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State Significant Development


Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project

Central Coast

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Consolidate Chain Valley Colliery and Mannering Colliery consents. Align approved extraction and production rates at both collieries.

Attachments & Resources

Early Consultation (1)

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (5)

SEARs (5)

EIS (20)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (14)

Amendments (1)

Additional Information (11)


Showing 1 - 20 of 182 submissions
Nature Conservation Council of NSW
Carlton , Victoria
Name Withheld
Narara , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a scientist living on the Central Coast of NSW. I have been active in the environmental
movement in Australia since 1978. I have studied climate science for 20 years and have
been involved in climate and renewable energy activism for the past 15 years. I am also a
keen kayaker and regularly use Lake Macquarie and its surrounding waterways for
recreation and exercise.
I object to the proposed Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project on the grounds that it
may affect the health of myself and my family, it will contaminate the waterways of Lake
Macquarie and its surrounds and it will contribute an unacceptable quantity of greenhouse
gas emissions which will materially add to the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme
heat, drought, fire, famine and flood which is now being experienced around the planet.
I am very concerned about the impacts on air quality and community health of the proposed
A 2012 study by medical researchers at Sydney University into health effects resulting from
exposure to coal dust in the Hunter region found:
Adults in coal mining communities have been found to have:
- Higher rates of mortality from lung cancer, chronic heart, respiratory and kidney
- Higher rates of cardiopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) and other lung diseases, hypertension, kidney disease, heart attack and
stroke, and asthma
- Increased probability of a hospitalisation for COPD (by 1% for each 1,462 tons of
coal mined), and for hypertension (by 1% for each 1,873 tons of coal mined).
- Poorer self-rated health and reduced quality of life
Children and infants in coal mining communities have been found to have:
- Increased respiratory symptoms including wheeze, cough and absence from school
with respiratory symptoms although not all studies reported this effect
- High blood levels of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium
- Higher incidence of neural tube deficits, a high prevalence of any birth defect, and a
greater chance of being of low birth weight (a risk factor for future obesity, diabetes
and heart disease)
In my view the EIS submitted by Delta does not adequately assess the offsite air quality
impacts of burning coal from the proposed mine at Vales Point Power Station – including the
NOx, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 and mercury emitted from the power station; does not
adequately consider the impact of NOx, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 and mercury on community
health; and does not adequately assess the particulate emissions from up to 270 daily coal
truck movements required to transport the coal to the Port of Newcastle.
I am particularly concerned about the potential impact of toxic pollutants from the proposed
mine on biodiversity and ecosystems in Swindles Creek and Lake Macquarie, including
unacceptable levels of heavy metals, nitrogen and salinity.
I do not believe the EIS submitted by Delta adequately asses the likely impact of these
pollutants on groundwater, surface water and biodiversity and ecosystems.
I am extremely concerned about the impact which greenhouse emissions from the proposed
mine will have on global warming and climate change. The mine proposal discloses forecast
emissions of 25 million tonnes over the next 7 years, however, imaging from TROPOMI
Satellite Observations has indicated that true emissions from Australian coal mines are up to
three times those reported to the Government by the mine operators.
32 Australians have drowned in the recent flooding in eastern Australia and more than 600
died over the black summer from heat, smoke and flames. We know that these deaths were
both predicted and preventable if the international community, including Australia, had
heeded the warnings of NASA's Atmospheric Science Data Center 34 years ago and the first
IPCC meeting 30 years ago which resolved that immediate and urgent action to reduce
greenhouse emissions was necessary. We know that these were not natural disasters
because both were a small part of the ongoing pattern increasing frequency and intensity of
fire and flood being recorded across the planet.
In my submission, approving further fossil fuel development while knowing that it will
contribute to future and preventable death of innocent victims is not just immoral, it is
Yours sincerely,
Richard Weller
Somersby , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
As a retired structural engineer and long-time member of the Australian Standards
Committee: General Design Requirements and Loading on Structures, I have professional
expertise in the setting of design criteria for buildings and structures for the impact of
environmental actions such as wind, storm, temperature, flood, hail, snow and earthquake
as well as the durability of structures and their life expectancy. I also have expertise in the
design of coastal structures for wave, current and erosion attack and storm attack. This has
equipped me to develop a very detailed understanding of the impacts of climate change
which I have made a personal area of study as well as professional for more than 20 years.
This comment is drawn from my personal expertise in the area of climate.
Also included are submissions related to other aspects of coal mining impacts on the Central
Coast, its residents and environment.
The impacts on local population relating to emissions from the power station stacks are very
concerning. I am aware there is data that shows there is increased disease impacts around
the power station and mine, including asthma, cancers and other respiratory and
cardiovascular problems. It is well known that the impact of air pollution on human health is
increased with higher temperatures. As we will be subjected to higher temperatures and
increased heat wave events due to climate change that is caused by the burning of the very
fuel being mined, any expansion or lengthening of coal mining must be stopped.
The proposed mining under Lake Macquarie will result in serious subsidence under the lake
of around 780mm. There is no guarantee that this will not be exceeded. In any case, such
subsidence would disturb the rock strata under the lake inducing vertical cracking that would
result in penetration of water into the mine workings. While this may not occur immediately, it
is almost certain to happen at some point due to the eventual collapse of the rock into the
mine void. Water would then have increased contact with remnant coal seams and waste in
the mine workings, which would release toxic contaminants and heavy metals. Over time
these would penetrate to the surface and add to the burden of contaminants already present
from the historic mining and power station operations in the waters of the lake and on the
surrounding land. These toxic materials will impact on the environment, plants and animals
and on the humans who consume them.
Subsidence impacts will continue to impact from the existing mine works. There is comment
above on the impact of subsidence on water quality and thence on the biosphere. However,
the new proposed workings will extend the potential mixing area of contaminated ground
water and penetrating lake water into the overall mine works - both under the lake and in
previously mined areas.
It is imperative that Australia prepares for the impacts of Climate Change at all levels and
acts urgently to cut emissions.
The background for the seriousness of the climate crisis is set out in the following reports:
• IPCC AR6 2021/22 (WGI and WGII reports issued so far)
• IPCC SR15, Global Warming of 1.5°C (2018)
• IPCC SRCCL, Climate Change and Land (2019)
• IPCC SROCC, Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (2019)
• UN Environment Program 2018 Emissions Gap Report
• CSIRO, State of the Climate 2020
We also refer for further detail within the local NSW context to Climate Future reports and
• Pathway 2022 (an Emissions Reduction Profile, )
• NSW Community Plan (2022) (a plan to help the NSW Community respond to
the climate crisis, )
• Australian Climate Dividend ( )
The implications of this body of evidence are that climate change represents a clear and
present danger to human society. The impacts we have seen so far will be dwarfed by the
extremes expected in the next two decades. The expansion of a coal mine of any size simply
increases the risk and likelyhood of serious and destructive impacts occurring to individuals,
the community and humanity as a whole. The proposal fails to adequately account for the
required response to the current climate crisis.
Particular attention should be paid to the threat of tipping points.
NO AMOUNT of action to reduce emissions will be sufficient if it allows any increases in
emissions above current rates and fails to cut emissions quickly enough to remain within the
budget set for the 1.5C limit. There is no “good enough” for the physics and chemistry of the
climate system. We have left action so late that there is only failure to do enough.
At the time of writing this comment, there are extreme flooding events underway across
NSW, which clearly have been exacerbated by the warming of our climate system. Areas not
flooded previously have been inundated with property and lives lost. One example of the
increase in severity of flooding is the Lismore floods of earlier this year. Flood level reached
14.37m, well above the 1 in 500 level of 13.4m (refer 2014 Lismore Floodplain Management
Plan, Appendices Figure A). Some have estimated the flood level to have been 1 in 1000 to
1 in 5000 year events.
The Australian climate has warmed by approximately 1.4 ̊C above the 1850 to 1900
average and is going to get hotter still. Not only must we cut our emissions, but we must also
try to adapt to the rapidly changing weather patterns and increasing extremes of weather
that we are expecting to experience in this and the next decade.
The latest science and reporting indicates that a global increase of 1.5C should be regarded
as the absolute maximum allowable warming to avoid climate catastrophe (refer Tipping
Points in NSW Community Plan (2022). This temperature is the threshold to a number of
tipping points in the climate system and is the goal set out in the Paris Agreement and later
UNFCCC agreements.
We note that the allowable budget to remain below the 1.5C target will be exceeded within 8
years. For the net zero by 2050 target, the NSW Government website states “Overall output
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will continue to rise under both scenarios, contributing
to greater concentrations of carbon dioxide and amplifying the effects of climate change.”
2030 ) This is not sufficient and ambition must be increased.
Cuts in emissions are what is needed, not increases in coal mining and burning as proposed
by this development.
We recommend the rejection of any increase in coal mining (or other fossil fuels). The
emissions reduction profile set out in Pathway 2022 (noted above) should be applied to all
new fossil fuel proposals with the result that they must be rejected. We note that due to time
pressure, this pathway would need to be revised each year in the light of global efforts to cut
emissions and the remaining budget of allowable emissions. This means it may need to be
tightened commensurate with the reduction in the remaining emissions budget. The
additional coal mined in this mine expansion must be deducted from the available budget
and the pathway tightened if this mine expansion goes ahead.
Limits on release of GHGs that are consistent with the science must include yearly
reductions in the allowed emissions levels to have any real meaning. It is useless to allow
emissions to continue to increase when the science clearly requires rapid, deep and urgent
cuts to emissions. Under no circumstances must there be any increases allowed in GHG
emissions. Under no circumstances must any industry be allowed to create any new sources
of GHG emissions, including the coal industry.
No increase in coal mining must be allowed including expansion of this mine. It is clear that
we cannot fund any new sources of GHGs or we will fail to achieve the Paris goal the 1.5C
Climate change presents a high and rising risk of increasingly more extreme events and sea
level rise. The impacts of these risks on the community are driven by release of greenhouse
gases that are produced by the mining and burning of coal. This project proposes to
increase the risk of these events on the community. It will also increase the risk of climate
impacts on the mine workings and on the power station. For example, increased heat places
pressure on the ability of the power station to operate., leading to unplanned shut-downs.
Sea level rise is a slow process at present but we do not know if this will continue to be a
slow linier process or whether abrupt rises in sea level might occur. If abrupt rise occurs, this
mine and the power station will not be prepared for any impacts from such sea level rise. It is
essential that the impacts of a run-away climate be included in the planning and approval of
the mine extension including the implications for the power station.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Weller
Colin Mondy
Newcastle , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I lived in the village of Redhead in the City of Lake Macquarie for 46 years. I regularly
cleaned the black grime of fallout from coal mining and coal fired Power stations from my
white outdoor tables, wondering at the same time how much I was inhaling and what effects
it was having on my health and the health of our community. Recently I moved to
Newcastle. I wash my balcony every week. 15 sq m of mopping causes the 10L of the water
in the bucket to turn completely BLACK. We are no longer prepared to accept such obvious
health and environmental damage. University of Newcastle studies have shown that severe
Community Health impacts from coal fired power stations occur in the Hunter and Lake
Macquarie regions and the harm extends even to the suburbs of Sydney.
IPCC Reports reveal conclusively that we have to reach zero emissions of greenhouse
gases urgently and as quickly as we can to prevent the worst impacts of Climate Change.
We need no further demonstration of the impacts of current and impending climate change
than the recent devastating floods and fires. We have to act now and set aside what appears
to be financial gain and expediency of exploiting fossil fuels in favour of the future of our
children, and grandchildren, our communities and the future of mankind.
We have Mines Subsidence authorities monitoring the severe impact effects of mines
subsidence which occur now in residential areas. Given the millions and millions of dollars
spent on improving the water quality, biodiversity, lake floor sediment protection, and sea
grass habitat of Lake Macquarie the uncontrolled, unmonitored and obviously potentially
catastrophic subsidence cannot be allowed to occur on the floor of Lake Macquarie.
Burning coal to produce the tiny amount of real energy that it contains is archaic and must
be stopped. Enough is known about the extremely harmful community health, air quality and
environmental effects of the emissions of fine particulate matter, nitrogen and sulfur oxides,
and heavy metals, that this proposed coal mine, coal transport, and coal burning must never
be approved. There is no acceptable risk. The EIS must assess completely and methodically
all of the potential community and environmental harms.
Millions of dollars of Government, Council and Community funds have been spent to
remediate and restore the water quality, biodiversity, and marine ecosystem of Lake
Macquarie. This project will have an extremely harmful and retrograde effect on the
gradually improving Lake ecosystem. Sediment and fly ash dams and temperature changes
have already made lasting extremely harmful effects on the ecosystem of the Lake and the
Delta Coal proposal EIS must more than adequately assess the very real potential for
increased harm.
The idea that we can allow widespread subsidence to occur on the floor of Lake Macquarie
is abhorrent. The concept that subsidence would be allowed to occur on the floor of the Lake
just because it is out of sight and therefore out of mind is absurd. Every detail, every
location, every extent of any potential change, including lake and groundwater movement
and ecosystem disruption, caused by subsidence, must be documented in the EIS and
considered and assessed.
The Green House Gas contributions of this proposed coal mining project including emissions
of methane and fugitive gases during mining and carbon dioxide from the burning of the
fossil fuel wherever it occurs, locally, nationally or internationally must be assessed in the
EIS. We are very aware of the catastrophic climate change that is occurring and to act now
by approving this project to exacerbate the enormous problem faced by the Earth and
mankind would be reprehensible and I strongly advocate against it.
We understand that the availability of accessible energy has encouraged our development
and allowed our modern standard of living. Our community and our local environment have
endured the terrible harmful effects of coal mining, coal transport and coal burning. We
accept that the era of coal has passed and that we need to transition urgently and as fast as
we can to a less environmentally harmful way of life with renewable energy at its core. This
proposed Delta Coal project is an anachronism and should not form part of our future. The
consideration of this project must be done with exactitude and the entire, whole and
complete Environmental Local and Global Impact be outlined and assessed.
Yours sincerely,
Colin Mondy
Name Withheld
Narara , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I manage a small business on the Central Coast. I object to the proposed expansion of
mining on environmental and health grounds.
As a resident of the Central Coast, with a young child at school close to the lakes, I am very
concerned that the EIS skips over the issues around air-borne pollution. There is clear
evidence linking particulate pollution and acid gases to childhood (and indeed all ages)
health issues. There is worrying correlation between health issues such as asthma and even
cancer with proximity to existing coal-fired power stations.
My quality of life is greatly enhanced by the local biodiversity, as well as it providing essential
ecosystem services. I write and review EIS's as part of my professional work. This EIS
inadequately addresses the indirect impacts of discharging contaminated water into Lake
Most importantly, Australians have voted clearly for action on climate change. Real action to
preserve the hope of a liveable future for our grandchildren., There is NO place for additional
carbon emissions that can easily be displaced by renewables and reducing our energy
consumption. This proposal would clearly violate a raft of international, national and State
policy and legal commitments on carbon emissions.
Yours sincerely,
Name Withheld
Coal Point , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am an academic Professor who lives in the Lake Macquarie region and I have concerns
about the environmental and health effects from further development of coal mining in the
Lake Macquarie region as contained in this application. Our primary concern with the
application is the potential impacts on the wonderful biodiversity and environment of the
Lake Macquarie area. Many of those living in and around Lake Macquarie do so because of
the location and the closeness we can feel to the nature around us.
Our primary concern with the application is the potential impacts on the wonderful
biodiversity and environment of the Lake Macquarie area. Many of those living in and around
Lake Macquarie do so because of the location and the closeness we can feel to the nature
around us. It is our responsibility to help look after these lands for current and future
generations and we strongly feel that this application to extract further resources from Lake
Macquarie and the damage that this may well do requires close and careful scrutiny. As
detailed in the expert report (by Burgess Environmental Ltd), discharge of large amounts of
mine water into the lake will likely affect aquatic life, whilst the effects of subsidence if it
occurs, will have negative consequences to the seagrass, benthic organisms and other flora
and fauna found in and around the lake.
We recognise the need to support the local economy, but we feel that the focus should be on
transitioning to renewables and therefore with adequate coal supplies in the Hunter region
this should provide sufficient supplies whilst we focus on the innovation and development of
new energies. It is a real opportunity for Lake Macquarie and New South Wales to be at the
forefront of such progress because of the potential benefits this would bring to the region
and potentially the country.
We have welcomed the opportunity to make representation and make it clear that we are
opposing the application made by Delta Coal. We ask the decision-making body to assess
the full impact of the proposal so this it is subject to the proper scrutiny that is required. We
are alarmed by the inadequacies of the analyses and assessment carried out by Delta Coal.
These assessments appeared to be mainly desktop reviews and extrapolations from other
studies. This is inappropriate for a matter that has both potential health and environmental
impacts. Therefore, we would suggest that the expert report (by Burgess Environmental Ltd)
be carefully considered by the decision-making body as this provides a more informed
assessment of the situation. Additional investigation and evidence may also be required. At
present the assessment and analyses provided in the application are not sufficient to make
an informed decision.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Sweeney
Hamilton East , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a retired General Practitioner living in the Newcastle area. I am very concerned about
the impacts of the expansion of Delta Coal's mines at Lake Macquarie.
The impacts of coal mining, transport and burning are well documented. The particulate
pollution that results is a significant cause of respiratory and cardiovascular disease and
these detrimental effects are greatest on those who reside close to the mining, transport
corridors and the power stations.
The other major impact that effects everyone in Australia is the global warming and climate
change that results from the burning of the coal. Both the United Nations and the
International Energy Agency have been very clear in their public statements that there can
be no new coal or gas projects if we are to have any chance of keeping global warming
below 2C in line with the Paris Agreement. This includes 'extensions' of existing projects.
The proposed extension of the existing mines will result in the mining of an additional 9.5
million tonnes of coal.
To mine this additional coal reserve is completely contrary to the urgent need to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. If we do not rapidly reduce our greenhouse emissions, the
consequences will be severe - including extreme weather events, health impacts, rising sea
levels, economic impacts, and mass displacement of people around the globe which is likely
to result in civil conflict, breakdown of law and order, economic collapse, and quite possibly
war between regions and nations.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Sweeney
Heinz-Joachim Muller
Woy Woy , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a retired scientist and I live in Woy Woy on the Central Coast.
I am concerned of this development that is in or near my area of local government because it
makes no sense to extract more coal if the Vales Point Power station is going to shut down
in a few years.
There area various other reasons why this project should not go ahead:
• Mining around or under Lake Macquarie comes with a large environmental risk of
water pollution both groundwater and surface water.
• Burning this coal will create more toxic.coal ash. This ash is filled in storage facilities
that are neither lined not covered angainst rainwater intrusion. This means toxic
components like heavy metals will leach out into the environment over time. This will
get worse if we upen up or extend a loal mine as we will be buining more coal.
• All relevant scientist including the IPCC agree that in order to protect us from the
worst consequences of climate change, no new coal mines must be openend. In this
regard the porject under cosnideration is irresponsible.
Please protect our environment and this beautyful part of out planet. We only have this one
planet and we must leave it to our children ant their children in a good condition.
Accorting to the greenhouse gas assessment this project will emit an additional 25,350,157
tonnes CO2-e of greenhouse gases. This is an incredibly lage amaount and we must sto
doing this.
Yours sincerely,
Heinz-Joachim Muller
Tamara Winikoff
Lewisham , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a concerned citizen who has been seriously alarmed by the impact of mining projects
and the burning of fossil fuel on CO2 levels which are resulting in severe environmental
disruption in Australia and around the world. The increasing temperatures and recent floods,
bushfires and droughts leave little doubt that the climate is changing rapidly. I have four
grandchildren to whom we are leaving a legacy of danger to all life on the planet. How can I
live with that knowledge and not do something?!
Because of this I am working as a member of a local climate action group Climate Change
Balmain Rozelle (CCBR), on whose behalf I am making this submission. CCBR is working to
ameliorate climate change as much as possible, including by trying to prevent the opening of
any new coal and gas mines and asserting the need to phase out existing ones, replacing
the use of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources.
In this submission, we express our concerns which arise from reading the review by
Environmental Justice Australia’s legal team and an expert in mining and geotechnical
engineering of the documents provided by Delta Coal. We concur with them that there are
very real environmental, and social concerns arising from this project that have not been
adequately addressed by Delta’s environmental impact statement (EIS) .
We are concerned about the impact on the health of the community resulting from the
pollution of offsite air caused by toxic emissions from the burning of coal extracted from the
Vales Point Power Station mines. In particular, people’s cardiovascular and respiratory
health would be jeopardised.. It is also likely that there will be transport impacts on
residences, schools and other community facilities from coal trucks transporting coal to the
Port of Newcastle as well as to Vales Point Power Station.
We are also concerned aboutthe impact on ground water and surface water from the mines.
The polluted mine water in the mines’ sediment dams makes its way into Swindles Creek
and then Lake Macquarie, with this pollution endangering the wellbeing of humans and
survival of other living things.
There is a lack of detailed assessment of subsidence caused by this underground mining.
This is highly likely to increasingly affect both the vegetation and other living organisms of
the nearby Lake Macquarie foreshore and sea floor as well as the stability of buildings and
other infrastructure.
Most importantly, the Delta project would increase greenhouse gas emissions by 25 million
tonnes over 7 years causing increased climate change at a time when the science tells us
there is urgency to reduce emissions by at least 74% by 2030;
We respectfully assert that in all conscience, the Department of Planning and Environment
cannot approve the proposal by Delta Coal to enable it to mine an extra 9.5 million tonnes of
coal from beneath Lake Macquarie up until 2029. There are already known impacts on air
and water quality and consequently on local people's health and on the environment.
Current policies at both NSW and federal level purport to try to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in an attempt to keep global warming below 1.5degrees C. Even at this level,
there will be large scale drought and famine, species extinction and mass refugee migration.
Every bit will add to the problem. This proposal must not be approved.
Yours sincerely,
Tamara Winikoff
Michael Adair Campbell OAM
Jilliby , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
Coal mining impacts from dust to subsidence have been a major concern on the central
Coast and in Lake Macquarie, which ensuing Governments have been alerted to, since the
early 1980's. In that time we have had numerous meetings, inquiries and promises to
alleviate the community's concerns, to no avail. This region has borne the brunt of pollution
from mines and power stations and have paid a heavy price with asthma, bronchitis and
other respiratory diseases recorded well above, sometimes twice the average, recorded
I have been called to a Federal Senate Inquiry along with regional doctors concerned about
the levels of pollution emanating from the power and coal mining industry in this region. The
evidence is clear, precise and has not been challenged by authorities. Simply put this region
of NSW, along with Singleton/Muswellbrook area, has borne the brunt of coal fired power
generation and paid a heavy price. We know much more now that we did 40 years ago when
this problem made nation wide news in October 1985. Ensuing Governments have seen no
limits to the amount of coal extracted and have turned a blind eye to the health data
produced by doctors.
The ash dams produced from burning coal have been a constant source of concern and
debate over the last 20 years particularly. Ash dams are a source of water contamination of
heavy metals and are also a source of wind blown fugitive emissions of silica and other
substances. Recently also fish kills on a large scale have been attributed to the stirring up of
contaminated sediments (heavy metals) from ash dam sources in lake beds. The EPA
continues to "investigate" yet what is required is that power generation from coal needs to be
wound down as quickly as possible. This application for consolidation of more coal extraction
equates to a major addition to these health problems in communities but also for the ecology
of the lake systems.
Subsidence is one of my own special areas of concern having exposed mine subsidence for
40 years. Wyong region has recorded major subsidence disasters including the Chain Valley
subsidence disaster where a raft of homes were impacted by the collapse of the foreshore
along a two kilometre stretch of Chain Valley Bay. This caused major damage and inflow of
seawater contaminating grounds and reserves including the destruction of a major tree
dominant wetland called Colongra Wetland. Over a dozen homes were eventually
demolished and a reserve made nearby. Road drainage in other areas was reversed, broken
sewer pipes, collapse of a telephone exchange building and also part of an hotel complex
collapsed. Authorities at the time hushed this all up and it was only recorded by some
members of the public. A secret deal was done with the offending coal company paying a $5
Million dollar sweetener to the then Mine Subsidence Board agreeing that no more claims be
made upon the compoany or those individuals responsible for over extraction of coal
causung collapse. Once again, governments and their authorities do all they can to dismiss
or hide away issues relating to problems from coal mining. In recent years the NSW
Government scrapped the Mine Subsidence Board due to the fact that it was only paying out
1/3 to 1/4 of claims being made, which was exposed in the press. The Board was replaced
with a toothless body called Subsidence Advisory NSW wherein claiments have to deal
directly with the offending coal company to seek compensation.
It is appalling again that the Government may give a tick of approval to a mining
development that produces 25,000 tonnes of CO2. I know that others submitting to this
application are expert in their assessment of what this will do to our climate projections,
wherein Australia promises to haul in emissions by 43% in the next seven years.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Adair Campbell OAM
Janet Roden
South Turramurra , New South Wales
Paul Maguire
Branxton , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
Business-as-usual expansion of coalmines is not a transition to alternative energy , a more
stable climate or a safer future.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Maguire
Name Withheld
Budgewoi , New South Wales
I’m providing comments on the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I live in a suburb adjacent to Chain Valley Bay and I believe that the expansion of the mine
will not only have a detrimental affect on Lake Macquarie itself, but also on the surrounding
area. As the mine will, no doubt, supply fuel for the Vales Point Power Station its increased
capacity will further damage the local environment through the burning of fossil fuel.
As a person who suffers from asthma and a cardiovascular problem, I think that overall
impact this expansion will have will further pollute the air quality beyond the area in close
proximity but also further afield to adjacent areas. Such pollution will pose serious health
problems for a larger part of the population surrounding Lake Macquarie. Additional
transportation of coal to Newcastle will exacerbate the pollution.
A number of locally commissioned studies have recently illustrated the fact that
contaminated water discharged from power stations has an effect on marine life; fish stocks,
and water quality. These matters not only contaminate the environment but impinge on the
livelihood of fishermen and the recreational activities of people who use the Lake. A holestic
view of the effects of this project indicate that the EIS has failed to research the flow-on
problems which will be caused.
This Project has the potential to cause subsidence to our local roads and as one whose own
road, and the nearby Pacific Highway, have been affected by former and present mining
operations, it is essential that the Department must ask Delta Coal to demonstrate that this
problem will not be exacerbated by their activity.
As an ordinary local resident, I was concerned to read that the EIS has not adequately
assessed the impact of further GHG emissions not only for this area but likely to increase the
nation's emissions. I take very seriously this matter which can only make the world's climate
worse; any steps which I can take to make representations about the need to decrease,
rather than increase, emissions is a priority. The EIS has, in my opinion, not adequately
addressed this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Dewar
Toronto , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
been caught with pollution problems as witness the recent fish kill near Vale Pt power station
recently. With thís expansion, there will more evidence of environmental damage, especially
with sea creatures .Stop this expansion…it’s too much of a risk with climate change!
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Dewar
Name Withheld
Caves Beach , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a supporter of a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet, and one that supports all
life. I am a resident of Lake Macquarie and am concerned with the current levels of water &
air quality in surrounding areas and the significant detrimental impact already on the local
environment, plant and wildlife, let alone the increase in projected greenhouse gas
emissions from the expansion of Delta Coal's Project and its possible future impact and the
legacy it will leave for future generations on the health and well-being of residents and
I am concerned we have only one enclosed eco system here on Earth. There is nowhere
from outside this planet from where we can bring in clean air, clean water, clean soil. It only
exists here, and it appears to have slipped out of people’s awareness and into closed
mindedness, bound in legal righteousness and blind spots with little regard for right and
correct action where the environment and health is concerned.
I am concerned we are adversely affecting the very eco system which is keeping us alive by
continuing to produce electricity through burning fossil fuels when there are proven clean,
viable, sustainable and renewable opportunities available, and it is for these reasons I
strongly object to the expansion of Chain Valley Bay & Mannering Collieries.
Delta’s EIS does not go far enough in their assessments of the impact of heavy metals from
their coal burning production not only on the surrounding environment, but also people’s
health along with that of plant and animal life.
Delta's EIS should include all likely impacts on air quality, both corse and fine particulate
matter along with any mercury pollution from coal taken form the Vales Point mines.
Air pollution impacts cardiovascular systems and these need to be taken into account.
I am concerned with downside of coal produced electricity and the ash dams and dust and
its significant impact on the environment in which they sit with their toxicity and devastation
of the environment and diminished air quality. This by-product is creating significant
community health issues which studies are now confirming.
The ash dams have no cover or lining which separates them from the surrounding and
underlying area and have no way to filter out contaminants leaching into the surrounding
land and water table below, nor are they guaranteed not to break, flood and overflow.
Wastewater is flowing directly into Lake Macquarie via Swindles Creek.
There has already been closure of The Sport and Recreation facility near the Earring Power
Station as it is in the direct path of any overflow from the ash dam if it breaks. These reasons
should be why the Department needs to look further into this expansion than just a glance at
a surface level.
What guarantees are there in the EIS that the expansion will not create subsidence and
impact on Lake Macquarie above if they exceed projections.
There are real issues here and that the greenhouse gas emissions from coal burning power
stations effect climate change and the EIS acknowledges that these will have an
environmental impact across generations and they want to add another 25 million tonnes to
it over the next 7 years !
I am concerned If pollution is allowed to continue unabated, the costs, concerns and ill
health will only increase. This shouldn’t be ignored for in the end we will all have the
responsiblility to pay for it in one way or another, let’s not wait for any more hindsight, the
proof is already here, and we need to take considerate and right action now and Delta’s EIS
needs to reflect an indepth analysis of it’s true impact on the environment in relation to air
and water quality.
There is a growing wealth of studies and evidence communities and people are suffering,
health is diminishing, the land, water and air is being found to be contaminated through wilful
ignorance and atrocious neglect
The outfalls at the Coal Powered Stations are flowing into the creeks and lake creating wider
areas of contamination affecting wildlife, which Hunter Community Environment Centre
studies are currently showing. Vales Point Power Station, monitoring has found the
emissions to be well over EPA limits and fines have been issued in the past with minimal
change in behaviour and outcomes.
We are not separate from our environment, it is the air we breathe, the land on which we live
and where our food is grown. It is the water we drink and the seafood we eat. It is the home
of plants, animals, minerals and crystals which are our assets of beauty and enhancement
rather than for the prospects and projections for commercial gain.
There is no benefit to continue down this path when there are many other viable and
sustainable options for renewal energy, jobs and growth. We are only ever limited by our
fears, awareness, consciousness and willingness to change for the better.
When we learn to work with nature, it is nature herself that provides the answers and
solutions. It is time to pay attention to our responsibility in making better and uplifting
choices which already exist in creating harmlessness to ourselves, each other and to our
environment and bring it all back into balance with love, compassion and genuine caring. It is
time we listened and heralded nature’s call.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Name Withheld
Kariong , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a pensioner & ex serviceman (infantry) & I oppose the extension due to friends of mine
who live near the mine & are suffering from respiratory problems as a result. Also there has
been research that the area affected by this contamination also reaches
the Central Coast & other surrounding areas.
Also we can all see the results of climate change & it is getting worse world wide & yet fossil
fuels are still being pushed forward in order to make money & for no other reason. Shell is a
good example it has threatened to cut supply rather than try
to help the environment by complying to the Federal Governments request. Typical bully boy
tack-ticks. Australia is feeling the results of climate change oceans heating up, more bush
fires, more unpredictable weather droughts floods, ice caps melting the list goes on & on. So
why make it worse just to ensure the operators make more money.
Dust & other unknown materials cause my friends to constantly wipe down affecting areas &
they are very concerned due to not knowing what medical ailments could occur.
The Nature Conservation Council should be congratulated on it's stance & this needs to be
heeded by those in control of this proposal.
As I mentioned previously we do not know what contaminants are being created nor the
heath impacts of those closest to the mine nor the health ramifications to those close and
also in a much wider area.
I do not pretend to be an expert but I do listen to those who are & this is vital information &
should be taken on board.
I am also concerned for animals & sea creatures especially relating to those recent massive
fish kills in that area.
Having worked on mines I know the ramifications of unplanned rock & earth falls. Also by
creating a void it is only natural that there could/would be a cave in.
I am well aware of this as we very nearly lost 2 machinery operators through a rock fall. The
only reason they were not killed was due to the bulldozer operator warned the excavator
driver that the fall was imminent.
As both machines evacuated that area the fall occurred. The mines department
acknowledged that they would have died.
I am not at all happy with that company as it will not try to modify the pollution from its plant
nor clean up the ash dams which are contaminating the lake. Unfortunately I do not believe
that the EPA have forced them to adhere to environmental control
simply disregarding them & as would need to spend money to fix or modify the problem. Yet
it paid massive dividends to its owners.
Again this also impacts on air quality & of cause green house gases.
Listen to those who are opposing this extension as they know the damage this will do &
exasperate climate destruction just so they can earn more money.
I am also opposed to foreign companies owning our vital industries they should be retained
by the Australian people in order to protect our interests. So often a company which causes
massive destruction & just moves offshore & leave the mess for others
to clean/fix up. This again ends up as a Government or people cost due to environmental
Yours sincerely,
Alexandra Popof
Lithgow , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
Coal is an amazing substance and has properties that can be used in many disciplines.
Burning it for energy is NOT one of them. This country has an abundance of sunshine and
many open, unvegetated and unpopulated areas that can be safely used for renewable
energy. Why are mining companies still flogging this dead horse. With the enormous wealth
obtained over the years, why are these companies not investing in their own future by
transitioning to new cleaner ventures? Delta should be thinking ahead to be in the forefront
of future energy developments. How very short sighted their board and investors must be to
continue proposing new coal projects.
I and my family/friends are all against this project. We have all had enough of the "earnings
before environment" directives big coal lives by. Time for change... time to stop Delta.
Is there really a need to point out the dreadful health impacts the coal mining industry and
coal burning energy companies have inflicted on generations of people, animals and plants.
I think not. Speak to doctors and nurses in areas near these industries. Medicare is under
great strain already and will continue to be so dealing with the fallout from diseases and life
threatening ailments from coal pollution. Perhaps the mining giants and coal burning energy
companies should foot the bill?
We all know that mining poisons water bodies. Lake Lyell near Lithgow and Lake Wallace in
Wallerawang are promoted as great family leisure spots and are very well attended during
the warmer months. Little do people know how bad the water quality is. Tests have shown
that the water in these lakes are still very high in pollutants produced by the coal mines and
power stations that used these water sources. Why is it OK to poison our environment? Why
is it OK to ruin areas of beauty and recreation? It is NOT OK!
Yours sincerely,
Alexandra Popof
Barry Toole
Gwandalan , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a retired teacher, parent and grandparent. I am concerned about the impact of
pollution from the mines on air and water quality which in turn will have negative impacts on
the health of school children including my grandchildren, my adult children and myself as
well as residents in general community residents living in or near to the mines. . I am also
concerned about the potential negative impact of air and water pollution on the natural
environment including water, air, plants and animals.
It is also my understanding and subsequent concern that areas undermined by mines in the
Lake Macquarie area are potentially subject to subsidence and sink holes which can cause
considerable damage to my house and house of my neighbours' house and houses in the
surrounding suburbs. Mine subsidence may also cause damage to local infrastructure such
as roads, playing fields and parkland. Sink-holes may also be a serious health and safety
risk in the event that someone falls into one or drives over one at speed.
I am concerned that air quality will be negatively impacted which in turn will have a negative
impact on my health and the health of my family, my neighbours and the general community.
I am concerned that water quality will be negatively impacted which in turn will have a
negative impact on my health and the health of my family, my neighbours and the general
I am concerned that subsidence caused by mining may have a negative impact on the
biodiversity of Lake Macquarie, buildings including my house, my neighbours houses and
the houses of those people living in and around the Lake Macquarie area. I am also
concerned that local infrastructure such as roads will be damaged by subsidence caused by
I am concerned that the greenhouse gases emitted by the mining process will contribute to
climate change at a time when every effort to decrease greenhouse gas emissions should
be a priority.
I feel that correct and proper procedures should be strictly adhered to in each and every step
of the planning and and approval process. No shortcuts. Open and transparent. To the
benefit not the detriment of the ecosystems.
Yours sincerely,
Barry Toole
Steven Du
Lidcombe , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am fifty years old. Growing up in Australia and living in a world where fears from a Climate
Crisis were unheard of, I want future generations to enjoy what I have enjoyed all my life,
and perhaps more!
I am an Australian-trained dentist with 30 years of experience in private practice, in public
hospitals, and as a Dental Officer in the Royal Australian Navy. My occupation gives me the
opportunity to interact with, understand and help thousands of patients annually, many from
diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. My career also allows me to witness and experience
the many wonderful and terrible parts of the world and Australia.
Through the unique dentist-patient relationship, which takes decades to develop, I have a
profound understanding of my patients' concerns and aspirations; they often share their
honest, sometimes visceral, "non-dental" life experiences with me.
My community and I want to maintain and improve as much of the world's remaining
environment for the present, past and future generations. The environment joins and defines
us as communities. The environment feeds us and maintains our quality and enjoyment of
life. A thriving environment is what my community wants. However, the rapid environmental
decline in so many parts of the world and especially in Australia in recent years (severe
weather patterns with record drought, uncontrollable bushfires, devastating flooding, and the
loss of land and marine biodiversity) is causing a lot of anxiety within the communities I work
with daily.
Given community concerns, and the overwhelming scientific data and established
knowledge that the mining for and the burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) damages our
environment, I am deeply concerned and astounded that anyone would approve further
mining near and underneath Lake Macquarie. The great environment impact of such an
operation, especially so close a beautiful and most populous capital city, Sydney is plain
If Lake Macquarie suffers from mining, it will affect agriculture, tourism, recreation, public
health, and the economic viability of local communities and Sydney as a whole.
I AM CONCERNED about the community's health and well-being from the impacts of poor
air quality arising from the:
- burning of coal from the mines at Vales Point Power Station, which releases harmful
nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), coarse and fine particulate matter
(PM10 and PM2.5) and mercury
- combustion emissions from the hundreds of coal trucks used daily to transport coal to
the Port of Newcastle.
I AM CONCERNED about the hundreds of coal trucks used daily to transport coal to the Port
of Newcastle, which will:
- damage public roads
- damage public infrastructure, and
- cause chronic traffic congestion for the local community and passing traffic (eg.
Sydney to Brisbane traffic corridor) sharing these roads.
I AM CONCERNED that this Project will require the large-scale pumping of groundwater
from the underground mines to the surface because this dirty water:
- is pumped into sediment dams, which discharges into Swindles Creek, then directly
into Lake Macquarie
- will be further contaminated as it picks up heavy metals, sediments and other
contaminants including coal deposits
- has a hugely detrimental impact on the local biodiversity, particularly on the ecology
of Swindles Creek
- affects salinity parameters, nitrogen compounds, fecal coliform, and some dissolved
metals (Al, Ba, Fe, Mn and Zn)
- will likely have impacts on flooding risk.
I AM CONCERNED about the significant negative impacts from the effects of subsidence
associated with underground coal mining on:
- the biodiversity, especially on the foreshore, seagrass, and benthic organisms
- buildings and roads.
I AM CONCERNED that if the Project is approved, then Delta Coal's operations will extract
an additional 9.5 million tonnes of coal. Instead of aiming to reduce GHG emissions by 74%
by 2030, the Project would increase Australia’s emissions by 25 million tonnes over the next
7 years. This will increase the:
- impacts of Climate Change and global warming (causing more frequent and
prolonged drought, uncontrollable bushfires, widespread devastating floods,
dangerous heatwaves, ocean acidification)
- risk from poorer air quality, health, biodiversity, water quality and social impacts.
Given the available technological advancements to move the world to a renewable and
sustainable economy and with Australia's abundance of resources to propel use into this
renewables revolution, I cannot see any economic, social, nor environmental grounds to
support the Project.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Du
Emma Auzins
Drummoyne , New South Wales
I object to the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (SSD-17017460).
I am a doctor and have become very concerned about the health impacts of Climate
Change. I therefore object to any new fossil fuel projects. This project in particular threatens
a beautiful natural environment and a source of fresh water. Loss of biodiversity threatens
human health and wellbeing too so projects that cause destruction of natural places, habitats
and ecosystems are a threat to human health.
We know that people living near coal mines experience higher rate of respiratory disease
than the general population. This is particularly clear in the Hunter Valley. The nitrogen
oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), coarse and fine particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
and mercury pollution created by burning the coal extracted from these mines will affect the
community in and around Lake Macquarie as well as further impacting the people already
living near the Vales Point Power Station as coal from the Chain Valley and Mannering
mines is already burned there.
As the planet warms the stretches of drought in Australia are expected to get longer and
more severe. Australia is already a relatively dry country and we can expect that there will be
times ahead when water resources will become critically low. Any project that threatens
fresh water supplies in Australia cannot be tolerated. There are clearly threats to fresh water
in this project that have not be adequately addressed.
Subsistence underneath Lake Macquarie is expected if this project goes ahead and this is
likely to have a significant impact on the ecological balance of the whole area. As previously
stated there are grave concerns about loss of biodiversity worldwide and this is expected to
have significant impacts on human health and wellbeing. These threats have been
extensively studies and the Doctors for the Environment Australia has a host of resources to
support understanding of this issue on their webiste,,spread%20
Climate Change is a growing human health crisis and large international organisations have
prioritised addressing it as a matter of priority. The UN and WHO are in no doubt that this is
a crisis and Australia participates in they yearly COP conferences but continues to facilitate
the opening of mines like this one.
The Lancet is an old and internationally respected medical journal that publishes the Lancet
Countdown on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration,
dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an
independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide
under the Paris Agreement. Every year Australia has been found wanting.
Delta Coal plans to extract an additional 9.5 million tonnes of coal if the Project is approved.
The greenhouse gas assessment estimates that if the Project is approved there will be an
additional 25,350,157 tonnes CO2-e of greenhouse gases emitted. Australia is responsible
for the health impact that these emissions will have and we can expect this to have a human
as well as monetary cost, neither of which have been quantified in the EIS.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Auzins


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Coal Mining
Local Government Areas
Central Coast

Contact Planner

Melissa Dunlop