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State Significant Development


Cleanaway's Western Sydney Energy & Resource Recovery Centre


Current Status: Withdrawn

The purpose of the proposal is to build an energy-from-waste facility that can generate up to 58 megawatts of power by thermally treating up to 500,000 tonnes per year of residual municipal solid waste and residual commercial and industrial waste.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (25)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (12)


Showing 481 - 500 of 634 submissions
Name Withheld
Rooty hill 2766 , New South Wales
I was told by my Grandpa That this plants Fumes would spread across the general western sydney area contrary to statements that it would have minimal effects, They said this about the last one they built and it was proven to be a Lie my Grandpa said. He asked me to write this on behalf of him Im assuming because he Does not know how to use tech very well.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project. Residents deserve to live in a clean environment & this proposal will prevent that.

The health & well being if the community will be at risk from this proposal.

It should not go ahead.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I object to this incinerator and any incinerator being built in Sydney, particularly so close to my home. My son has asthma and air quality is often low here before any incinerator is here. With the airport also coming in time this will create so much pollution, I strongly object to it. The additional health risks associated with living near incinerators is also an unacceptable risk to expose my family and our citizens to. We already objected to one incinerator why do we need to keep saying no!
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I strongly object to the incinerator being proposed within a very short distance from my home and my children’s school. I am concerned about the effect of the particular matter being released by the incinerator and then impacting the human health of those living close by. My children spend most of their lives in Minchinbury, they play in the ground, they eat food from our garden, they breathe the air. I am concerned about the proximity to the Prospect Reservoir and the impact on drinking water. I am extremely concerned about the impact this incinerator will have on all of our health. The EPA has released their reports previously that was very clear that incinerators impact the health of humans negatively. I strongly object to the building of this incinerator.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I do not want this project to go ahead.
Cleanaway have no experience in operating incinerators.
We already have bad smell and pollution from the tip in eastern creek.
Name Withheld
CASULA , New South Wales
In my country Turkey and Cyprus they are getting rid of incinerators due to proof that they cause problems like cancers and even death. The few that are left are around the outskirts far from residential areas. We say no for our health sake. Any decision and approval by the Planning Department to allow these will be blood on their hands. Nothing but murder
Wareesha Nadeem
MOUNT DRUITT , New South Wales
I am very impressed by this project. It is environmentally friendly and will definitely support the residents of Blacktown.
Sandra Alessio
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
I live in Erskine Park with my husband and two children aged 14 and 10. We own our home and have lived here since 2008. My children go to the local schools - James Erskine Public School and Erskine Park High School. There are over 500 children in the primary school and around 1,000 in the high school. We plan on living here for decades to come. We are very concerned for our health and that of our children. Western Sydney is already considered the dumping ground for waste and we do not want anything else built here. A previous proposal for a Waste Incinerator in the same area has already been rejected by the Department of Planning based on health concerns so this needs to be rejected for the same reason. No Waste Incinerators should be approved near residential areas anywhere within Australia.

We OBJECT to this proposal for the following reasons:
1. Health Risks - Call it what you will, but this proposal is for an "Waste Incinerator". Waste Incinerators produce toxic pollution that will impact the environment and our health. These emissions include highly toxic and carcinogenic persistent organic pollutants. There is scientific evidence that those who live within a 5km radius of waste incinerators are at most risk health wise and it has been deemed "the sacrifice zone".

2. Environmental Concerns - Waste incinerators all generate ash that is contaminated with toxic heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as dioxins and furans. All solid and air emissions contain contaminants, many of which can be at a level that can impact on human health and the environment depending on the disposal method and exposure.
3. Dirty Energy - Whilst Cleanaway has labeled this waste incinerator as an energy supplier , it is not green energy as they claim. The burning of waste produces more carbon dioxide per unit of energy generated than coal, oil or gas fired power stations. In addition to producing larger quantities of greenhouse gas per energy unit than coal, incinerators also destroy the ‘resources’ in waste that could be recovered if the discarded material in waste were recycled or reused. Much of the waste material burned in incinerators is based on petrochemicals. These include plastic bottles, bags, packaging and even electronic waste. Petrochemicals are fossil fuels and burning plastics derived from fossil fuels does not create ‘green’ energy – it is simply burning fossil fuels in another form. To put it bluntly, burning waste just changes it from a land fill issue to an air pollution /environmental issue. There are more environmentally friendly ways to generate income, then burning waste.

4. Undermines recycling efforts - Waste Incinerators need waste to burn. Without waste it is unprofitable for the business that owns it. Therefore it is in their best interest to obtain products like plastics, paper and cardboard as it increases the efficiency of their energy. These materials are also highly valuable to the recycling sector and by encouraging waste incineration it discourages recycling.

5. Stops innovation - Waste incinerator companies need contracts that last for approximately 30 years in order to be worth their while financially. In order for that to occur local governments must supply the incinerators with a steady flow of waste at an agreed volume for that period of time. If the waste stream is locked for decades, alternative waste treatment technologies including recycling, re-use, composting and anaerobic digestion are stifled. Why would the government look at new ways of reducing waste when they have locked themselves into supplying an agreed amount of waste to this company for many years?

To conclude, I can not express enough how much I OBJECT to this proposal. My family ,those of my community as well as the rest of Sydney's health is at risk if this proposal is approved. There is plenty of research available that proves that Waste Incineration is NOT the solution to landfill and is a massive health risk to humans and a danger to the enviroment. Please do the right thing and listen to the people, not the big businesses who have unlimited funds to throw at this proposal to get it approved. They will always be able to find scientists to back their claims if they pay them enough. There needs to be an independent review of the proposal by world leading scientists who have experience in this area. Please check the EIS thoroughly to determine if Cleanaway are offering any incentives to the Blacktown Council or Government if it is approved.
Thank you for taking the time to read my objection.
Sandra Alessio
Name Withheld
ROOTY HILL , New South Wales
I object to the project due to the negative environmental and socio-economic impacts of the surround area of the proposed incinerator.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I plan on buying a home in Minchinbury but won't if you are going to riddle us with cancers, breathing problems, premature births and deaths. We know you are aware of all these. That's a fact, and NO there has been no social License or community approval apart for the ones that Cleanaway paid money for
Name Withheld
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
I strongly object to this proposal.

I've lived in Erskine Park with my wife and 2 children for over 12 years. My children go to the local schools, James Erskine Public School and Erskine Park High School. Between the 2 schools there are over 1500 children. There are 6 other schools in the St Clair area with hundreds of children in each. The Erskine Park Industrial area is also in our suburb which means thousand of workers being exposed to pollution every day as well. We are extremely concerned for our health, that of our children and our community . Western Sydney is already considered the dumping ground for waste and we do not want anything else that will harm our health built here. House prices will also decline as the popularity of our suburb will diminish. It will no longer be a desirable suburb to live as no one will want to live near a waste incinerator.

I OBJECT to this proposal for the following reasons:

1. Health Risks - Call it what you will, but this proposal is for an "Waste Incinerator". Waste Incinerators produce toxic pollution that will impact the environment and our health. These emissions include highly toxic and carcinogenic persistent organic pollutants. There is scientific evidence that those who live within a 5km radius of waste incinerators are at most risk health wise and it has been deemed "the sacrifice zone".

2. Environmental Concerns - Waste incinerators all generate ash that is contaminated with toxic heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as dioxins and furans. All solid and air emissions contain contaminants, many of which can be at a level that can impact on human health and the environment depending on the disposal method and exposure.

3. Dirty Energy - Whilst Cleanaway has labeled this waste incinerator as an energy supplier , it is not green energy as they claim. The burning of waste produces more carbon dioxide per unit of energy generated than coal, oil or gas fired power stations. In addition to producing larger quantities of greenhouse gas per energy unit than coal, incinerators also destroy the ‘resources’ in waste that could be recovered if the discarded material in waste were recycled or reused. Much of the waste material burned in incinerators is based on petrochemicals. These include plastic bottles, bags, packaging and even electronic waste. Petrochemicals are fossil fuels and burning plastics derived from fossil fuels does not create ‘green’ energy – it is simply burning fossil fuels in another form. To put it bluntly, burning waste just changes it from a land fill issue to an air pollution /environmental issue. There are more environmentally friendly ways to generate income, then burning waste.

4. Undermines recycling efforts - Waste Incinerators need waste to burn. Without waste it is unprofitable for the business that owns it. Therefore it is in their best interest to obtain products like plastics, paper and cardboard as it increases the efficiency of their energy. These materials are also highly valuable to the recycling sector and by encouraging waste incineration it discourages recycling.

5. Stops innovation - Waste incinerator companies need contracts that last for approximately 30 years in order to be worth their while financially. In order for that to occur local governments must supply the incinerators with a steady flow of waste at an agreed volume for that period of time. If the waste stream is locked for decades, alternative waste treatment technologies including recycling, re-use, composting and anaerobic digestion are stifled. Why would the government look at new ways of reducing waste when they have locked themselves into supplying an agreed amount of waste to this company for many years?

This proposal need to be rejected. There is sufficient evidence that proves Incinerators are a danger to the environment and to human health. Waste Incineration is NOT the solution to landfill that Cleanaway are claiming it to be. This is a money making development for Cleanaway but they are trying to convince the community it is in their best interest as it will reduce landfill and produce electricity.

A proposal for a Waste Incinerator in the same area has previously been rejected by the Department of Planning based on health concerns. Waste Incinerators should NOT be approved near residential areas anywhere within Australia.
Residents of Sydney
BERALA , New South Wales
Nobody in Sydney requires this over-priced, atmosphere polluting, environment destroying debacle. Unless it has zero emissions, costs taxpayers zero dollars, and costs those providing the waste zero dollars, then it is a pointless and expensive atmosphere destroying monstrosity and it should not be approved, should not be built. Nobody wants to be living next to this, nobody wants to be paying for this so that Cleanaway can get rich from it, nobody wants to be breathing the toxic fumes that it pumps. For once in your life do something for the RESIDENTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, do you remember who they are? The constituents that voted for this useless, corrupt Government that all they do is look after their donor mates. DO NOT BUILD THIS FILTHY, TOXIC, POLLUTING, EXPENSIVE MONEY PIT.
Name Withheld
WETHERILL PARK , New South Wales
I live close by in Wetherill Park.
The fumes from the downwind of the waste management centre is unbearable during Spring and Summer nights when the wind is flowing our way. If you proceed with this, plus the noise pollution from the the new air port would render the Fairfield District Area an unbearable place to live. It's a great area to live with an ageing population of immigrants that mirgrated from 70's to 80's who are determined to live here forever. Please don't make it unbearable and do no approve this project.
Name Withheld
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
I strongly object to this proposal.

I've lived in Erskine Park with my husband and 4 children for over 14 years. My children go to the local schools, James Erskine Public School and Erskine Park High School. Between the 2 schools there are over 1500 children. There are 6 other schools in the St Clair area with hundreds of children in each. The Erskine Park Industrial area is also in our suburb which means thousand of workers being exposed to pollution every day as well. We are extremely concerned for our health, that of our children and our community . Western Sydney is already considered the dumping ground for waste and we do not want anything else that will harm our health built here. House prices will also decline as the popularity of our suburb will diminish. It will no longer be a desirable suburb to live as no one will want to live near a waste incinerator.
Name Withheld
EASTERN CREEK , New South Wales
It is unfair to emit the emissions in our area. We have young children and their health is most important. Find somewhere else to put your incinerator.
Name Withheld
EASTERN CREEK , New South Wales
It has been proven that these incinerators affect people’s physical and mental health. Our area already has a high number of people affected with mental health. By putting an incinerator in our area, more people will be affected, costing the government millions of dollars to help treat these patients. You are risking the health and safety of so many people. With all the money being spent to make our area better and reduce the stigma of people from Mt Druitt and the west in general, you want to add this? We don’t need or want an incinerator. Find another place for your incinerator.
Jackie Barton
DHARRUK , New South Wales
With all the facts regarding the incinerator I believe it would be irresponsible to locate it so close to my children’s school, sporting fields, water facilities, impacting the western Sydney.
It has serious health concerns and does not belong anywhere near humans.
I strongly object !!!!
Name Withheld
DHARRUK , New South Wales
Due to health impacts to the residents from toxic waste.
Close proximity of the facility to residences, hospitals, schools.
Pollution from the facility, effects on local air quality
Name Withheld
OAKHURST , New South Wales
Please think about the community full of growing and young families, their health and the consequences imposed on future generations.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I have health concerns for my 5 children if this proposal goes ahead. Saved for 5 years to buy our family home in Minchinbury/ Western Sydney.
I don’t want a rubbish dump and heavy traffic right at the front door. Surely there’s somewhere else far away from residence that this can be built!


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Other
Local Government Areas

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Sally Munk