the camp? There will be no Dr, no ambulance, no emergency rescue.

This is an environmental disaster for the native threatened, vulnerable and protected birds. No results have been published on the avian studies completed and not all biodiversity studies have been even undertaken. Is that because this project is devastating for local fauna and flora?

No benefit to anyone except to ACEN themselves.
Name Withheld
GULGONG , New South Wales
Although hundreds of pages long the Birriwa amendment report does not seem to include the full impact that a condensed new "town" of 500 workers represents an increase in a combined residential population of Leadville (140), Dunedoo (1097) and Gulgong (2680) of 12.8%; if 1000 then 25.6% and; if the proposed Merotherie labour camp of 1200 workers is included then just those two camps represent a 56.2% increase in local population. No communities can cope with such massive increases in population. Mitigations cannot overcome the scale of such population increases in such short time-frames.

Then there is already the possibility that several other proposed projects will have an overlap, as per the MWRC MUDGEE AND GULGONG URBAN RELEASE STRATEGY 2023 UPDATE, of over 7000 imported workers concentrated around and between Gulgong and Dunedoo. A 179% increase in total population of these towns.
While some aspects of the proposed Birriwa labour camp addresses some social impacts I don't believe they address the highly likely impacts of 500 or more workers in a remote area, such as:
1. Medical diagnosis/treatment/scripts: currently 2 - 3 week's wait to get a doctor's appointment or a dental appointment in Mudgee as Gulgong lacks reliable services

2. Hospital diagnosis/ICU treatment: No hospital in Gulgong, limited facilities at Mudgee hospital so that urgent cases have to go to Dubbo Hospital (130kms away)or Sydney Hospitals (300kms away); ambulance and patient care transport and care-flights are already not available on occasions requiring family members or friends to transport the patient

3. Pharmaceuticals/Vaccinations: The only chemist in Gulgong already has trouble getting enough medicines to fill some prescriptions or obtain sufficient vaccines (e.g. flu).

4. Extremes of weather: Winter minimum temperatures in the area are frequently between -5 Celsius and zero degrees resulting in fractured taps and pipes; plumbers are very hard to get; some summer temperatures can reach 43C or above during which time our Gulgong swimming pool is already at capacity; air-conditioners struggle to operate effectively at either extreme; there are adverse implications for health.

5. Mobile phone reliability: Quality of Telstra mobile phone voice and data services are very poor for Gulgong. Optus may be better but always slower at various times of the day; No service a few kms out of town.

6. Internet service availability: Particularly slow late afternoon/early evenings; periods of unavailability.

7. Electricity unreliable; brownouts are frequent especially late afternoon/early evening; blackouts more frequent in summer.

8. Police resources: As published today in the Daily Telegraph, "Bush in grips of a crime surge" the regional rates of crimes are much higher than Sydney since 2018. In 2018/19 in the MWRC LGA theft and assaults peaked. A Gulgong business confirmed that thefts from their store had increased. Coincidentally perhaps, there was an influx of about 200 workers to work on the nearby solar works in 2018/19.

9. Fire-fighting resources: Two "Emergency Warning" fires within 15kms of Gulgong this month already. One of which is still being controlled. Strong daytime winds of above 45km/h caused embers to keep starting multiple fires ahead of the main front, similar to the disastrous February 2017 Leadville-Dunedoo fire. RFS volunteer number are falling across the state; droughts are returning; and more wind, solar and BESS works are concentrated in fire prone areas, whether classified as such or not, hampering fire fighters. Firefighting resources will be unable to cope with next big fire.

It is very unclear in the proposal from where the workforce of 500 people will come from. As assembly of panels are a very low skilled job it has largely been done by young backpackers in the past. Will the workers be sourced from overseas? There are implications of will these people "fit in" with a country culture and environment? Will they stay through all the construction periods? Will our regional country culture be impacted?

Gulgong Resident
Henry Armstrong
Birriwa , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,
I would like to make an objection to the following project:
Birriwa Solar Farm Amendment SSD-29508870.
As a farmer in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project these are my reasons for objection:
1. I have concerns for the safety of my family and others families living in the area of the proposed Birriwa solar farm. This stems from the potential for 1000 predominately non local workers living in an isolated location without the the presence of police and also the potential to overwhelm the current police and health services that we have available to us.
2. The isolated nature of the proposed location. I Believe projects of this nature should be constructed adjacent to a major highway, not hidden away.
3. The huge increase of traffic movements within the local area. The extra traffic in the area will have negative impacts to the way we run our business. It will affect stock movements, the safe and timely arrival or departure of commodities, contractors and merchandise and the potential for negative health outcomes due to the extra dust and other associated pollutants in the local environment.

Henry Armstrong.
Name Withheld
MOLLYAN , New South Wales
Please find below my objection to the Birriwa Solar Farm:

My family and I live within this region and it is appalling that we have been rezoned from that of rural/agricultural zone to that of an industrial Renewable Energy Zone. These developments seem to be spreading throughout rural NSW like malignant cancers. This rezoning was all done with no community consultation.

It is absolutely appalling that our government is allowing and encouraging the permanent destruction of agricultural land to happen so unreliable renewable energy can be installed instead. With the current threats of international war, one would assume that our government would have a priority in securing our nation’s food sources, however it appears not the case. There are a number of other locations renewable energy infrastructure can be constructed, but for some reason, rural NSW has to take one for the team and our landscape and way of life will be that of collateral damage.

Many families/landowners within this reason have been here for generations. How will the destruction of their land impact their mental health? This will also impact the broader community as the land they have come to enjoy will be forever changed. The developers and NSW government do not seem to care about this though. I fear that the developments will push a lot of the local residents out of the community and as a result, there will be significant sufferings in the following areas: local economy, local businesses, local schools, local preschools, local sporting clubs, and local employment.

There is enough evidence to show that solar farms, and their infrastructure, are a serious fire threat to the local community. What measures do the developers have in place assure no lives will be lost in the event of a fire here?

The location of the workers’ camp neighbours residences that are not associated with the project. What impacts will this have on those neighbouring residences? Currently the Birriwa project camp is for 500 workers, but there is an option to increase to 1000 workers for future ACEN projects. Add to this, the 1200 worker camp located at Merotherie (3.5km away), the local community is faced with major cumulative impacts as a result.

Regarding the 500 staff worker camp, will there be sufficient disposal means for both sewage and general waste? How will this be managed – will it be trucked out daily? What will the environmental impact be as a result of this? At present, it is estimated that the workers camp will use 125,000L of water a day. Where will this water come from? If the camp cannot use council water, it is understood that 6 heavy trucks will be transporting water in daily. If the camp is allowed to use council water, how will this impact supply for local rate-paying residents? What then happens if and when the worker camp increases to 1000 residents? How will water and waste disposal be managed? Cumulative impacts will be even more significant on neighbouring properties and the greater local community.

I do not believe that enough research has been done to allow this project to go ahead. If this does go ahead, the destruction on local communities and the environment will be greater than any benefits the project claims brings the community/NSW/environment.

Again, please note my comments as an OBJECTION to the Birriwa Sola Farm. I do NOT agree that this project should go ahead.
Uarbry Tongy Lane Alliance Inc
Coolah , New South Wales
This is catastrophic for agriculture, the environment, native flora and fauna and the people that live any where near this proposed development.

Is the bushfire prevention strategy to simply clear vast amounts of land around the development? Surely ACEN are aware that the only fire brigade is the dwindling number of volunteers in the RFS. What plans are there should a fire break out from within the asset protection zone? Seems the preceding fires in these developments is simple to let them burn out, nobody appears to worry about the toxic smoke.

Are the workers who are to be housed in this camp aware of the lack of emergency services?

What is the energy source for the camp - during construction and operation? Will any electric vehicles be used? What will happen to the waste (both liquid and solid) produced by the camp? Is a water licence required? What is the cost of that water licence? Does anyone check to ensure ACEN are not using more water than they are licenced for? If water is in short supply does the water licence get restricted?

When will the Superb Parrot be surveyed? Where are the results for the survey on all other native birds in the area.

Is the wider community aware that this Birriwa solar will spend much of it's life not producing any power? On cloudy days and at night - no power. On sunny days likely too much power for the designated output quota at Wollar and the operator will be instructed to turn off clusters within this solar project. All this environmental destruction and waste for little result. The only positive result will be to the ACEN balance sheet.

This project is not in the public interest. This project has no social licence.
Annette Piper
COOLAH , New South Wales
I object to the proposed amendment to the Birriwa Solar plant SSD-29508870

There are already a number of workers camps proposed for the CWO REZ – namely a 550 person camp at either Coolah or Cassilis, a 600 person camp near Turill and a 1200 person camp near Merotherie. These will form satellite towns that will eclipse the existing local towns and villages in size and population and will negatively impact the rural amenity that the district currently enjoys. Whilst one project or proposal in isolation sounds acceptable on the surface, when you consider the cumulative impacts of multiple accommodation camps, the result to those living in the district will be enormous and will potentially change the landscape for many years.

Also concerning is how long the camp will operate. Other accommodation camps by proponents in the district have stated that they will be in operation for the duration of the construction phase of their project. ACEN however, wish to retain the camp for any other project in the district which will have a longer term negative effect on neighbours, continuing traffic, and the district in general.

I reserve the right to add to my objection at a later date.
CWO REZist Inc.
COOLAH , New South Wales
We object to the Birriwa Solar plant amendment. See attachment.
Emma Bowman
DUNEDOO , New South Wales
Please see attached objection.
Name Withheld
Còolah , New South Wales
I very strongly object to this project.

Putting to us a proposal to increase the area of the solar farm and build a massive workers camp is appalling. ACEN have not given any information on impact to native wildlife, particularly the superb parrot and the many species of owls that live in the area.

The nearby unassociated residents are having their homes wrecked, they did not elect to live next door to a 24/7 workers camp. Those unlucky to be associated with the Energy Co transmission line will no doubt be sold to us as hosts...hostages would be a better label as none put up their hands willingly to host substation and towers. The choice, by the NSW Government, was between accept our offer or be compulsorily acquired.

The Birriwa project in its entirety will be an environmental disaster. This is nothing short of vandalism and most definitely nothing positive will come out of this except financial profit for the foreign owned ACEN.
Name Withheld
Spicers Creek , New South Wales
The project will destroy the natural landscape and create a dustbowl. Creating very difficult living conditions for nearby residents.
Kathryn Reynolds
Coolah , New South Wales
I strongly object to the project.

A workers camp for 500 to 1000 workers within 3.5 km of the proposed Energy Co camp of 1200 workers is a major cumulative impact on the area. The non associated residents who live in this peaceful rural environment will have their right to enjoy their own home violated by the close proximity of potentially 2200 workers living in a 24 hour camp. Electricity requirements for the camp? As it is running 24/7 it won't be running on solar. Where will the fuel come from for the diesel generators that will likely be required? Will the shuttle buses be electric vehicles?

ACEN have not considered the cumulative impacts on water, biodiversity and loss of agricultural land. No consideration is given to the removal of sewage and rubbish from the facility. Where will the workers be housed during construction and demolition? There is no consideration to emergency services. The increased fire risk of building a BESS and electrical infrastructure in a bush fire zone is enough to ensure no volunteer rural fire service would be equipped with enough people or equipment to assist during a bush fire event. Increasing asset protection zones increases biodiversity losses.
Juleen Young
Purlewaugh , New South Wales
The 500 workers camp for the ACEN project is going to put enormous pressure on the wider community. The road network of the area is not suitable for all the added heavy vehicles.
If the camp is to be extended to 1000 and then add 1200 for the Energy Co's workers camp there is a total of 2200 extra people in the area. Dunedoo is 7-800.
You are virtually adding at least another 2 towns to the area and there will be added workforce with the added wind and solar projects proposed
If the workers are going to be arriving in their own vehicles you are looking at car parking for 2200 vehicles or are they going to be bussed in.
With the added population they will need medical facilities built and staffed along with police emergency services ambulance ER/doctor services for seriously injured workers Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue. The area is prone to fire.
Where is the water and power going to be supplied from? They are talking of at least 6 trucks of water a day just for the 500 workers camp. There is no mention of how the sewerage is going to be handled or the waste
The safety of the residents has to be addressed especially the women and children.
Have any of the desktop studies been ground truthed
These projects have the potential of removing millions of hectares of land from food production.
Biodiversity and Biosecurity issues are not mentioned
The accumulative effect of this whole REZ on the area has not been mentioned.
They might have power or not on the coast but what about food.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Solar
Local Government Areas
Mid-Western Regional

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Nestor Tsambos