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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Keri Keri Wind Farm

Murray River

Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a wind energy generation project with up to 155 wind turbines, with transmission connection, energy storage and associated infrastructure.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (6)

SEARs (2)

EIS (21)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (14)


Showing 1 - 20 of 38 submissions
Name Withheld
Moulamein , New South Wales
Dear Planners
I am writing to highlight the significant infrastructure concerns associated with the proposed wind turbine development in Bermagui. The construction of these turbines would necessitate extensive road building and other supporting infrastructure in previously untouched wilderness areas. This would not only lead to habitat destruction but also increase the risk of soil erosion and water contamination.
The impact on our local infrastructure would be immense, and the long-term maintenance costs could burden our community. Please consider these serious infrastructure concerns and oppose the development plan.
John Moore
Submission that the Keri Keri Wind Farm be a controlled action and NEVER be constructed

1. I believe that the Keri Keri Wind Farm relies on the Medieval technology of Wind Turbines, powered by a weather fuel the Wind. Are totally inefficient, unreliable and totally uneconomic and should never be considered as being suitable to provide base load electricity 24/7 to a modern society.

This is because Wind turbines can only produce electricity, when the wind speed is between 12kms/hr and 90kms/hr. As a result the industry reports that Wind turbines are able to produce electricity on average for only 30% of their rated capacity or on average for eight hours per day, this leads to random periods of hours, WITHOUT ANY ELECTRICITY BEING PRODUCED, (occasionally in some calm periods, wind turbines produce NO electricity for days at a time. These random calm or gale force periods of zero electricity production, has to be provided to the consumer by a second, standby, backup electricity generator either coal or gas, which makes the cost to the consumer, unnecessarily high.

2. The spreading of thousands of Wind Turbines across rural Australia will end up creating the great danger, of having horrendous bush fires on an Annual basis.

Rural Australia is known as one of the most bushfire prone areas on Earth. Scattering tens of thousands of wind turbines (individually known to catch fire occasionally and the older they get the more likely it is to happen) on 250m high towers across the Countryside. This must increase the risk of a fire starting from a Wind Turbine100,000 times. The risk will encompass all rural landholders, country towns and rural cities. Everybody will be in danger and on tenterhooks, every Total Fire Ban Day. The danger of a fire reaching serious proportions, is greatly increased as the Wind Turbines, physical height, (250m), blade diameter and created wind turbulence, stops any arial water bombers operating within 5km to 10km of any Wind Farm. This would mean any fire started by malfunctioning wind turbine, would reach major proportions before any attempt could be made to control it. The loss of life, loss of livestock, wildlife and property has potential to be huge. The presence of the wind turbines will greatly endanger all residents, livestock, wildlife and the property of Rural Australia See wind turbines when they burn.

3. The Keri Keri Wind Farm will slaughter iconic birds and bats, over a 50 km area, 24 hours a day. It will be very detrimental to the local ecology. Particularly decimate protected Wedge Tail Eagles.

4. When all the processes that go into the construction of Wind Turbines. A. mining. B. Transport. C. Manufacture. D. Transport. E. Site preparation and construction. E. Operation. F. Dismantling and restoration. G. Transport. Disposal of Waste to landfill.. When all these procedures are taken into account, there is a strong possibility that more so call Green House gases will have been produced, than saved by the intermittent production of the Keri Keri Wind Farm
Jason Barratt
Traynors Lagoon , Victoria
An unnecessary project destroying farm land and native habitat
Name Withheld
Objecting to this project due to affected agricultural land, large amount of turbines and not reliable renewable option!
Amber Pedersen
YARRABIN , New South Wales
I strongly object to this proposal.
- adverse cumulative environmental impacts in the REZ
- adverse cumulative impacts on agricultural production/land in the REZ
- adverse cumulative impacts on tourism in the REZ
- Bisphenol A toxic cancer causing Microparticles flaking off turbine blade resin & pollution our water & land, contaminating food & water supplies. There must be a condition of consent that only turbine blades that are BPA free can be used for the project if approved.
- adverse impact on non-associated surrounding landowners property values is unacceptable. No recent studies to suggest otherwise especially based on the proposed turbine heights.
- request a decision on this project be put on hold until the next election when Nuclear Energy is selected by the people as the way of the future, moving away from a proliferation of unreliable, environmentally & socially destructive renewables.
Alleena Burger
Barham , New South Wales
I have a big concern with this project and its location being in the flight path of the endangered Australasian Bittern. This bird travels to the south of Keri Keri to the rice fields. This is only one species of many that travel south to the rice fields every year and this wind farm will cause a threat to the birds life.
Wind turbines also generate infrasound that effects the behavior of other native animals.
Apart from the environmental effect to wild life there is also the treat of bush fires caused by malfunctioning turbines which affects neighboring properties and the local volunteers in the CFA.
Having lived in this area for 40 + years and having looked into setting up an off the grid home I would never set up a wind farm in this area and expect it to provide electricity even with a battery. We simply do not get enough wind for wind turbines to be a viable option for providing electricity!
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
LAKE ALBERT , New South Wales
Acciona’s Keri Keri Wind Electricity Generating Works + Filthy, Incapable BESS belongs in PLANNING PURGATORY FOREVER as it’s yet another pathetic part of the despicable, Fake Green, Weather Dependent, RenewaBULL - Wind/Solar Energy Poverty Swindle that’s an ECOCIDAL catastrophe - ripping off & torturing everyday Australians, causing our Cost of Living Crisis, wrecking our future & plunging us all into Electrification Hell!

The Exhibition Page says “Development of a wind energy generation project with up to 170 wind turbines, with transmission connection, energy storage and associated infrastructure.”
Yet the Exhibition Notice says 155 Wind Turbines ?? - 1 GW.
DPHI Errors, Omissions & constant Planning Portal problems are rife!

I Object & DO NOT CONSENT TO CONtrolling, Greedy Billionnaire Carpetbaggers, Vested Interests & Evil Bureaucratic Ideologues implementing their Blackout Nightmare of Stupidity that is the ANTITHESIS OF CARING FOR COUNTRY, NOT PROTECTING NATURE &

Only Ideological Blockheads/RenewaBULL Cultists & Vested Interests would approve Weather Dependent JUNK that’s Environmentally Destructive, Toxic Contaminating Wind Turbine Monstrosities causing mass deforestation & cruelly slaughtering multitudes of endangered birds & bats - including the extremely rare Australian Painted Snipe found in Balranald Wetlands, that will shed toxic Bisphenol A (lethal to young children & as toxic as blue asbestos) throughout Australia’s RU1 Primary Production Land - cursing our healthy air quality, life sustaining soil, water - including Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin & our children’s Intergenerational Equity with microplastics FOREVER!

It’s totally disingenuous of the Agricultural Impact Assessment author & Acciona to pretend that this horrible Industrialised Wind Electricity Generating Works + BESS has little impact on Agriculture, Nature or People when these ECOCIDAL, Toxic Contaminating Monstrosities are making people seriously ill, causing infertility & deformities, forcing children to wear earmuffs to bed & muddying our groundwater from pile driving the bases.

Continuing to run infrasound & microplastic free Merino sheep for meat/wool & cattle grazing on uncontaminated native rangelands & utilising cropping land is the healthy, Australian benefiting priority!

Inflicting this MORAL HAZARD on the Murray River Council/Community & people of Australia would be GROSS NEGLIGENCE:- “a lack of care that demonstrates reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, which is so great it appears to be a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety.”

Transportation of Wind/Solar/BESS components is a Public Health & Safety Risk fraught with danger along the Port of Newcastle Proposed Haul Routes - with multiple B-Double Rollovers occurring - THREE RECENTLY WITHIN A MONTH - ALL INEXPERIENCED VISY DRIVERS - ALL carting Unethical Slave Labour Supply Chain RenewaBULL components to the Central West REZ! (Photo Evidence provided.)

Australians deserve far superior, reliable, efficient, plentiful, affordable, secure, 24/7 Australian Coal, Gas & a clean, safe Nuclear Power future NOT CCP reliant, Slave Labour based, Pathetic Power JUNK - built using child slavery sourced Cobalt from the Congo.

Besides being as UGLY AS SIN - blighting Balranald’s iconic landscapes with 170 or 155 Fake Green Killing Machines & Toxic Big BESS is a Public Health & Safety Risk that undermines Australia’s Food Security, Independent Energy Security, Economic Prosperity & National Security.

**RenewaBULL Rip-Off
Preying on consumers because they can and fully aware the Government won’t chase them because they are part of the ISP.

**Warnings Australia's energy transition 'out of control' as NSW market quietly melts down - ABC News - 26/05/24
'We'll lose the community'
Mr Dimery was more forthright. 
"That (the risk of blackouts) is an immediate issue we need to solve — no one will accept that in the Australian community and why should they," Mr Dimery said.
"The second question is about cost and efficiency.
"Again, I think … the government will lose the support of the community, we as an industry will lose the support of the community, if we can't manage this transition in a cost efficient way.
"And there is ample evidence right now that that is not the case."

Bisphenol A - a toxic chemical used in the epoxy resins that are used to make turbine blades. High speed spinning blades 300 KM/H collide with dust particles, rain and hail chipping off small particles of the resin coating.

Mark Twichell spells out the Poisonous Truth - Why Wind Turbines are a Dangerous Idea.
The Buffalo News October 2022.

"Wind Turbine Blades leave a toxic waste legacy for centuries to come, but there is an even more immediate threat - their blades naturally erode during operation - spreading tonnes of microplastics far & wide.
The epoxy compounds they shed contain toxins that are finding their way into our oceans & drinking water.

The particles eroded from Wind Turbine blades includes epoxy resin which is 40% Bisphenol (BPA) - a frequently banned endocrine disrupter & neurotoxin” - equally as toxic as blue asbestos & lethal to young children.

“Academic research has shown the potential for 137 pounds of epoxy micro particles to be shed per turbine per year.
The resulting annual BPA release can potentially contaminate 17 million gallons of drinking water per turbine while threatening aquatic & terrestrial life.

Minimising the shedding depends on specialised blade coatings that contain toxic ingredients from the PFAS family of 'forever' chemicals which are biologically cumulative & non-degradable.
These coatings likely need replacement after a few years.
PFAS is a common ingredient in lubricants & hydraulic fluids which routinely leak from Wind Turbines."

**18th August 2022 - Dr Eric Blondeel says:- 
“That the plastics in the blades are toxic - is without doubt!”

As far back as 2012 the World Health Organisation warned about potential carcinogenic properties of endocrine disrupters & concluded that these substances pose a global threat to public health.
Unborn & young children are especially vulnerable because their hormone system is still developing.



* (

5th April 2024
Cowboy State
Meet the Expert on Climate Eagle Deaths The Wind

*Wind farm woes continue as Victorian turbines fail after only five years – - 11th April 2024
Overseas in Ontario, Canada, farmers are regretting the day they signed up with wind farm operators back in the early 2000s. What they didn’t bargain on was their groundwater supplies being muddied up by pile-driving for the massive wind tower bases and the ongoing effects of blade vibrations. Incredibly, some claim that the vibrations cause deformities in the feet of livestock.
Bill Clarke, an independent hydrogeological consultant who ran Waterloo Geoscience Consultants Ltd, says he is opposed to those developments that may cause serious and possibly irreparable damage to the environment.
“It is obvious to me that the main aquifer under the Chatham-Kent area of southern Ontario is being affected by the construction and operation of wind turbine towers. These problems are being exacerbated as a result of developers not responding to catastrophic issues for many private wells in the immediate area.
Simply stated, wind towers, for generating electrical power, should never have been constructed over the extremely fragile contact aquifer of the Kettle Point shale,” he recently wrote.
Rural landowners in the Dover area were approached in the early 2000s, and some agreed to have towers erected on their land. Wind tower construction was initiated in 2007 in the Marsh Line Wind farm, as stage one of a series of stages.
“Within a week of pile driving, one resident observed heavily turbid water. Within months of operation, many wells in the Dover area were pumping ground water that was highly turbid, expressing itself as everything from cloudy water to totally plugging up the pressure tanks.
The number of affected wells is unknown since the agreements to place towers on private land also included gag orders that prevented the residents from reporting any detrimental affects on the quality of the well water.
It was impossible to compare pre-construction conditions to post-construction conditions because there was no meaningful data collected to characterize the ground water quality or quantity from a single well in the Dover area.”
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
I object to the large-scale wind project - Keri Keri. I don't believe community acceptance has been reached for this project and trust that the objections and supporting numbers will evidence and substantiate this. Sufficient supporting evidence must be obtained from Council and a significant portion of the community before ANY large-scale wind project can obtain any level of community acceptance. These contentious projects cannot be lumped on rural communities anymore, unless the wider community/region and Council is supportive and accepting. I believe the costs far outweigh the benefits of ANY large-scale wind project, particularly when the cumulative and combined impacts are measured, assessed and considered. Large-scale renewable projects are not the answer for Australia's future Energy needs. State and Fed gov need to go back to the drawing board and build our Energy future from the ground up, not from global conglomerate companies DOWN or forced onto community.
Name Withheld
GUYRA , New South Wales
Keri Keri Wind Farm - on the Murray River Tributary Catchments, including Vital Wetlands for Local and Internationally Protected Migratory Birds, unprotected in Australia, yet under Agreements with International Countries. Needs an Inquiry Now.

Cease and Desist Keri Keri Wind Farm PROPOSAL Immediately Immediately Immediately. Because we Love them, All Birds that Fly at all altitudes, up to 483m above the Land to 0m on Land including Eagles, Masters of the Sky, under Threat from 3 Bladed Too High Too Wide Blades/Turbines, named Sky Machetes by Bird Lovers, So Very Concerned for Birds and Bats that have No Protection Internationally from 3 Bladed Wind Turbines, yet are Endangered, Critically Endangered, and Even More so now, from now, as Wind projects Accumulate Cumulative Impacts into Sky Habitats. Put them On Rooftops Only, Bladeless Technology Wind Turbines, Now From Now. Cease and Desist Threats to All Birds, All, local and Internationally Protected Migratory.

We Must Care. We. There is a Need to Protect them, Eagles, Masters of the Sky, and the Unprotected Internationally Protected Migratory Birds, without Protection in Australia and Worldwide from 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms, Why ? Life Planetary, including Birds that Fly in the Sky, Their Habitat, is under Increasing Threat from Increases in Anthropogenic Impacts, being 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms needing to Cease Immediately. And I mean Immediately, here in Australia and Worldwide and Worldwide and Worldwide.

Cease and Desist 3 Bladed Wind Turbines Impacting the Sky Habitats of Internationally Protected Migratory Birds as well as local Species of Endangered and Critically Endangered type, that Include Bats Nature Depends on, Depends on.

I Have to Have a International Inquiry into 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms On Country On Farmland Immediately Immediately Immediately.

I Demand I Demand I Demand 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms Cease Immediately Immediately Immediately Now, Right Now. Use Bladeless and Tiny Turbines On Rooftops in Australia and Worldwide instead.

I Demand a Moratorium, a Royal Commission, a International Inquiry into Net Zero, a Scam, and Harming Life Planetary and very Obviously so.

In the region Keri Keri Wind Electricity Generating Works, suggesting this:
- Exhibition Page says 170 Turbines
But Elsewhere says this:
- Exhibition Notice says 155 Turbines??

What is Going On?

What ?

Add this:
- Tip Height 291.5 m - in the Murray Region of Wetlands Vital to Wetland Birds, Eagles, Bats, Owls, Swans, Snipe - Critically Endangered, where Internationally Protected Migratory Birds fly from a to b, b to c, c to d, d to e, and so on, over Country with What Planned upon it ?

Australia is known worldwide, as one of the most bushfire prone countries in the World, with some fires taking a huge toll. Victorian volunteer fire fighters in the Country Fire Authority (CFA) have gone on strike and are refusing to fight fires originating in Solar, Wind and Battery Factories.

Wind Turbines up to 291.5 m, when/if they catch on fire are unreachable to be extinguished from the ground. 
Turbines throw burning debris up to a km away, starting more fires. Flying water bombers have to keep 5 km or more away, meaning fires can’t be fought early and could get out of control.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) fires are very difficult to control. The smoke is extremely toxic. BESS are made with a lithium component that can self combust. They can react explosively when sprayed with water. They need to be cooled with large quantities of water, Wow, and we are Prone to Drought.
Stop Your Nonsense Dept Planning, State Government, Federal Government, Right Now. You will Burn Us All, you Idiots. Ignorant Idiots, all of you, all of you, all of you.
You Threaten us with Fire unnecessary, as well as our Forests and Habitats for the Others you cannot have Any Care for if you approve 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms, Harm and Loss Infrastructure, Accumulating across Australia and Planet Earth, accumulating Threat to Life Planetary. How do you get away with it? I Demand an Inquiry Immediately, Local, Federal, State, International.

Energy Ministers, Sharemarket Investors, Planning Departments, councils, mayors have Enabled up to 6,000 Wind turbines, 250m to 300m high, with associated BESS’s on hills and inaccessible mountain ranges, along the Flight Paths of Internationally Protected Migratory Birds and Local Birdlife, Endangered and Critically Endangered. How do you get away with it? How ? Add the Planned 28,000kms of HV Transmission Lines, that are Killers of Large Flying Birds, Hey, and Also prone to spark Fires. How do you get away with it? How?

Fire fighters are not willing to risk their lives to fight fires near Wind Farms, up to 291.5m high.

View this: AEMO data dashboard SA 04062024 9:05pm EST- Batteries 0%, Gas 97%, Diesel 3% Solar 0%, Wind 0%. Suggestion is SA is Renewables Capital of Australia ! Gas 97%, Far Worse than Coal re Impact to Environment. What are you Doing to us, All On Country us, your Australian people, growing your Food, Hey.
Do you Know How many farmers have Left their Properties due to Infrasound from Wind Turbines/Farms with 3 Blades. Cease and Desist 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms Now. Use Bladeless Technology Wind Turbines On Every Rooftop. 100% Recycleable Ensure, Ensure, Ensure.

I Demand the Transition to 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms Cease Immediately.

I Demand a Moratorium on 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms Immediately. And a Royal Commission into International Inquiry.

View the Maps that are Attached. These Are The Areas Under Threat from 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms , a Threat, Accumulative, Cumulative, to Internationally Protected Migratory Birds under International Agreements with International Countries the Australian Government is Part Of, but Ignores, Why ?

I Demand an International Inquiry into Threats to Internationally Protected Migratory Birds by the Australian Government Choosing, NB, Choosing, Choosing, Choosing 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms as Renewables, Rather Than Bladeless Wind Technology for Rooftops Only, to Cease Threat to Internationally Protected Migratory Birds. I Demand State Governments of Australia face Inquiry into Threats to Endangered Critically Endangered Internationally Protected Migratory Birds from 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms Chosen Chosen Chosen over Bladeless No Harm to Birds Wind Turbines. The CHOICE Made By the Planning Departments of NSW, and Federal Government , to Enable 3 Bladed Wind Turbines/Farms which Harm and Cause Loss To Endangered, Critically Endangered, Local and Internationally Protected Migratory Birds and Bats is Needing Investigation.

Why aren't we Caring for Endangered and Critically Endangered Species please.

Alternatives Exist. Choose Them. Choose Them.

How Dare You All in NSW Planning Departments, NSW government departments, in Federal Government, CHOOSE a Harm and Loss Infrastructure method for Energy Production when Alternatives Exist that are Low Cost to Environment All On Country Environment being Wind and Solar on Rooftops Only, Coal as the baseload, not Gas, for God's Sake, Not Gas.

You are Responsible.

You Are Responsible.

You Are Responsible for Harm and Loss to Endangered and Critically Endangered Local and Internationally Protected Migratory Birds, and Are. Are. Are. Choose The Alternative From Now.

Rooftops Only for All Renewables. Low Cost All Round. Far Less, to Zero Impacts re Harm and Loss to Environment All On Country Environment And Endangered and Critically Endangered Species and Internationally Protected Migratory Birds.

The Sky is For Birds, for God's Sake. What are you Doing to these Species? What! Harming Them in the Full Knowledge you Are. How Dare You All in government. Shame on you All in government. Choose Care. Choose Care. Choose Care To The All On Country Now From Now.

The Murray Darling Basin to Great Divide to Coast is the Area Internationally Protected Migratory Birds Migrate to from Northern Hemisphere. From Northern Hemisphere. From Northern Hemisphere. Treat these Amazing Truly Amazing Migratory Birds With Respect. Respect. Respect.

Use Rooftops Only for Tiny Turbines, Bladeless, 100 % Recyclable Absolutely.

You people Are Responsible for Future.

Future. The Future. You Are Responsible for Australia's Future, because We , the Australian Community are Not Being Heard At All. We Are the Communities you Cannot Hear.

Cease and Desist Keri Keri Wind Farm PROPOSAL Immediately.

Name Withheld
Moulamein , New South Wales
I have been a farmer in this district for many years.I left school at a young age to work on my families farm.
This installation does not belong on productive farmland. The food security of Australia is under threat.
As a 3rd generation farmer , I work and care for the land as I have to provide food for your table.
Re infrastructure, turbine/solar & line don’t belong anywhere. Australia needs reliable energy generation.
I have work with the weather for 40 yrs is is extremely unpredictable and very unreliable.
Name Withheld
swan Hill , Victoria
This project threatens food production.
Farms should be left for food production.
It won’t give Australia electricity security, it won’t generate enough electricity.
Living in the same rural area, on a day like today very cloudy and raining. Zero.
The animals that will be displaced and killed by this installation will be astronomical the birds with the turbine blades and the smaller creatures that won’t want to live next to infrasound generated.
The endangered Mallee fowl to mention only one of many.
Thank you
Annie Hare
Barham , New South Wales
This project is occupying a large amount of farm land.
The turbines have a huge environmental impact themselves.
The wildlife noise will displace. The birds life especially raptors ie, the wedge tailed eagle & the whistling kite . Raptors eye are towards the ground looking for prey. These bird are in great danger from the Blades which will cause certain death.
The embedded cost of this aren’t calculated and they need replacing in a short amount of time. The cement, the transport by Diesel trucks, The large access roads that need to be made.
And lastly, I will mention the Intrasound that is said no living thing wants to live within 30 km of. This is causing health issues with surrounding neighbours .
We need to consider Nuclear energy generation .
Thank Annie
Name Withheld
GULGONG , New South Wales
My oppositions to this proposed project are many but in particular I am very concerned about the use of industrial lithium batteries. They require many minerals to be mined, including in wilderness areas, that are toxic and, in some cases, require the use of slave labour to keep costs down. The recycling of thousands of tonnes of lithium batteries is not yet viable and, due to their short economic lives, will pollute our environments in a few short years. They pose fire and toxic smoke risks to fire-fighters and nearby residents and towns that will continue to occur despite the claims by the Proponent.

Another additional objection to this project is based on the waste of the Australian's electricity consumers and taxpayers money on what is after all an old previously abandoned technology. No subsidies should be required as the industry is decades old and well advanced in other countries. It is not a start up industry as over 35% of the NEM capacity is already made up of industrial wind and solar plants and rooftop solar.
Name Withheld
GULGONG , New South Wales
I oppose this project because the supply chain involves the use of slave labour. Cobalt and copper artisanal mining relies in slave labour in the DRC and the production of components in China uses slave labour. Stop these degrading projects.

I oppose this project because it is very unlikely that the decommissioning, removal and land rehabilitation will occur due to the exorbitant cost that will be involved. The cost in 20 years or so time will likely exceed today's cost to build the project. Unlike mining companies there is no requirement for this developer to lodge a bond to cover this future cost. Who will ultimately pay? The new owner of the plant, the host landholders, the local ratepayers or the State and/or Federal governments. The project must not be approved unless such a bond is in place.
Save Our Surroundings (SOS)
Gulgong , New South Wales
Please replace previous submission with the attachment. Some typing errors have been corrected and more detail added to our objection.
Canberra , Australian Capital Territory
Refer to Attached
Name Withheld
Gannawarra , Victoria
To the planners
This project consumes a large amount of agricultural land that can never be repurposed for cropping or Irragation or any type of improvement whether it be habit and vegetation or farming and food.
When I go to the aemo website checking regularly our energy generation and it is predominantly coal and gas with less than 30% turbine and solar generation.
The turbine and solar energy generating installations are only fit for use for 20 years at best.
I’m glad of the recent talks on Nuclear because if we are serious about food security and National security Nuclear will give us lower missions, electricity security and to stop covering productive farmland in unreliable renewables.
Electricity security + Food security = National security
Save Our Surroundings (SOS)
Gulgong , New South Wales
The opening paragraph that the project will provide clean, renewable energy that will power 579,000 NSW homes are falsehoods. So are the claims that it will provide cleaner, cheaper and reliable electricity while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions contribute and the impact of climate change.
The wind works will be idle about 70% of the time on average over a year. So 579,000 NSW households will go without power during these times.
Certainly not clean. The processes involved to create wind turbines and BESS batteries is extremely toxic as are the micro-particles from the blades as they deteriorate relatively quickly.
The only thing renewable is that the blades, the batteries being replaced every few years and the whole wind works will only last about 20 years, so requiring new generating capacity to be in place before the Kerri Kerri works is decommissioned.
Cheaper electricity from wind and solar works has not been achieved anywhere in the world when total system costs are included.
Certainly not reliable. No wind no electricity. For example, on 4/6/2024 at 9:05pm EST, South Australia, which has over 60% renewables capacity, had zero electricity generated from its batteries (including the 'big one'), solar and wind. ZERO! (7% was from gas and 3% from diesel generators. The whole NEM was about 3% renewables generation at the same time. No more evidence is needed that claims about reliability of wind works is pure fabrication, misleading and dishonest.
The embedded greenhouse emissions in the project and the subsequent frequent replacements create enormous upfront emissions. Just the turbines and their reinforced concrete bases require several more times the weight of materials per MWh produced than does a fully built and operating coal, gas or nuclear plant.
There is no evidence that reducing greenhouse gas emissions impacts climate change. As nature is responsible for 97% of greenhouse emissions this project cannot make the claim it will impact climate change. In any case, the earth is greening as a result of higher CO2 (plant food) and agriculture globally is producing food at record levels. These a good things to celebrate not demonise!
The Paris Agreement Article 2.1 (b) is breached by this project as it will reduce food production at a time when Australia's and the world's growing populations require more food, not less.
Name Withheld
MALLAN , New South Wales
The project has been rushed in with ill thought & the only winners are those outside organisations profiting from their implementation. There is evidence around the rest of the world that these turbines don't work and will not be a long term solution to our power. The turbines are toxic & ruin our environments natural habitat & community livelihoods.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas
Murray River

Contact Planner

Tatsiana Bandaruk