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State Significant Development


Maxwell Underground Coal Mine Project

Muswellbrook Shire

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Underground mining to produce high quality coals primarily for the steel industry using existing and proposed new infrastructure.

Consolidated Consent

Maxwell Mod 2 Consolidated Consent


Request for SEARs (2)

EIS (48)

Response to Submissions (2)

Agency Advice (15)

Amendments (1)

Additional Information (25)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (91)

Agreements (2)

Community Consultative Committees and Panels (2)

Reports (3)

Independent Reviews and Audits (2)

Notifications (4)

Other Documents (8)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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There are no enforcements for this project.




Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 161 - 180 of 245 submissions
Matthew Gallego
BELMONT NORTH , New South Wales
I support the project and ask you review my letter outlining my reasoning for the support which is attached/uploaded.

Thank you.
Name Withheld
Jerrys Plains , New South Wales
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to object to the latest in a series of Coal mine applications in the Hunter Valley.

While the current proposal is not as problematic as what has preceded it, it is still the case that it will be another mine that will do untold subterranean damage for very little and ????? gains. What is also not in doubt is that if this mine application is granted then the proponent will seek to mine Spur Hill also. This would be 2 mines on the doorstep of massive horse studs who bring large numbers of vistors to the hunter valley as well as employing 1000 of people in a community that would be moribund without them.

The Hunter Valley has thriving horse and tourism industries and I think allowing this mine go ahead will affect theses industries negatively and while they are able to work currently if the balance gets tipped out of kilter in favour of mining then they could go into decline and the Hunter Valley will just be pock marked by this extractive industry.

Air quality is a another big issue for residents in this locality. The applicant says their mine wont have any effect on this but I wonder how is this possible considering the scale of the infrastructure and machinery they will use to transport the coal. there are already increasing numbers of people getting asthma as it is.

The Hunter Valley is the beacon of the thoroughbred industry. Surrounding mines will harm the attraction for thoroughbred breeders to keep their horses here and they have many alternatives in other parts of the country.

The Department of Planning have displayed wanton disregard for the health of the community in the Hunter Valley and have given the green light to a litany of projects that PACS and the IPC have not been able to countenance. I thought some of the statements made around Dartbrook by the Department of Planning were the latest in a series that displayed the credibility void it has become to the local community.
RAWORTH , New South Wales
I support this application
Mick Reis
MARYLAND , New South Wales
I support this project for many reasons however the economic benefits of this project is a huge priority for the entire Hunter Valley but even more so for the Muswellbrook community.
James Johnson
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
letter attached
Denman Aberdeen Muswellbrook Scone Healthy Environment Gp
KAYUGA , New South Wales
We know we need to move away from mining coal because of the negative impact on ground water, remnant vegetation, agricultural land and climate change. There is also the risk that a later modification will result in an open cut mine which will further exacerbate the air pollution we in the Upper Hunter are having to cope with.
NEWCASTLE , New South Wales
BCD's advice on the EIS for the Maxwell Underground Coal Mine project is attached.
Department of Primary Industries
The Department of Primary Industries has reviewed the project and has no comment.
Robert Davies
Blackville , New South Wales
Please refer to attachment
Rob Davies
Name Withheld
ROUCHEL , New South Wales
The very high risks posed by this proposal to our environment, air quality, water, land, agriculture and tourism industries and community for questionable benefit is not in our region’s or NSW’s best interest.
Kim Lundy
BRANXTON , New South Wales
Great project that will benefit the community and NSW
Thomas Lundy
BRANXTON , New South Wales
My family has worked in the coal industry for the last 3 generations I am hoping to be the 4th
Mark Fogarty
EAST MAITLAND , New South Wales
NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
Date 23/09/2019
To Whom It May Concern,
Re: Maxwell Underground Coal Mine Project. SSD-9526
I wish to lodge my support for Malabar Coal’s Maxwell Underground Project.
This is a project that will provide a much-needed economic boost without negatively impacting other
local industries and land users.
I support the project because it will deliver the following important benefits for the local community
and NSW.
• The Maxwell Project will create 350 new jobs for the region. These new jobs and the wages
that will flow from them, will inject significant spending directly into the local economy and
provide stability and sustainability to the mining industry.
• Malabar has made a commitment to prioritise hiring locals to ensure that the benefits of the
project stay in the local community.
• The project will boost the local economy by supporting a wide range of local businesses
throughout the construction phase and operation of the mine over 26 years. Long term
projects, like this one, will mean local businesses can make investments, grow their
operations, hire more people and keep workers – especially young people – in the region.
• Further afield, the project will also generate $1 billion to $1.25 billion for the NSW State
Government and local Councils. This money can be used to upgrade regional hospitals,
schools or infrastructure. Projects such as this help ensure our ongoing prosperity and can
support the economy for years to come.
• The EIS for the Maxwell Project shows that the underground mine can co-exist safely with
other industries allowing the horse studs and other land uses to continue their operations.
• Malabar commenced rehabilitating the old Drayton open cut and plans to utilise existing
infrastructure in lieu creating a whole new operation. The Maxwell Project will deliver a better
rehabilitation outcome by filling voids at the former Drayton Mine with reject stone and rock.
• Malabar has already provided funding to local community groups for over six years.
• Malabar are also investing in a solar farm on their rehabilitated land. If approved, this could
provide additional power directly to the grid, or help to power local businesses and homes.
This shows the company is open to different ideas that can benefit our community.
• The Maxwell Project will produce quality coking coal which is in global demand to produce
steel with high efficiency and low emissions.
2 | P a g e
These benefits will make a substantial long-term difference to the local communities in the Upper
Hunter, the greater Hunter Valley and to NSW.
Our community needs a diverse economy and the Maxwell Underground Project will ensure our
economy continues to prosper for several decades to come.
Name Withheld
Jerrys Plains , New South Wales
I have concerns over the impact on air quality in the local region to both humans and animals. I also worry about the impact on local water supplies and how it will affect the local agriculture industry especially under the current drought conditions.
John Borg
Jerrys Plains , New South Wales
To Whom it may Concern,
I have lived in this area my whole life. I have watched the mining industry march up the valley and consume everything in its path.
This has to stop. Mining is not sustainable and continues to create uncertainty to other industries.
We already have a large amount of mining operations in the Hunter environment. I feel the true impact of mining is NOT being told as it isn't favourable for large business. The impact that mining is having on our environment will not be totally known until sometime into the future. By then it will be too late to reverse these effects.
This development poses several significant risks to the environment and other industries. Water is increasingly becoming a major issue and this proposal cannot rule out negative effects on our water reserves.
I currently live adjacent to the proposed Maxwell Underground Project. There I have lived and worked for over 20 years. I live here with my wife and 2 children, aged 11 & 13. We all lived through the previous mine applications on this same site and feel that these continued mine applications are unjust and continue to provide increasing stress to my family and our community.
We talk regularly as a family unit and my sons in particular show heightened stress levels when the mining proposal is mentioned. Mining is everywhere around them already from their daily school travels, to going to weekend sports. This was not always the case as i was born in this area 40 years ago.
We need this proposed development to be stopped and common sense to prevail. I have lived here my whole life but cannot keep seeing my community being consumed by short term planning that puts the long term future of our community and environment in jeopardy. My family has discussed at length, if this mine were to go ahead, we would be left no choice then to move from this area. We cannot keep putting the physical and mental health of our family, including our children at risk.
Please make the right decision.


Matthew Melmeth
MUSWELLBROOK , New South Wales
Even though this is an underground mine it poses a threat to the welfare of the agricultural industry in the area, in particular the Equine Industry. Water is becoming an increasingly precious resource in the area, and any development that could impinge on the supply of surface and ground water should be guarded against. The very high risks this development will pose to the environment, air quality, water, agriculture and tourism are not in this regions' best interest.
Name Withheld
FISHING POINT , New South Wales
I believe this project has been thought through and can co exist within the local community
Peter Barry
DENMAN , New South Wales
Please see attached letter.
Darren Waters
WATTLE PONDS , New South Wales
See attached letter of support
Paul Youman
HAMILTON SOUTH , New South Wales
I support the Project are a variety of reasons, as outlined in the letter attached.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Coal Mining
Local Government Areas
Muswellbrook Shire
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Lauren Evans