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State Significant Development


The Cutaway Cultural Facility, Barangaroo

City of Sydney

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Fitout and enclosure of the existing roof openings in the Cutaway to accommodate a cultural facility

Attachments & Resources

SEARs (1)

EIS (24)

Exhibition (1)

Response to Submissions (10)

Agency Advice (14)

Additional Information (5)

Determination (4)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (3)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 6 of 6 submissions
Highgate Owners Corporation Strata Plan 49822
MILLERS POINT , New South Wales
See attached letter.
Anita Meshram
MILLERS POINT , New South Wales
Name Withheld
MILLERS POINT , New South Wales
Being a cave-like structure, the Cutaway creates significant external noise from any events held inside. The cavernous nature of the interior, coupled with the narrow mouth of the entry creates an amplification of sound externally. We are therefore very concerned about the nature and duration of any public events to be held and their impacts on residential neighbourhood.
We would request that strict controls be established for all events to ensure that they do not extend beyond approx. 10pm and that restrictions be placed on the type of music and entertainment played and the volume of same.
We respectfully request that the quiet, heritage nature of Millers Point including High St, be preserved and not be put at risk as a result of the potential events being held at The Cutaway.
City of Sydney
SYDNEY , New South Wales
Christina Ritchie
MILLERS POINT , New South Wales
I object to the proposed Cutaway Cultural Facility, Barangaroo.

Please see my comments and concerns below:

1. Noise, traffic and parking.
The Cutaway is immediately adjacent to Heritage residential terraces. Noise from use of the facility before, during and after event use must NOT negatively impact surrounding residences, which, being of Heritage classification, cannot easily be modified to mitigate noise. Patrons attending an event and service vehicles prior to and following an event create noise levels beyond the stipulated hours of the event. No 24hr use is acceptable and hours of use must consider families who live in the vicinity.
Traffic movement in the recently further limited access routes in the area will be difficult and the surrounding streets are unlikely to be able to cope with a large number of attendees at an event, added to the service vehicles.
Parking is already inadequate in the area due to the increase in promoted and encouraged activity to 'revitalise our city’. How much more entertainment and events can this area withstand?
Future development at Central Barangaroo is expected to add considerably to traffic and noise impacts. Any proposals for The Cutaway must be mindful of this and consider the cumulative effects arising from all this development.

2. Heritage impacts of the proposed Design.
Internal vertical splitting of the site into 3 levels loses the special impact of the current soaring space and single views to the cutaway historical sandstone walls. Can a single mezzanine floor with glass balustrade taking up only the part furthest away from the wall be considered instead of closing off the space with full floor levels?
The external area at the entry points, at Nawi Cove and Stargazers lawn must not be obstructed by newly created structures impeding view-lines to Heritage and historical items. The attractive ambience of the surrounding area must not be interrupted by such structures. The previously existing Control Tower had historical significance and might have been useful but our State Government authorities saw fit to remove it. Now that it has gone, these new structures add insult to injury by impacting on the surrounding historical, Heritage area.

3. The Cutaway is a public space.
It belongs to the people of NSW and must be accessible to all at all times that it is open, free of charge, un-ticketed.

4. Aboriginal Historical recognition.
Aboriginal history is beautifully captured in the video on the wall outside the Cutaway. The use of the Cutaway must provide more significant Aboriginal historical connection than what is currently proposed. The Aboriginal community of the area must be consulted on this. I believe an Aboriginal Cultural Centre was earlier proposed for this site.

I ask that this proposal be refused, taking into account the above concerns I have raised.
Any proposal for public harbourfront land in this vicinity must be considered in the context of the whole Barangaroo site, buildings existing, currently under construction, likely development for Central Barangaroo and the significant Heritage area immediately surrounding it.
I object to this proposal.

Christina Ritchie
Name Withheld
PYRMONT , New South Wales
Fantastic opportunity to transform this unutilised space to benefit the community at large.
Pleased with the architectural choices and look forward to this project going ahead.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Creative & Performing Arts Activities
Local Government Areas
City of Sydney
Determination Date
Executive Director

Contact Planner

Annika Hather