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State Significant Development


Narrabri Gas

Narrabri Shire

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

The project involves the progressive development of a coal seam gas field over 20 years with up to 850 gas wells and ancillary infrastructure, including gas processing and water treatment facilities.

Attachments & Resources

SEARs (3)

EIS (71)

Submissions (221)

Response to Submissions (18)

Agency Advice (46)

Additional Information (8)

Assessment (8)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (34)

Reports (2)

Notifications (2)

Other Documents (1)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 481 - 500 of 6108 submissions
John Stirling
Mount Lawley , Western Australia
1. The Narrabri Gas Project risks precious water sources, including the Great Australian Basin--Australia's largest groundwater aquifer
The Narrabri gasfield poses a real risk to our two most precious water resources: the Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin. The area of the Great Artesian Basin with the highest recharge rates is almost entirely contained within the Pilliga East forest. In a worst-case scenario, the water removed for CSG extraction could reduce water pressure in the recharge areas--potentially stopping the free flow of waters to the surface at springs and bores across the whole Great Artesian Basin.¹

Creeks in the Pilliga run into the Namoi River--a part of the Murray Darling Basin. This system is vulnerable to contamination from drilling fluid spills and the salty treated water produced from the proposed 850 wells.

2. The Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians are opposed
There are hundreds of cultural sites as well as songlines and stories connecting the Gamilaraay to the forest and to the groundwater beneath. Gamilaraay people are deeply involved in the battle against CSG, and have told Santos they do not want their country sacrificed for a coal seam gas field.

3. Farmers and other local community reject the project
Extensive community surveys have shown an average of 96% opposition to CSG. This stretches across a massive 3.2 million hectares of country surrounding the Pilliga forest, including 99 communities. Hundreds of farmers have participated in protest actions unlike any previously seen in the region.

4. The Narrabri Gas Project has a long history of spills and leaks of toxic CSG water--Santos cannot be trusted to manage the project safely
Santos has already contaminated a freshwater aquifer in the Pilliga with uranium at levels 20 times higher than safe drinking water guidelines, as well as lead, aluminium, arsenic and barium². In addition, there have been over 20 reported spills and leaks of toxic CSG water from storage ponds, pipes and well heads. Santos cannot be trusted.

5. The Pilliga is a haven for threatened wildlife
The Pilliga is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species like the Koala, Spotted-tailed Quoll, Black-striped Wallaby, Eastern Pygmy-possum, Pilliga Mouse and South-eastern Long-eared Bat. The forest is home to over 200 bird species and is internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area². The Santos gasfield would fragment 95,000 hectares of the Pilliga with well pads, roads, and water and gas pipelines--damaging vital habitat and threatening the survival of endangered species.

6. Coal seam gas fuels dangerous climate change
Methane is by far the major component of natural gas, and is a greenhouse gas 72 times more powerful than CO². CSG fields contribute to climate change through the leakage of methane during the production, transport, processing and use of coal seam gas.

7. Human health is compromised by coal seam gas
A range of hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds can be released into the air from coal seam gas operations, including flaring of gas wells. The effects of volatile organic compounds vary, but can cause eye, nose and airway irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination⁴. These impacts have been documented in human populations nearby to existing gasfields in Queensland, Sydney and in America.

8. The nation's premier optical astronomical observatory is at risk
The Siding Springs Observatory, situated in the Warrumbungles and adjacent to the Pilliga, is under threat from the Narrabri Gas Project due to light and dust pollution⁵. The area has been internationally recognised as a `dark sky park'⁶ and the 50m high gas flares proposed by Santos threaten the viability of the facility.

9. Thousands of tonnes of salt waste will result from the project
Santos has no solution for disposing of the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of salt that will be produced. Between 17,000 and 42,000 tonnes of salt waste would be produced each year. This industry would leave a toxic legacy in NSW.

10. Risk of fires would increase throughout the Pilliga's tinder-box conditions
Methane flare stacks up to 50m high would be running day and night, even on total fire ban days. The Pilliga is prone to severe bushfires. The project would increase ignition sources as well as extracting, transporting and storing a highly flammable gas right within this extremely fire-prone forest.
Daryl White
Fernleigh , New South Wales
Quite frankly, your whole system of assessing Environmental impact appears completely corrupt and compromised by a government agenda driven by political donations and lobbying. I don't know if anyone in your department is personally getting kick-backs, but I'm fairly sure your assessment team is under resourced, under staffed and unmotivated to do anything other than rubber stamp these disastrous projects. The evidence from across the planet is clear. CSG, without exception has left environmental and agricultural disaster in it's wake. Farmers are being bullied in to submission by banks, legal teams and mining company employees visiting their properties and actually threatening them. Many commit suicide. If you approve these submissions you are a traitor to your country, democracy and humanity and should be locked up.
Adriana Mahne
Mount Eccles , Victoria
To whom it may concern,

I object to any further activity that supports the setup of Santo's new coal seam gas plant.
On behalf of my 2 young children I beg you to NOT invest in unsustainable, highly polluting forms of power generation, that contribute to climate change. Our world already faces tremendous effects of pollution and building another coal seam gas plant would only add to this problem. My children deserve a future on this earth and the development of this plant is directly interfering with their future. I demand that we look further and make choices that support our children's future on our planet. There are brilliant alternative power sources these days and our goal should be to improve those, not support dirty old Coal Seam Gas plants.v
Peter Griffiths
Cheero Point , New South Wales
The only possible benefit of Santos plan to drill 850 coal seam gas wells right through the heart of the Pilliga forest and through the Great Artesian Basin is to generate profits for Santos, and this reason alone is insufficient to justify the monstrous, knowing, and deliberate damage to the environment .

This is a display of reckless and destructive insanity on the part of Santos executives that any rational person would reject out of hand.
Donna Toulmin
Lapstone , New South Wales
I oppose the plans for these coal seam gas wells.

I cannot support this project for a few reasons:

I am alarmed at the amount of greenhouse gases which Australia is emitting into our atmosphere, damaging our climate and ecosystems.

I'm concerned that our tax dollars instead of going towards those in our society who need it most, are going towards subsidising the richest industry the world has ever seen, the fossil fuel industry.

I object to the way that the moral rights of the traditional owners of the land, the Gamiliaraay people may be trampled on (if history is a any guide).

I am discouraged by the way the NSW government under Baird had been consistently approving new fossil fuel explorarion projects when we should be doing everything we can to encourage renewable energy (which the CSIRO says is technically able to provide 100% of our energy needs, and it would be "trivial" to provide even 30% of Australia's energy needs from renewables.) But instead we insist on opening new coal mines, and new coal seam gas wells. I'm hopeful that the Berejiklian administration in NSW will transition rapidly towards encouraging getting our energy from renewable sources.

I oppose, in very strong terms, this project.
Megan Jackson
Gordon , Australian Capital Territory
There are several reasons why I object to this project:

1. The Gamilaraay (traditional custodians) oppose the project, because of the risk to their cultural sites as well as the damage to songlines and stories connecting the Gamilaraay to the forest and to the groundwater beneath.

2. Other local community members oppose the project. I have read sources which suggest that over 90% of the local community is in opposition.

3. The potential for environmental damage in the Pilliga region. The Narrabri gasfield poses a real risk to our two significant water resources: the Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin. The area of the Great Artesian Basin with the highest recharge rates is almost entirely contained within the Pilliga East forest. In a worst-case scenario, the water removed for CSG extraction could reduce water pressure in the recharge areas--potentially stopping the free flow of waters to the surface at springs and bores across the whole Great Artesian Basin.

Creeks in the Pilliga run into the Namoi River--a part of the Murray Darling Basin. This system is vulnerable to contamination from drilling fluid spills and the salty treated water produced from the proposed 850 wells.

The Pilliga is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species like the Koala, Spotted-tailed Quoll, Black-striped Wallaby, Eastern Pygmy-possum, Pilliga Mouse and South-eastern Long-eared Bat. The forest is home to over 200 bird species and is internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area. The Santos gasfield would fragment 95,000 hectares of the Pilliga with well pads, roads, and water and gas pipelines--damaging vital habitat and threatening the survival of endangered species.

There are also environmental risks associated with spills and leaks. I have read sources that suggest Santos has already contaminated a freshwater aquifer in the Pilliga with uranium at levels 20 times higher than safe drinking water guidelines, as well as lead, aluminium, arsenic and barium. In addition, I am advised that there have been over 20 reported spills and leaks of toxic CSG water from storage ponds, pipes and well heads.

Santos has no solution for disposing of the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of salt that will be produced. Between 17,000 and 42,000 tonnes of salt waste would be produced each year. This industry would leave a toxic legacy in NSW.
Name Withheld
Wangaratta , Victoria
The risk of contamination to the water table is too great.
CSG has around the world leaked either intentionally or unintentionally dangerous chemicals into underground water tables.
The risk is too great. Please don't allow this to occur.
Name Withheld
Keperra , Queensland
I care deeply about our environment and it's protection. We need to use sustainable methods for generating energy and stear away from those that are leaving ireperable impact on our environment.
Another issue here and not less important is that government and people representatives are not representing people's wishes. They have been elected by people to serve the people but clearly they are not doing their job and completely ignoring the public opinion on the matter.
Jennifer Saunders
Lismore , New South Wales
SANTOS must not be permitted to threaten the integrity of Australia's aquifers with their short sighted hunt for gas. Look at what has happened in America and elsewhere after CSG mining takes over. Queensland citizens are feeling the effects of this filthy mining practice already. Why should we let the environment be ravaged for gas by companies who pay no tax and ship the gas and the profits offshore and leave us only the mess to deal with? It is criminal political greed and negligence of the connectedness of our precious water resources.
We can live without gas. We cannot live without water.
Renee Prince
Mermaid Beach , Queensland
This project risks precious water sources, including the Great Australian Basin.
The Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians are opposed.
Farmers and local communities reject the project - 96% are opposed.
The Narrabri Gas Project has a long history of spills and leaks of toxic CSG water--Santos cannot be trusted to manage the project safely.
The Pilliga is a haven for threatened wildlife. It is is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species.
Coal seam gas fuels dangerous climate change.
Human health is compromised by coal seam gas.
The nation's premier optical astronomical observatory is at risk.
Thousands of tonnes of salt waste will result from the project - and Santos has NO solution for disposing of it.
Risk of fires would increase throughout the Pilliga's tinder-box conditions due to methane flare stacks up to 50m high that would be running day and night, even on total fire ban days.

Name Withheld
Mermaid Beach , Queensland
This project risks precious water sources, including the Great Australian Basin.
The Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians are opposed.
Farmers and local communities reject the project - 96% are opposed.
The Narrabri Gas Project has a long history of spills and leaks of toxic CSG water--Santos cannot be trusted to manage the project safely.
The Pilliga is a haven for threatened wildlife. It is is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species.
Coal seam gas fuels dangerous climate change.
Human health is compromised by coal seam gas.
The nation's premier optical astronomical observatory is at risk.
Thousands of tonnes of salt waste will result from the project - and Santos has NO solution for disposing of it.
Risk of fires would increase throughout the Pilliga's tinder-box conditions due to methane flare stacks up to 50m high that would be running day and night, even on total fire ban days.
Nikki Gjerde
Arundel , Queensland
1. The Narrabri Gas Project risks precious water sources, including the Great Australian Basin--Australia's largest groundwater aquifer
The Narrabri gasfield poses a real risk to our two most precious water resources: the Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin. The area of the Great Artesian Basin with the highest recharge rates is almost entirely contained within the Pilliga East forest. In a worst-case scenario, the water removed for CSG extraction could reduce water pressure in the recharge areas--potentially stopping the free flow of waters to the surface at springs and bores across the whole Great Artesian Basin.¹

Creeks in the Pilliga run into the Namoi River--a part of the Murray Darling Basin. This system is vulnerable to contamination from drilling fluid spills and the salty treated water produced from the proposed 850 wells.

2. The Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians are opposed
There are hundreds of cultural sites as well as songlines and stories connecting the Gamilaraay to the forest and to the groundwater beneath. Gamilaraay people are deeply involved in the battle against CSG, and have told Santos they do not want their country sacrificed for a coal seam gas field.

3. Farmers and other local community reject the project
Extensive community surveys have shown an average of 96% opposition to CSG. This stretches across a massive 3.2 million hectares of country surrounding the Pilliga forest, including 99 communities. Hundreds of farmers have participated in protest actions unlike any previously seen in the region.

4. The Narrabri Gas Project has a long history of spills and leaks of toxic CSG water--Santos cannot be trusted to manage the project safely
Santos has already contaminated a freshwater aquifer in the Pilliga with uranium at levels 20 times higher than safe drinking water guidelines, as well as lead, aluminium, arsenic and barium². In addition, there have been over 20 reported spills and leaks of toxic CSG water from storage ponds, pipes and well heads. Santos cannot be trusted.

5. The Pilliga is a haven for threatened wildlife
The Pilliga is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species like the Koala, Spotted-tailed Quoll, Black-striped Wallaby, Eastern Pygmy-possum, Pilliga Mouse and South-eastern Long-eared Bat. The forest is home to over 200 bird species and is internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area². The Santos gasfield would fragment 95,000 hectares of the Pilliga with well pads, roads, and water and gas pipelines--damaging vital habitat and threatening the survival of endangered species.

6. Coal seam gas fuels dangerous climate change
Methane is by far the major component of natural gas, and is a greenhouse gas 72 times more powerful than CO². CSG fields contribute to climate change through the leakage of methane during the production, transport, processing and use of coal seam gas.

7. Human health is compromised by coal seam gas
A range of hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds can be released into the air from coal seam gas operations, including flaring of gas wells. The effects of volatile organic compounds vary, but can cause eye, nose and airway irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination⁴. These impacts have been documented in human populations nearby to existing gasfields in Queensland, Sydney and in America.

8. The nation's premier optical astronomical observatory is at risk
The Siding Springs Observatory, situated in the Warrumbungles and adjacent to the Pilliga, is under threat from the Narrabri Gas Project due to light and dust pollution⁵. The area has been internationally recognised as a `dark sky park'⁶ and the 50m high gas flares proposed by Santos threaten the viability of the facility.

9. Thousands of tonnes of salt waste will result from the project
Santos has no solution for disposing of the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of salt that will be produced. Between 17,000 and 42,000 tonnes of salt waste would be produced each year. This industry would leave a toxic legacy in NSW.

10. Risk of fires would increase throughout the Pilliga's tinder-box conditions
Methane flare stacks up to 50m high would be running day and night, even on total fire ban days. The Pilliga is prone to severe bushfires. The project would increase ignition sources as well as extracting, transporting and storing a highly flammable gas right within this extremely fire-prone forest.
Kindle Gordy
Sharon , Queensland
Coal seam gas mining is a disaster waiting to happen. The destruction and harm caused is far worse than any financial benefit. The government should be thinking of the future impacts this will have and listen to and respect the views of its constituents who overwhelmingly oppose it.
Name Withheld
Uk ,
Do the right thing
Brett Cooper
Moonta bay , South Australia

To Narrabri council.

I am greatly concerned for our environmental future for our future generations. Our country is precious and unique to the world, but only as it is preserved and not abused.

There are many negative spin offs in this gas project as you will be quite aware of. While the enticement of money is shiny and can do a lot of good things for your community, what is on the other side when the negative starts to impact the community and those cost become a heavy burden.

Do not approve this project. Look to the long term, further than 20 years from now. Strive to be an example to the rest of Australia and the world of how preserving and working with the environment is far more profitable in in contrast to what little you make from this project.

I have included the issues surrounding this project below. Listen to the many voices, not just the few who wave money in your face to make you compromise what you know is good and right for your community

1. The Narrabri Gas Project risks precious water sources, including the Great Australian Basin--Australia's largest groundwater aquifer
The Narrabri gasfield poses a real risk to our two most precious water resources: the Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin. The area of the Great Artesian Basin with the highest recharge rates is almost entirely contained within the Pilliga East forest. In a worst-case scenario, the water removed for CSG extraction could reduce water pressure in the recharge areas--potentially stopping the free flow of waters to the surface at springs and bores across the whole Great Artesian Basin.¹

Creeks in the Pilliga run into the Namoi River--a part of the Murray Darling Basin. This system is vulnerable to contamination from drilling fluid spills and the salty treated water produced from the proposed 850 wells.

2. The Gamilaraay Traditional Custodians are opposed
There are hundreds of cultural sites as well as songlines and stories connecting the Gamilaraay to the forest and to the groundwater beneath. Gamilaraay people are deeply involved in the battle against CSG, and have told Santos they do not want their country sacrificed for a coal seam gas field.

3. Farmers and other local community reject the project
Extensive community surveys have shown an average of 96% opposition to CSG. This stretches across a massive 3.2 million hectares of country surrounding the Pilliga forest, including 99 communities. Hundreds of farmers have participated in protest actions unlike any previously seen in the region.

4. The Narrabri Gas Project has a long history of spills and leaks of toxic CSG water--Santos cannot be trusted to manage the project safely
Santos has already contaminated a freshwater aquifer in the Pilliga with uranium at levels 20 times higher than safe drinking water guidelines, as well as lead, aluminium, arsenic and barium². In addition, there have been over 20 reported spills and leaks of toxic CSG water from storage ponds, pipes and well heads. Santos cannot be trusted.

5. The Pilliga is a haven for threatened wildlife
The Pilliga is one of 15 nationally listed `biodiversity hotspots' and is vital to the survival of threatened species like the Koala, Spotted-tailed Quoll, Black-striped Wallaby, Eastern Pygmy-possum, Pilliga Mouse and South-eastern Long-eared Bat. The forest is home to over 200 bird species and is internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area². The Santos gasfield would fragment 95,000 hectares of the Pilliga with well pads, roads, and water and gas pipelines--damaging vital habitat and threatening the survival of endangered species.

6. Coal seam gas fuels dangerous climate change
Methane is by far the major component of natural gas, and is a greenhouse gas 72 times more powerful than CO². CSG fields contribute to climate change through the leakage of methane during the production, transport, processing and use of coal seam gas.

7. Human health is compromised by coal seam gas
A range of hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds can be released into the air from coal seam gas operations, including flaring of gas wells. The effects of volatile organic compounds vary, but can cause eye, nose and airway irritation, headache, nausea, dizziness and loss of coordination⁴. These impacts have been documented in human populations nearby to existing gasfields in Queensland, Sydney and in America.

8. The nation's premier optical astronomical observatory is at risk
The Siding Springs Observatory, situated in the Warrumbungles and adjacent to the Pilliga, is under threat from the Narrabri Gas Project due to light and dust pollution⁵. The area has been internationally recognised as a `dark sky park'⁶ and the 50m high gas flares proposed by Santos threaten the viability of the facility.

9. Thousands of tonnes of salt waste will result from the project
Santos has no solution for disposing of the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of salt that will be produced. Between 17,000 and 42,000 tonnes of salt waste would be produced each year. This industry would leave a toxic legacy in NSW.

10. Risk of fires would increase throughout the Pilliga's tinder-box conditions
Methane flare stacks up to 50m high would be running day and night, even on total fire ban days. The Pilliga is prone to severe bushfires. The project would increase ignition sources as well as extracting, transporting and storing a highly flammable gas right within this extremely fire-prone forest.

- See more at:
Name Withheld
Barellan Pt , Queensland
Please preserve the Pilliga. Our environment is of utmost importance, for us and future generations.
Kath Messner
Afterlee , New South Wales
I fully support the withdrawal and denial of the Government to allow Santos access to the Piliga. We do not want fracking in any part of our country, stop wasting tax payers money , stop allowing huge corporate giants to rape our land and get away with it. Listen to the people, think of the future generations that have the right to enjoy the beautiful lanspdscapes and clean water for life.
I will hold u accountable if my grandchildren are unable todo so and my curse wil be strong. wil b
Vlasta Eriksson
Reslynch , Queensland
How can the government go against the people's choice, over 90% of residents don't want this project to go ahead. Why allow it. I thought we were living in a country were the people are heard and we have freedom of choice. This is just not on. How much more can our environment take. Stop contributing to the problem and start offering solutions.
Name Withheld
Devonport , Tasmania
For the purposes of this submission I believe that this proposal is extreme and will not only destroy the environment but may continue to do so on land and in the aquafers for generations to come. I don't think this type of endeavour is responsible, caring or considerate for the land, the country, or the people and animals that will be adversely affected.

Thank you.
Name Withheld
Mona Vale , New South Wales
Please stop destroying our environment and no more greedy money making ventures through mining. Can we please look into alternative energy supplies such as solar and or wind. We are so behind in the world for using these alternatives, let's be proactive in this way.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Petroleum Extraction
Local Government Areas
Narrabri Shire
Determination Date

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Rose-Anne Hawkeswood