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State Significant Development


Moorebank Intermodal Precinct West - Concept & Stage 1

Liverpool City

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Moorebank Intermodal Precinct West - Concept & Stage 1

Consolidated Consent

MPW Concept_consolidated consent


Application (1)

DGRs (3)

EIS (86)

Submissions (2)

Response to Submissions (73)

Recommendation (3)

Determination (3)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (10)

Independent Reviews and Audits (1)

Other Documents (4)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 101 - 120 of 375 submissions
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
See attached PDF submission
Name Withheld
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
Please see attached
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
see attached
East Liverpool Progress Association
Chipping Norton , New South Wales
Public Submission Response to :
Project SSD-5066 Amended DA / EIS Exhibition

Moorebank Intermodal Terminal

We refer to our original submission referenced as Response 208 in the Response document from MICL . ( attached )

At this time we limit our comments to the following but foreshadow specific explication at any future public consultation process.

In both the original EIS, and this latest document in response to submissions, the project (SSD-5066) is represented, for the purpose of its ultimate justification, as having location benefits that are unique and will carry high economic return to become a highly valuable national infrastructure asset once fully developed.

In factual, measured and argued submissions in response to the original EIS of project (SSD-5066) the location of Moorebank in East Liverpool is exposed as restrained with its unique geographical and land use limitations - a major Western Sydney regional traffic corridor, bridge reliant with river on three sides, Liverpool Military Area running 20 km to its immediate south - to destine it as a high cost / low return sub developed freight hub venture.

We make one specific reference to the published MIC Response to Submissions - Page 92. It makes reference to our submission( # 208) wherein we raised "(P92)... concerns in relation to the staged approval process and argues that environmental impacts should be assessed upfront".

This is an insulting conclusion. That particular "concern" was expressed by us in our submssion with the following.....

Using staged approvals "will be a dereliction of duty as local knowledge highlights for all to see the obstacles ahead and that no engineering can remedy the volumes of traffic into which the 1000's of daily truck movements need to merge and then wind out to their destination......The project is a major infrastructure development and must be fully implemented as modeled and planned to attain a positive return for the major investors. Unless it proceeds to its fullest planned intention then it is to be condemned as half baked... "

The concern was not of "environmental impacts"... It was directly that delaying until stage 2 the requirements and costing of infrastructure to address the observable limitations of the site and measured shortcomings of existing traffic flows will see the project be one of limited returns for all concerned.

$9 billion seems to be a national interest figure that justifies captains of industry and politicians to establish, without concern, a 24 hour seven day dirty and noisy industry in the close vicinity of established residential neighbourhoods and river bank reservations.

It is incumbent on the proponents to lay out up front, before a spade of soil is turned, how they will address the major infrastructure demands of the location and its limitations for the development to attain its planned economic return that is used to justify the extensive disruption to the amenity of local neighburhoods and river lands.

Thank you for the opportunity for us to present this view on behalf of our local citizens.
Roy Carter
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
See attached
Liverpool City Council
Wollongong , New South Wales
See attached
Joy Simon
Sydney , New South Wales
This project should not go ahead due to noise and disruption to residents who have been there all their lives.
Greg Faust
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
I believe this project should be scraped and redirected to an outer area in a non populated area that will not disrupt the infrastructure in place for local and surrounding residents and businesses of the Wattle Grove / Moorebank area. The roads are not suitable for heavy traffic such as container terminal movements, not to mention the pollution to the surrounding suburbs.
Name Withheld
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
Under the current plans for the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal, little discussion has been made of the impact the terminal will have on its southern section; in particular the impact it will have on Cambridge Avenue and the narrow bridge that crosses the Georges River. At the moment this road is only one lane each way, with no cycleway or pathway and the bridge is often closed after heavy rainfall. Considering the importance of this road for people who work at Holsworthy Barracks, the Moorebank industrial area and those who use this road to commute between Glenfield and Wattle Grove (and beyond), why has there been no attempt to address upgrading this road? It is not enough to state that trucks will not use the road, as other motorists will continue to use this road, in all likelihood to avoid the traffic on the M5 ramps created by the significant increase in the number of trucks on Moorebank Avenue throughout construction and after it becomes fully operational. Furthermore, when Cambridge Avenue is closed the traffic will be horrendous on the M5 on ramp, and the recently completed lane will not assist as it is further down on the motorway. These problems will become apparent during construction and will undoubtedly be an issue once the terminal is complete.
Before any approval is given to the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal, plans need to be made and delivered to widen Cambridge Avenue to two lanes in either direction with a proper cycleway / pathway for the more environmentally conscious locals. The bridge should be raised to prevent any need for closing during and after heavy rainfall, to ensure minimal impact on motorists and residents.
This is a health, infrastructure and public safety issue and should be considered in conjunction with concern and respect for local flora and fauna.
Another issue that should be considered is the impact the works will have on the homes of residents. With the works that have occurred around Wattle Grove, houses have begun to move, with real estate agents noticing a higher number of complaints regarding fences sagging and collapsing. In my old Wattle Grove residence, the doors were no longer square (an issue I brought up with my real estate agent who informed me this is an issue that has been frequently raised since the works began), and other signs demonstrating a shift in the land. While I do not have a knowledge base in geoscience, I am concerned that this is indicative of the impact the current work is having on the local topography, and whether this has even been brought to the attention of the council and developers.
While I understand the importance of freight on ensuring goods are distributed around Sydney (I am familiar with and agree with the sentiment 'without trucks Australia stops'), all potential issues need to be addressed and acted upon before I can support the construction of the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal.
Name Withheld
Liverpool , New South Wales
I Do not support this application of SSD 5066/EPBC 2011/6086.

I object in many ways.

Negative impacts to environment:-

- Increase in noise pollution from heavy vehicles
- Increase in air pollution from exhaust fumes
- Impact our already congested Hume Highway in Liverpool
- Decrease overall health of residents due to air/traffic/noise pollution/stress from increased traffic congestion
- Impact our carbon foot print on the area
- Contaminating of Georges River will be increased significantly after all our pain staking efforts to reduce pollution
- Impact our already endangered wildlife population
- Impact all our nature reserves we been trying to increase with the help of volunteers in Liverpool area.

I strongly disagree with the approval of Moorebank Intermodal Terminal
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,

I am writing to object to the proposed Moorebank Intermodal Terminal. main reasons include:

- Increased traffic
- Increased noise
- Decrease in air quality

Besides, there are much better locations for this such as Badgery's Creek.
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,

I am writing to object to the proposed Moorebank Intermodal Terminal. main reasons include:

- Increased traffic
- Increased noise
- Decrease in air quality

Besides, there are much better locations for this such as Badgery's Creek.
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
The Moorebank intermodal should be located at a site which is capable of handling the additional traffic strain and associated pollutants outside of high density housing.

Moorebank is not appropriate for this development because the last ten years has seen a rapid increase in housing on previous industrial sites, such as Georges Fair, where my family and some 1,200 new residences built. This area is, rightly, becoming a family friendly environment, able to draw on the proximity of the Georges River and in the near future, a riverside precinct with approval of the Marina on the Benedicts site. This should be expanded along the river, not limited by further industrial development.
However, my main concern is the inability of the road system to handle the many additional freight truck movements. Since moving to Moorebank two years ago, the congestion in Newbridge Riad, Moorebank Road and Heathcoat Road has progressively worsened. With only one accident on the M5 in this area, all the surrounding main roads become gridlocked. This intermodal will add unnecessarily to the inability of the roads to manage current traffic flow, let alone future loads.
As local residents, we implore you to consider a site such as Badegry's Creek, located near the planned new airport as a more suitable location for a freight terminal.
Name Withheld
Canley vale , New South Wales
The George's river and surrounding land is just a small portion of what is left of natural beauty. This land should be preserved and made into something that the entire community can enjoy.
Jim Dimovski
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
I dy not support you planing
Ananthakrishnapuram Aravindan
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
Subject: Submissions close 8 December - online version

Submissions close 8 December 2014

Application number:
SSD 5066/EPBC 2011/6086
Project name:
Moorebank Intermodal
Environmental Impact Statement Objection to the Moorebank Intermodal Proposal

Name: Ananthakrishnapuram Narayanan Aravindan

Address: 21, Corryton Court, Wattle Grove

Phone: 0415450443

Email: [email protected]

I oppose the Moorebank Intermodal proposal and Environmental Impact Statement for the following reasons:
* The Moorebank intermodal will place more traffic on the already congested road network. 10,000 heavy vehicles per day will need to access and leave the terminal utilising the M5 and local roads, 5,000 cars per day will need to access the site.
* The Moorebank intermodal will not be an economically viable investment for the Federal Government and the state of New South Wales. The proposal should be relocated to Badgerys Creek in order to reduce supply-chain costs and cater for future urban growth.

* The proposal will move the congestion from Port Botany to Moorebank, which is already congested;
* The modelling does not cater for the predicted growth of the region;
* The intersections and road network are already congested. The proposal will increase traffic delays;
* Trucks `weaving' onto and off the M5 between the Moorebank and Hume Highway interchanges will cause accidents and present a danger to me and my family; and
* Trucks parking and taking short cuts through the nearby streets will make the area unsafe for me, my family and friends.

There is no noise wall along the rail corridor along the Georges River, so noise will carry, particularly at night;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the unloading/loading and movement of containers within the terminal, especially for residents living within 400 metres of the site;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the breaking and shunting of trains which will need to happen on site;
* There will be wheel squeal due to the tight radius curves needed for trains to enter and exit the site; this will keep local residents awake at night; and
* Residents up to 3km from Port Botany are kept awake at night, I don't want this for my family.

Air quality
* There will be increased diesel fumes in the community generated from locomotives, heavy vehicles and other heavy equipment used on site. These fumes are carcinogenic;
* Me, my family and friends will develop cancer or other health problems from the increased diesel fumes;
* South West Sydney is already heavily polluted due to the topography of the area;
* There will be dust and odour generated from this site, particularly during the construction period.

* The intermodal in this area will make me and my family sick; and
* I believe even one person having to use a puffer on one occasion as a result of this proposal is not acceptable.
* The government shouldn't plan industrial development in a residential area.

* We have a strong military history in this area and we are proud of our heritage. Removal of heritage features from the site will break ties for the community.

* The site is surrounded by residential development, this site should never have been selected due to the young families who have settled in this area;
* This area is a quiet, leafy suburb with strong community connections,
* This development will be detrimental to the area and depreciate its value; and
* Other sites are preferable, such as Badgerys Creek, which does not have a residential development nearby.

* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy native flora and fauna; and
* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy the Georges River.

MICL and SIMTA Proposals
* There has been a lot of confusion around the fact that two proposals have been proposed for one area (SIMTA and MICL).
* The cumulative impacts of the two proposals have not been adequately explained or addressed by the proposals; and
* There is confusion as to the total traffic generated from the two proposals, as the modelling for each is different.

I support strategic planning and good land use. The intermodal development should be moved to a non-residential area, like Badgerys Creek.

Please reject this proposal on the grounds that it is not in the public interest with other better suited sites available.

I want my name released online with my submission Yes [x ] No [ ]
Helen Birrell
Moorebank , New South Wales
Moorebank and it's surroudning suburbs are residential communities surrounded by parklands, rivers, national park and all things "community" such as hospitals, shops, parks, HOUSES meaning FAMILIES, and one of Sydney's largest retirment villages.

Irrespective of the appeal of the M5/M7 whereby congestion is already signfiicant, and irrespective of the increase in lanes (whereby the motorway should of initially provided 4 lanes for cars), the inclusion of semi trailer diesel engines will bring the community to a stand still - literally.

Whilst the roaring of diesel engines in a residential community will bring the demise of the surrouding nature reserves increasing pollution to an area that is renowned for poor air quality subsequently devastating the environment and increasing reliance on medical system due to subsequent increase in asthma and other associated stresses living near a freight terminal.

I did not buy and invest my life savings andrisk the stress of the health (mental and physical) of my family in Moorebank to have it ruined by poor Government choices.

Moorebank and its surrouding suburbs are NOT the location for an intermodal. It is a residential area and one need drive through it to recognise that it is made of communities not industry. Move this proposal to a non residential area such as Badgery's Creek - fit for an airport therefore fit and aligned with having an intermodal.
Angela Mordocco
Auchenflower , Queensland
I oppose the Moorebank Intermodal proposal and Environmental Impact Statement for the following reasons:
* The Moorebank intermodal will place more traffic on the already congested road network. 10,000 heavy vehicles per day will need to access and leave the terminal utilising the M5 and local roads, 5,000 cars per day will need to access the site.
* The Moorebank intermodal will not be an economically viable investment for the Federal Government and the state of New South Wales. The proposal should be relocated to Badgerys Creek in order to reduce supply-chain costs and cater for future urban growth.

* The proposal will move the congestion from Port Botany to Moorebank, which is already congested;
* The modelling does not cater for the predicted growth of the region;
* The intersections and road network are already congested and there is no sign of this congestion easing or being repaired. The proposal will increase traffic delays;
* Trucks `weaving' onto and off the M5 between the Moorebank and Hume Highway interchanges will cause accidents and present a danger to me and my family; and
* Trucks parking and taking short cuts through the nearby streets will make the area unsafe for me, my family and friends.

There is no noise wall along the rail corridor along the Georges River, so noise will carry, particularly at night;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the unloading/loading and movement of containers within the terminal, especially for residents living within 400 metres of the site;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the breaking and shunting of trains which will need to happen on site;
* There will be wheel squeal due to the tight radius curves needed for trains to enter and exit the site; this will keep local residents awake at night; and
* Residents up to 3km from Port Botany are kept awake at night, I don't want this for my family.

Air quality
* There will be increased diesel fumes in the community generated from locomotives, heavy vehicles and other heavy equipment used on site. These fumes are carcinogenic;
* Me, my family and friends will develop cancer or other health problems from the increased diesel fumes;
* South West Sydney is already heavily polluted due to the topography of the area;
* There will be dust and odour generated from this site, particularly during the construction period.

* The intermodal in this area will make me and my family sick; sufficient health predictions for the areas have not been performed and the construction and final construct will pose major health risks for residents in this area.
* The government shouldn't plan industrial development in a residential area.

* We have a strong military history in this area and we are proud of our heritage. Removal of heritage features from the site will break ties for the community.

* The site is surrounded by residential development, this site should never have been selected due to the young families who have settled in this area;
* This area is a quiet, leafy suburb with strong community connections,
* This development will be detrimental to the area and depreciate its value; and
* Other sites are preferable, such as Badgerys Creek, which does not have a residential development nearby.

* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy native flora and fauna; and
* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy the Georges River.

MICL and SIMTA Proposals
* There has been a lot of confusion around the fact that two proposals have been proposed for one area (SIMTA and MICL).
* The cumulative impacts of the two proposals have not been adequately explained or addressed by the proposals; and
* There is confusion as to the total traffic generated from the two proposals, as the modelling for each is different.

I support strategic planning and good land use. The intermodal development should be moved to a non-residential area, like Badgerys Creek.

Please reject this proposal on the grounds that it is not in the public interest with other better suited sites available.

Name Withheld
Campbelltown , New South Wales
Against the intermodal terminal at Moorebank. It will affect thousands of residents and homes. Traffic will be worse then it already is and pollution around a residential structure will be high..the intermodal terminal at Moorebank is the wrong location and the after affect has not been considered.
Name Withheld
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
Subject: Submissions close 8 December - online version

Submissions close 8 December 2014

Application number:
SSD 5066/EPBC 2011/6086
Project name:
Moorebank Intermodal
Environmental Impact Statement Objection to the Moorebank Intermodal Proposal


Address: XXXX Wattle Grove NSW 2173



I oppose the Moorebank Intermodal proposal and Environmental Impact Statement for the following reasons:
* The Moorebank intermodal will place more traffic on the already congested road network. 10,000 heavy vehicles per day will need to access and leave the terminal utilising the M5 and local roads, 5,000 cars per day will need to access the site.
* The Moorebank intermodal will not be an economically viable investment for the Federal Government and the state of New South Wales. The proposal should be relocated to Badgerys Creek in order to reduce supply-chain costs and cater for future urban growth.

* The proposal will move the congestion from Port Botany to Moorebank, which is already congested;
* The modelling does not cater for the predicted growth of the region;
* The intersections and road network are already congested. The proposal will increase traffic delays;
* Trucks `weaving' onto and off the M5 between the Moorebank and Hume Highway interchanges will cause accidents and present a danger to me and my family; and
* Trucks parking and taking short cuts through the nearby streets will make the area unsafe for me, my family and friends.

There is no noise wall along the rail corridor along the Georges River, so noise will carry, particularly at night;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the unloading/loading and movement of containers within the terminal, especially for residents living within 400 metres of the site;
* There will be no way to mitigate noise from the breaking and shunting of trains which will need to happen on site;
* There will be wheel squeal due to the tight radius curves needed for trains to enter and exit the site; this will keep local residents awake at night; and
* Residents up to 3km from Port Botany are kept awake at night, I don't want this for my family.

Air quality
* There will be increased diesel fumes in the community generated from locomotives, heavy vehicles and other heavy equipment used on site. These fumes are carcinogenic;
* Me, my family and friends will develop cancer or other health problems from the increased diesel fumes;
* South West Sydney is already heavily polluted due to the topography of the area;
* There will be dust and odour generated from this site, particularly during the construction period.

* The intermodal in this area will make me and my family sick; and
* I believe even one person having to use a puffer on one occasion as a result of this proposal is not acceptable.
* The government shouldn't plan industrial development in a residential area.

* We have a strong military history in this area and we are proud of our heritage. Removal of heritage features from the site will break ties for the community.

* The site is surrounded by residential development, this site should never have been selected due to the young families who have settled in this area;
* This area is a quiet, leafy suburb with strong community connections,
* This development will be detrimental to the area and depreciate its value; and
* Other sites are preferable, such as Badgerys Creek, which does not have a residential development nearby.

* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy native flora and fauna; and
* The unloading of imported containers in this area will have the potential to destroy the Georges River.

MICL and SIMTA Proposals
* There has been a lot of confusion around the fact that two proposals have been proposed for one area (SIMTA and MICL).
* The cumulative impacts of the two proposals have not been adequately explained or addressed by the proposals; and
* There is confusion as to the total traffic generated from the two proposals, as the modelling for each is different.

I support strategic planning and good land use. The intermodal development should be moved to a non-residential area, like Badgerys Creek.

Please reject this proposal on the grounds that it is not in the public interest with other better suited sites available.

I want my name released online with my submission Yes [ ] No [ ]


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Rail transport facilities
Local Government Areas
Liverpool City
Determination Date
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Andrew Beattie