The Minister for Planning and Homes has adopted the place strategy and a Ministerial Direction under Section 9.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This direction requires any future planning proposals within the precinct to be consistent with the place strategy.
The Westmead Place Strategy will guide renewal of the precinct to 2036. The place strategy outlines a plan to guide the future development of Westmead to drive new jobs in health, education and innovation.
It will guide councils, State agencies and the private sector on where jobs and homes might be delivered for Westmead and Parramatta North, and identifies further analysis needed to support the infrastructure needs of the future population.
The Department of Planning and Environment sought feedback on the draft place strategy from 14 December 2020 to 31 March 2021. A finalisation report has been prepared which considers the key issues raised in submissions and outlines changes to the place strategy.