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Planning proposals


Waterloo Estate (South)


The plan for Waterloo south will help deliver new social housing, affordable housing, and private homes with access to improved community facilities, parks, shops and transport. 

Included in the plan are changes to the local environmental plan for: 

  • how land can be used 
  • heights of buildings 
  • floor space ratio controls 
  • land for parks 
  • how buildings should be designed 
  • car parking requirements 
  • social and affordable housing requirements 
  • heritage and conservation 
  • retail and active street front requirements. 

The planning proposal for Waterloo south was on public exhibition from 3 March to 29 April 2022. 

The department reviewed all feedback received during the exhibition period and carried out additional investigations needed to better understand the issues raised.  

The feedback and findings from the studies helped inform changes to the proposed plan.  

In July 2022, the revised plan for Waterloo south was submitted for review against the gateway conditions and finalisation. 

On 11 November 2022, the planning proposal was finalised with deferred commencement to allow the finalisation of a planning agreement between Land and Housing Corporation as the landowner and City of Sydney. 

The planning agreement is final and new planning controls are now in effect from 28 February 2023. 

More information 

For more information on the plan for Waterloo south: 

View the final plan

Final package

View the final planning package documents submitted for finalisation.

Finalisation package

  1. Cover letter and Attachment A – schedule of post-exhibition amendments
  2. Planning proposal - Waterloo Estate (South)
  3. Draft design guide - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  4. Original supporting study - Consultation and Visioning Report - Waterloo Estate (South)
  5. Original supporting study - Visual Impact Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  6. Original supporting study - Housing Diversity and Affordability Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  7. Original supporting study - Utilities and Infrastructure Servicing Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  8. Original supporting study - Social Baseline Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  9. Original supporting study - Social Sustainability Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  10. Original supporting study - Flora and Fauna Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  11. Original supporting study - Ecologically Sustainable Development Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  12. Original supporting study - Air Quality Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  13. Original supporting study - Light Spill Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  14. Original supporting study - Aeronautical Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  15. Original supporting study - Community Facilities Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  16. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  17. Original supporting study - Urban Design Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  18. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study (Appendices 1) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  19. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study (Appendices 2) - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  20. Original supporting study - Transport Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  21. Original supporting study - Climate Change Adaptation Report - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  22. Original supporting study - Heritage Impact Statement - Waterloo Estate (South)
  23. Original supporting study - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  24. Original supporting study - Urban Forest Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  25. Original supporting study - Water Quality, Flooding and Storm water Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  26. Original supporting study - Noise and Vibration Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  27. Original supporting study - Pedestrian Wind Environment Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  28. Original supporting study - Environmental Wind Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South)
  29. Original supporting study - Retail Review - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  30. Gateway required study - Financial feasibility assessment (Savills) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  31. Gateway required study - Addendum to urban design report (Hassell) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  32. Gateway required study - Updated transport assessment report (Bitzios) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  33. Gateway required study - Addendum to climate change mitigation and adaptation (GHD) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  34. Gateway required study - Addendum to heritage impact assessment (Artefact) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  35. Gateway required study - Addendum to urban forest report (Aspect) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  36. Gateway required study - Water quality, flooding and storm water report (GHD) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  37. Gateway required study - Addendum to wind report (Arup) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  38. Gateway required study - Addendum to Economic Development, Retail and Services report (SGS Economics and Planning) - Waterloo Es
  39. Additional supporting study - Aboriginal cultural heritage study (Artefact) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  40. Additional supporting study - Acoustic report (Marshall Day) - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  41. Additional report prepared post-exhibition – Addendum updated transport assessment (Bitzios) – Waterloo Estate (South)
  42. Additional report prepared post-exhibition – Submissions report (Keylan) – Waterloo Estate (South)
  43. Additional report prepared post-exhibition – Revised addendum to urban design (Hassell) – Waterloo Estate (South)
  44. Additional report prepared post-exhibition – Overshadowing analysis (Hassell) – Waterloo Estate (South)
  45. Draft maps – Waterloo Estate (South)
  46. Gateway Determination - Waterloo Estate (South)
  47. Alteration of Gateway determination (28 January 2022) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  48. Alteration of Gateway determination (7 July 2022) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  49. Planning Proposal maps - Draft maps - Waterloo Estate (South)
  50. CPTED (Mecone) - Waterloo_M-191636
View the feedback collected during exhibition


View the planning package documents exhibited in early 2022.

Exhibited documents

  1. Gateway Determination Waterloo South Gateway Determination June 2021
  2. Gateway determination report - Waterloo South Gateway Determination Report June 2021
  3. Gateway determination report - Att F - Waterloo South IAG Final Report May 2021
  4. Gateway letter to council - Letter to Planning Proposal Authority Waterloo South Gateway Determination June 2021
  5. Alteration of Gateway determination - letter to PPA January 2022
  6. Attachment A - Alteration of Gateway determination January 2022
  7. Planning proposal - Waterloo Estate (South)
  8. Planning Proposal maps - Draft maps - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  9. Draft design guide - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  10. Explanation of provisions - Waterloo Estate (South).
  11. Draft Infrastructure Schedule - Waterloo Estate (South) CoS & LAHC March 2022
  12. Implementation of Gateway conditions table - Waterloo Estate (South) February 2022.
  13. Gateway required study - Financial feasibility assessment (Savills) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  14. Gateway required study - Addendum to urban design report (Hassell) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  15. Gateway required study - Updated transport assessment report (Bitzios) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  16. Gateway required study - Addendum to climate change mitigation and adaptation (GHD) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  17. Gateway required study - Addendum to heritage impact assessment (Artefact) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  18. Additional supporting study - Aboriginal cultural heritage study (Artefact) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  19. Gateway required study - Addendum to urban forest report (Aspect) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  20. Gateway required study - Water quality, flooding and storm water report (GHD) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  21. Gateway required study - Addendum to wind report (Arup) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  22. Gateway required study - Addendum to Economic Development, Retail and Services report (SGS Economics and Planning) - Waterloo Es
  23. Additional supporting study - Acoustic report (Marshall Day) - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  24. Original supporting study - Consultation and Visioning Report - Waterloo Estate (South)
  25. Original supporting study - Visual Impact Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  26. Original supporting study - Housing Diversity and Affordability Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  27. Original supporting study - Utilities and Infrastructure Servicing Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  28. Original supporting study - Social Baseline Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  29. Original supporting study - Social Sustainability Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  30. Original supporting study - Flora and Fauna Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  31. Original supporting study - Ecologically Sustainable Development Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  32. Original supporting study - Air Quality Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  33. Original supporting study - Light Spill Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  34. Original supporting study - Aeronautical Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  35. Original supporting study - Community Facilities Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  36. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  37. Original supporting study - Urban Design Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  38. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study (Appendices 1) - Waterloo Estate (South)
  39. Original supporting study - Urban Design and Public Domain Study (Appendices 2) - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  40. Original supporting study - Transport Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  41. Original supporting study - Climate Change Adaptation Report - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  42. Original supporting study - Heritage Impact Statement - Waterloo Estate (South)
  43. Original supporting study - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  44. Original supporting study - Urban Forest Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  45. Original supporting study - Water Quality, Flooding and Storm water Study - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  46. Original supporting study - Noise and Vibration Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South) 
  47. Original supporting study - Pedestrian Wind Environment Study - Waterloo Estate (South)
  48. Original supporting study - Environmental Wind Assessment - Waterloo Estate (South)
  49. Original supporting study - Retail Review - Waterloo Estate (South) 
View the original planning package and Gateway determination.

Gateway determination

Activity Details

Waterloo Estate South
Date Review Commenced
Relevant Planning Authority
Department’s Secretary
Date of Determination
Gateway Decision
Exhibition Start-End Date
Previous exhibition dates
03/03/2022 - 29/04/2022
Date Planning Proposal returned to Department for assessment and drafting of LEP
Publish Decision
Link to LEP Document

Department Contact
Mary Su
Council Contact Detail