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State Significant Development


Oran Park High School and Primary School


Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Consent


Application (61)

Request for SEARs (4)


Response to Submissions (8)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (4)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 15 of 15 submissions
Emma Spencer
Spring Farm , New South Wales
Oran park high school needs more than 10 car spaces.
It needs to consider staff visitors and year 12 students who will have their license to drive to school.
Elizabeth Stevenson
Currans Hill , New South Wales
10 car parks for 160 staff and parents etc? A recipe for illegally parked cars and extreme traffic issues.

Please rethink this decision.
Name Withheld
Oran Park , New South Wales
Please consider parking!!! Outside of the existing public school there is not enough parking spots for parents of the current students that attend let alone more students that will be arriving. Currently parents are having to park in surrounding streets however, once homes are built this will no longer be an option!
Name Withheld
Oran park , New South Wales
I would like to see more parking at the high school, its a massive issue at the primary school that something needs to be done about parking .
Diane Donovick
Oran Park , New South Wales
I wish to voice my concern regarding the lack of car spaces being made available as per the plans for the extension of Oran Park PS and the building of Oran Park HS.
These schools are situated amongst homes on narrow streets. This is not unusual for new developing towns. However, it becomes an absolute nightmare for residents, parents/ carers and school staff. Even if parking is permitted on one side of the street, there will be two-way traffic using these roads. If you were to observe the parking around the nearby school of Harrington Park PS, you would understand fully the concerns. And this school has a large car park for their staff. If the plans are to only provide a 'minimum', or 10 as shown in the plans, where are the Oran Park PS staff going to park? With an anticipated 1000+ student enrolment over the next few years, car spaces would need to accomodate 42 class teachers (assuming 6 classes per grade), plus support staff, SLSOs, executive staff, office staff, canteen workers, school counsellor...
I don't think a car space per teacher is too much to expect, Teachers work long hours, way beyond 8:30-3:30. They also carry a lot of equipment and resources to/from home and school. Parking is not a 'perk' of the job.
When both the primary and high school are both in operation, the area around the school will be a work, health and safety concern. Even with both schools operating on different times, there will be a constant line of traffic in and out around the school from before 7:30 am til well after 4:30 pm. This also will not include special events that take place at schools, such as assemblies, grandparents day, musicals, award presentations, etc. some of these could also be at night, further impacting on the nearby residents.
The plans for both the Oran Park PS and Oran Park HS need a more careful consideration as to the impact on residents, teachers and staff. The Department of Education has already poorly planned the building of these school and should have built them years ago. Both the Anglican and Catholic schools managed to open a few years prior to the public school. Government needs to do better. Get it right! Don't treat Westwrn Sydney residents as second rate citizens. We work, we pay taxes, we vote.
Name Withheld
Oran Park , New South Wales
It is vital that carpark is looked at in terms of the capacity and holding more cars than it needs to be. You need to consider the traffic on roads and staff needs. Teachers, office and all support staff need to be considered as it will impact local traffic and residents as well as safety concerns for students.
Office of Environment and Heritage
Parramatta , New South Wales
After reviewing the relevant documents, OEH's Greater Sydney Planning Team has concluded that the matter does
not contain biodiversity, natural hazards or Aboriginal cultural heritage issues that require a formal OEH response.
We have no further need to be involved in the assessment of this project.
Paul Lincoln
Oran Park , New South Wales
It is wonderful that the Oran Park HS and expanded Primary School plans have been exhibited and a shame that they are at least 2 years behind demand.
The concept of a shared site with a transition for students to a new school that they will be familiar with and with older siblings sharing transport is a wonderful idea. However each of the schools are staffed with teaching, administrative and many support staff.
To not provide sufficient parking space for the staff, especially at the high school, which will have an even higher demand for spaces, is a gross oversight.
I have spent 42 years working in various schools at both the teaching and management levels and each of those schools had to expand their parking provision for staff. Local residents should not have their streets choked up with staff cars during the week days and with site [community] users on the weekends.
The Oran Park Primary School plan at least shows an expanded parking area to the left of the current staff car park.
HOWEVER the Oran Park High School seems to only have 10 or so spaces provided. Given the fence line why would the car park area not be expanded to cover the complete length, retaining the plantings as shown. Double sided to the courts area and then single sided beyond.
During the course of the usual school day executive, admin and staff, leave and return to school for many reasons, to attend meetings, transport students, attend professional learning, visit other schools etc... It is not reasonable to assume upon their return to resume classes or meet other time specific obligations, that they would then be searching for street parking.
TEN [10] spaces for a high school of a predicted 160 staff, someone seriously has to do a rethink.
I am presuming of course you would like staff arriving in a relaxed state of mind for the start of the day and not having spent 15 minutes and a 500m walk with their bags, trollies etc...
Each day searching for a new car spot on a different street.
Camden Council
Oran Park , New South Wales
Please see attached.
Greenfields Development Company No. 2 Pty Ltd
Oran Park , New South Wales
Please see attachment which contains our submission. We are broadly supportive of the project but consider that additional onsite parking should be provided.
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Sydney , New South Wales
Please see attached.
NSW Environment Protection Authority
Parramatta , New South Wales
Please see attached.
Roads and Maritime Services
Parramatta , New South Wales
Please see attached.
Transport for NSW
Chippendale , New South Wales
Please see attached.
Sydney Water
Parramatta , New South Wales
Please see attached.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Educational establishments
Local Government Areas
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Andrew Beattie