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State Significant Development


Yanco Delta Wind Farm

Edward River

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a wind farm with up to 208 wind turbines, energy storage and associated infrastructure

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Consent



Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (2)

EIS (21)

Response to Submissions (10)

Agency Advice (14)

Amendments (2)

Additional Information (13)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

There are no post approval documents available

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no inspections for this project.

Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 9 of 9 submissions
Name Withheld
Lake Albert , New South Wales
I object to Yanco Delta Wind ELECTRICITY GENERATING WORKS & the false representation of this ugly, environmentally destructive, contaminating ruination of Australia.
This is NOT a Farm'

Local Councils have a duty NOT to host Slave labour reliant product - including these Wind Turbines & any part thereof.

I object to these wind turbines shedding toxic Bisphenol A (lethal to young children) from their blades.
It is reprehensible that these toxic contaminating monstrosities have previously even been approved elsewhere when they are such a risk to our health & safety.
Name Withheld
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
I do not have objections to the construction of renewable energy infrastructure in the district as I see the value it brings to the community. Virya Energy has made a number of errors in this submission which need fixing before the project proceeds.

We were approached by Virya for inclusion to their project but declined. In the Virya scoping report we have noted that the layout of wind turbines and project area extends onto a considerable portion of our land without our agreement. I feel this is a rushed submission without the proper due diligence being completed.

Along with the errors in this submission, the project extends out of the indicative South West Renewable Energy Zone which brings to question the need of the REZ if it is not followed by developers.

Given the inclusion of our land without any agreement being signed I feel it necessary for Virya Energy to resubmit the report with the corrections being made.
jerilderie football club
LOGIE BRAE , New South Wales
the jerilderie football club fully supports the project and we feel it will be beneficial to our local communities .
Peter Robertson
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
The Yanko Delta Wind Farm has many benefits to the local and National community. Even before any site development has taken place extensive research has been conducted, at the developers expense; into Biodiversity, Aboriginal and non aboriginal Heritage, impacts on land, air, water and soils as well as likely social and economic impacts.
Remember this is a very sparsely settled area and generally only farmed at a very low impact level.
The entire local community will benefit from the extra employment, accommodation and cashflow generated over several decades by this project.
One big advantage of wind over solar is the relatively small footprint impacted.
There are several advantages for individual farmers besides the direct financial benefits.
Farm tracks will need to be much improved to enable access to build and maintain the operation, a small area is lost but I have found there are major animal health benefits to having good tracks, foot disease is practically eliminated.
Good tracks are much better for farm vehicles. Good tracks also help with fire control.
Offset arrangements farmers will be required to enter into will have major benefits to biodiversity and preservation of habitat.
I can see very few negatives in this project at this location.
Name Withheld
Waverton , New South Wales
Yanco Delta Wind Farm, Jerilderie

"FARM" is such a nice smooth gentle word, reminiscent of Olde McDonald . . . and bringing forth images of fluffy white lambs gambolling around on a velvet field of luxuriant green.

"INDUSTRIAL" is what these things are, monstrous great big heavy mechanical works thumping around disturbing the neighbourhood, full of oil. And self destructing in flames one in a thousand times per year, which for 100 over 20 years, is not merely 2 but as you remember multiple birthdays being quite likely in your school class, maybe occurring 6 or 7 times. And probably similarly likely to throw a blade or two.

There is considerable community push back to renewable projects. In the US over 371 wind farms and 102 solar farms have been rejected up to October 2022. Source The US communities do not want them, and nor do the Australian communities.

I object to paying subsidies. If it is so good, let it stand on its own merits. I note that Andrew Forrest's Squadron Energy has paid $4.1BLN for the Swiss CWP Renewables Australian portfolio. Two conclusions can be drawn from that:

1.That the subsidies paid and preferences granted to renewables are EXCESSIVE.

2.That Australia is buying back the enterprises we licensed at ENORMOUS cost.

I especially object to providing subsidies from the Government, as money is better spent directly on the environment, and the contingent liabilities will reduce our credit standing.

As each new wind construction and solar works come online it makes the grid less and less reliable. Up to 50% renewables is just about manageable with 33% spare capacity in fast response coal and gas. No country has successfully gone beyond that. Doubling down with more renewables makes it less reliable. No judicial area in the world has achieved 100% renewables, even with 100% spare capacity.

I ask the proponent to itemise:

1. Public monies. Detail the description and dollar amount of each subsidy, and other benefit, both direct and indirect, to be received from the public purse in a time line. Indirect benefits, including the value of a government guarantee, need to include an actuarial calculation.

2. Itemise the amount of materials needed to manufacture and construct all parts of this project. Including rare earths, where they are going to be sourced from and disposed to.

3.Itemise the amount of CO2 released in all aspects of creating this project, and compare it with the anticipated CO2 to be saved. with timeline, including from the loss of vegetation from the site and connecting roads and transmission lines.

4. Detail the change to global carbon dioxide levels and temperature to be achieved by this project both in gross terms and net after 3. above.

5. A calculation of energy in to energy out of this project.

6. Detail how the turbines and blades will be recycled or not and amount of material to be disposed of and where.

7.Detail the number and skill level of the jobs to be created and to be exported.

I request the Planning Department:

1. To require a bond or irrevocable third party AAA guarantee for damage repair, removal, rehabilitation, and toxicity to third parties.

2. To ensure that NO SLAVERY or CHILD LABOUR is used in the manufacture of any of its components.

3. To require the proponent to publicly provide annual reports for the project, including itemisation of each government support, and where those are indirect, an actuarial calculation of their value to the proponent and cost to the economy, and detail their 5 min generation and supply.

4. To provide annual ESG reports.

5. To make the project, and its owner, and its ultimate owner non transferrable.

6.That adequate environmental safeguards be required for fire and toxicity.

7.The fire and toxicity of BESS have adequate safequards.

8.Require the proponent to provide and pay for their own connection costs to the grid upfront.

9.Require the proponent to pay the costs of transmission upgrades based
on their proportionate capacity, upfront.
10.Require strict limits on the frequency and voltage of acceptable supply.

11.Impose severe penalties on supply contracted for but not delivered.

12.Require effective braking to enable supply in high wind conditions

13.I further ask the Planning Department to apply the Precautionary Principle in relation to the uncertainty of the net benefits, and the known and likely risks to the environment, to reject the proposal.

14.That the project receives NO subsidy and NO preference.

15.If granted consent, that it be subject to the some 60 conditions which the NSW Independent Planning Commission have designed to:

prevent, minimise and/or offset adverse environmental impacts;
set standards and performance measures for acceptable environmental performance;
outline how the land can be returned to its current use following decommissioning and rehabilitation of the site;
require regular monitoring and reporting; and
provide for the ongoing environmental management of the development.”

Name Withheld
JERILDERIE , New South Wales
We were approached by this company for inclusion in the project but declined. Subsequently we noted in their application that the layout of wind turbines extended in our land. This has not been agreed to.
James Robertson
I am a farmers son in the area of the proposed wind farm. I believe it would be a positive project to the area due to the benefits to the local community including farmers. I witnessed first hand over a decade of drought where the property was untenable for livestock and devastating to the individual farmers who went into significant debt and mental struggle through the unviable nature of farming at the time. I believe the secondary income for the farmers would help assist them to get through future drought periods and allow them to keep delivering important food to the country with little effect/footprint to the environment and usual farming activities.
Holly Fletcher
WALCHA , New South Wales
I fully support the Yanco Delta Wind Farm Development. The project will significantly contribute to the achievement of both Federal and State renewable energy goals.
Murrumbidgee Council
Jerilderie , New South Wales


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas
Edward River
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Kurtis Wathen