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State Significant Development


Yiribana Logistics Estate


Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Concept plan and Stage 1 DA for an industrial estate. Stage 1 comprises two warehouses, site-wide bulk earthworks and retaining walls, an internal road network, storm water works, car parking, signage and landscaping.



Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (3)

EIS (68)

Response to Submissions (31)

Agency Advice (35)

Amendments (2)

Additional Information (47)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (30)

Reports (1)

Notifications (3)

Other Documents (1)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 5 of 5 submissions
Steven Broussos
GREENACRE , New South Wales
If you wish to build such a logistics estate, please ensure that there is adequate freight rail access nearby
Endeavour Energy
HUNTINGWOOD , New South Wales
Please refer to the attachment.
ISPT Pty Ltd / Aliro Management Pty Ltd
Sydney , New South Wales
ISPT Pty Ltd (“ISPT”) has exchanged contracts to acquire 706 – 752 Mamre Road, Kemps Creek (Lot 1 DP 104958) (“Site”) and have appointed Aliro Pty Ltd (“Aliro”) as the Development Manager for the property. Aliro on behalf of ISPT is preparing to submit a Request for SEARs for the site and intends to lodge an EIS in 2022.

This submission is in response to the SSD-10272349 submitted by The GPT Group that is currently on exhibition. GPT’s Mamre Road site adjoins the Southern Boundary of the Site and ISPT and Aliro are therefore key stakeholders of SSD-10272349. Following review of the documents on exhibition in relation to SSD-10272349, ISPT and Aliro provide the following comments:

1. The North-South Road should be delivered in a timely manner to enable the continuation of the Precinct Road Network, and to minimise Bakers Lane traffic until the Southern Link Road becomes operational.
It is acknowledged that the North-South Road has been included in the proposed Stage One for SSD-10272349. ISPT and Aliro commend GPT for the inclusion of North-South Road which meets the following objectives:
• Draft Mamre Road Precinct DCP, Control 2, (clause 3.2.1) “provide access to adjoining properties and not limit development on adjoining properties, including demonstration of impact on the development of adjoining lot.”
• SSD-10272349, SEARs – Within the key issues section of the SEARs, DPIE requires the applicant to include “detail on how the proposed development connects to adjoining sites as outlined in the Draft Mamre Road DCP.”
This North-South Road provides critical infrastructure for the Mamre Road Precinct and will provide an alternate access route to minimise vehicle movements along Bakers Lane, currently occupied by several sensitive users, until such time when the Southern Link Road becomes operational. Consequently, ISPT and Aliro request that the North-South Road is delivered in a timely manner at the earlier stages of the GPT development, to provide a connection to the Site and enable the continuation of the Precinct Road Network.

2. The boundary fence between GPT’s development and the Site is required to be maintained during the construction of the development.
ISPT has exchanged contracts to acquire the Site and intends to develop the Site in the coming years. In the interim, the Site is currently being used for Primary Production purposes by the current owners and a significant number of cattle are on site. Should GPT commence Stage One whilst the Site is still used for primary production, it is requested that additional fence protection is implemented prior to works along the boundary to ensure the cattle remain secure within the Site.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of this submission, please contact Andrew Simpson at [email protected] or Athlene Kyle at [email protected]. Aliro and ISPT would be happy to meet with the Department and the Applicant to discuss this.

Yours sincerely

Athlene Kyle
ISPT Pty Ltd
Sydney , New South Wales
Refer submission attachment
Penrith City Council
PENRITH , New South Wales
See attached letter for comment


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Warehouse or distribution centres
Local Government Areas
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Deana Burn