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State Significant Development


Bank Street Park

City of Sydney

Current Status: More Information Required

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

New waterfront public park and ancillary buildings

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (54)

Response to Submissions (25)

Agency Advice (30)

Amendments (1)

Additional Information (9)


Showing 1 - 20 of 26 submissions
Pyrmont Action Inc.
Pyrmont , New South Wales
Name Withheld
Pyrmont , New South Wales
I support this project as a significant contributor to the health of our urban community. However, it will be important for the playground and multipurpose court to have an appropriate surface other than asphalt, such as polymeric rubber crumb.

This surface is key to the health and safety of users in the community, especially those playing high impact sports such as basketball, in order to prevent immediate and long-term injury, and to encourage regular use of the space. Thank you for your consideration.
Name Withheld
PYRMONT , New South Wales
Paul Lawrence
ANNANDALE , New South Wales
I like the fact the Bank St. Park design is retaining the gum trees and native plants, slope and easement next to Poulos Brothers.

I do believe the park could be much bigger by the continuation of the path over the water, integrating a variety of stone outcrops and islands, untill near the dragon boat ramp, with perhaps a small multi use beach separating the ramp and path. This could retain existing mature fig trees, and other native gum trees that are part of the Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark community [ ] and include mangroves, while increasing other usable facilities too, as the significant path and waterway interaction space would be further out in the bay. This could mirror similar local natural areas where tidal movement flows over sand and rocks, and around rock outcrops. Though with a level stainless steel path continuing around from the south to the ramp held up by the rock islands and/or outcrops that would need to be made. And to be made to interact with water flow naturally.

I present this design idea to show how I think this could work well... and greatly increase the park size, natural habitat and biodiversity... and peoples interaction with each other and the natural environment.


A walk through this park design idea with greater detail...

Access to the water would be much greater as the path on the water would be raised and flat, but connecting stone islands that can be locations to stop and breath in the tranquillity of the bay, and could be in places, stepped to the water.

Infact a path with a nice wide arc from the sea wall provides an observable tidal environment between the path and current shore.

The path could be surrounded partially by mangoves and would have a nice spacial quality with the retention of the sandstone sea wall [plus adding a couple of meters to it, to bring it to current ground level, via bay access]. Meaning a higher landscape along the current shore at the south end, sloping to the water at the boat ramp end.

Using largely the existing seawall, with the path on the water moving around and flat above the tidal level.

The southern end, on land, would look over the path and mangroves from the tranquility of a forest, part of the existing Sydney Turpentine and Ironbark community [ ]. And could be completed by a beautiful fig facing north west to sit under, on the slope down to the lower sea wall... that becomes stepped as it mingles with the raised path accross the water from the mangroves... while watching the afternoon sunset in summer.

This gives three times the water interface for this area of the park and includes a close experience of the sheltered shallows and tidal zone, as at low tide much of the area between the wall and raised path will reveal tidal zone biodiversity, while on the bay side of the path there would always be shallow water, and lapping waves...

...the sound of lapping waves would be a feature sound, and people would be further from the road and sheltered from the noise of the city by the sea wall, distant noise further absorbed and muted by mangrove trees.

The exact design of the path with islands would be very important for the best effect, tidal movement and peoples experience.

This main path then continues on land snaking towards bank street, with side paths to sport facilities to the right, and on the other side cafe and kids playground near the heritage building, with complimentary play equipment to the next stop around the bay, for variety.

The multi use court stands boldly in the centre of the park near the centre of the outside curve of Bank St. as it is a dynamic and active space with movement and enthusiasm.

South of this there could be a hedge maze at childrens height with plenty of shade about from the various nature elements at the southerly end of the park and the bridge.

The seawall could have a safety rail reminiscent of the Blue Mountain walks it looks towards.

While natural and flowing, this park idea could have different forms to make the park seem bigger, and a longer traverse. Variety and difference of a continous form in the wilderness makes a short walk a longer walk for the mind it has been said. And nice also for those using the wheelchair access to have more natural varience and niche environs along the sides of the paths.

The dragon boaters and kayak facility could have an arch entrance and form a hill to make for a greater varity of terrain and a higher point to look down the bay with an easier wheelchair accessible slope from closer to Bank St.

The entrance and storage also leads to underground facilities that could even house wooden boat restorations, offices, and repair facilities, including a car park that is accessed via Bank St. And light tubes at discrete locations could aid lighting. And maybe semi transparent elements at appropriate locations could provide more light.

To reduce road traffic around the park the entrance is where there is existing street parking at the south end and the exit similar, but at the north end, and thus these cars don't pass the front of the park, and could continue towards Harris St. when exiting.

There could be a gym north of the multi use court and water fountain at the park path junction near this.

And it may be nice to have an overpass over Bank St. for pedestrians, off the existing circuit from the Anzac Bridge, that connects to the path between the court and gym.
Different Strokes DBC
Pyrmont , New South Wales
I am supportive of the project, and thankful that all bodies are working together closely with DBNSW right throughout the process to date.
Very supportive of the dragon boat storage area, looks fantastic.
The 1-3 Bank St Community Hub, including the amenities (toilet and shower block) for Dragon Boat use, plus the café, meeting room and storage area will be a very welcome upgrade.
Our club is looking forward to DPE, INSW, TfNSW working closely with Dragon Boats NSW on the temporary re-location of our boats and storage during next stage construction Phase 2 of the Park, so that we can continue our activities during the 25/26 race season. Our club has 75 members on site every week, including our club members training to represent NSW / Australia). Our club is a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community, but is a wonderfully diverse mix of ages (20-75yrs), sexual orientation and gender diversity. So, having a dedicated space to continue to train and race during construction is key for us to ensure the long term viability of our club and our sport, but also the physical and mental health of our club members.
Name Withheld
PYRMONT , New South Wales
I object to the creation of a cycleway on Bank Street. There is precious little parking in this area as it stands and now you are proposing to eliminate parking down one side of Bank Street. I support the creation of the park, but reject the need for a cycleway, which appears to be a very late change to the proposal. Bank Street is quite narrow in places and there needs to be an allowance for a pedestrian footpath on both sides and sufficient space for two-way traffic.
Sydney Tsunami Dragon Boat Club
SURRY HILLS , New South Wales
Sydney Tsunami Dragon Boat Club Supports the design elements highlighted in the most recent Concept 3 design.
As an active Dragon Boat Club training at the site three times a week, we have the following observations and suggestions:

1. Dragon Boat Storage shed:

1.1 Lockers: We suggest that area allocated for club lockers be doubled (or tripled) to accommodate the number of clubs using the site to store paddling equipment and paddles
1.2 Additional Cubby-hole storage: We suggest open compartment shelving for paddlers to store clothing /bags whilst on the water
1.3 PFD Hanging space/storage: We suggest there be space maybe near the doors or well ventilated to allow damp PFDs to be hung to air and dry
1.4 Changing space: We suggest that there be a screened area(s) for changing out of wet paddling clothing (perhaps on duckboards) with a bench and hanging hooks
1.5 Clear Storage Space: We suggest an area for storage of large fitness machines
1.6 Ceremonial Dragon Boat Hardware Storage: We suggest there be space/cabinetry for Dragon boat Heads, Tails, Drums and Drummers Seats
1.7 Sweep oar and Safety Bag and roller storage: We suggest room be set aside to rack Sweep oars, store safety bags and rollers (fenders)
1.8 Boat Rack hardware enhancement: We suggest rollers or low friction surfaces on the water-end of the racks to facilitate sliding boats into their racks
1.9 Small-boat (10-seater) accommodation: The racks centre distances should allow for small (10 seater) dragon boats or Standard (20 seater) boats to be stored on any rack
1.10 Water supply: We suggest at least a sink and tap and countertop near the rear of the shed (for say microwave and space for fridge) and one near the front for paddlers to access drinking water and to clean shoes etc. A hose connection for washing boats whilst on the ramp (or in the shed) would be useful. The shed will need an efficient floor drainage system as there will be water carried into the shed.
1.11 Fans or ventilation: We suggest fans or some flow through ventilataion system be incorprated to facilitate drying of boats, clothing, and equipment stored in the shed
1.12 Lighting over Ramp: We suggest that lighting be set up outside the shed to enable glarefree location of the ramp from on the water at night and safe handling of boats from water to ramp to shed
1.13 Boat Handling: We suggest consideration be given to a winching system (or the provision of fittings to enable such a system) to facilitate bringing boats up the ramp from the water to the shed
1.14 Ramp Width: The ramp width should allow for eight or more dragon boats to be on the ramp simultaneously (with space for people to walk around each boat).
1.15 Viewing Deck: We suggest protecting users of the viewing deck with shade cloths or similar as the deck will not be fully protected from weather and sun by the Anzac Bridge Road Deck
1.16 Paving colour change: We suggest a change in the path paving surface in front of the shed to alert pedestrians/CYCLISTS that this area can be potentially be blocked during dragon boat movement (maybe a boom gate or taffic lights?). Boat movement tends to be concentrated in relatively small time windows - but could be as long as 10-15 minutes where the path is blocked
1.17 Ramp length: The ramp needs to be long enough for boats to be clear of the water at high tide without encroaching on the pedestrian pathway

2. Amenties Block
2.1 Toilets: We suggest additional toilets - currently three portaloos are inadequate, suggest 5 or more unisex toilet stalls
2.2 Change room: We suggest additional floor space, and benches for changing - a number of crews complete training a the same times
2.3 Showers: We suggest additinal showers, say total of 5.

End of Submission.

Thank you or the opportunity to comment.
Simon Freke.
Dragon Boats NSW (DBNSW)
Queens Park , New South Wales
Dragon Boats NSW supports the Bank Street Park project.
We have been appreciative of the consultation opportunities with INSW on the Dragon Boat storage area, and the 1-3 Bank St Community Hub that includes amenities (toilet and shower facilities) for dragon boaters, as well as a meeting room, storage area and cafe. We would like to see the operating hours for the Community Hub (ie. access to the amenities) that have been proposed adjusted to reflect the times that we may be on site (Mon - Fri 5am-9pm, Sat & Sun 6am-3pm).
The Bank Street Dragon Boat hub membership consists of 13-clubs and over 1,500 members visiting the site each week. In addition, we have a schools program that runs throughout the year and corporate crews training for the City of Sydney Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival - this brings in an additional 500+ people on site every week.
The demographics of our membership at the Bank St hub include:
- those from 10years to 80 years,
- people living with disability,
- indigenous peoples,
- the LGBTQIA+ community.
DBNSW looks forward to working with DPE, INSW and TfNSW on the temporary re-location of our boats and storage during the construction phase that directly impacts our activities (Phase 2 - development of 5-7 Bank St), so that we can continue to help our clubs and our broader dragon boating community who represent both NSW and Australia with their activities during the 25/26 season. Having a space to continue to train and race during construction is key for us to ensure the long term viability of our sport.
The Sloths Dragon Boating Club
LILYFIELD , New South Wales
We are supportive of the overall project especially the dragon boat storage area.
The Community Hub is also supported which in the plans includes toilet and shower block for dragon boat use. Having a cafe on site is a positive for the area.
Other positives include meeting rooms and storage areas.
Looking forward to DPE, INSW, TfNSW working with and assisting Dragon Boats NSW on the temporary re-location of our boats and storage during construction Phase 2 of the Park, so that we can continue our activities during the 25/26 race season. Our club has 100+ members on site every week, our demographic include male and female members ranging in age from 22 to 70+. We have members representing NSW at the upcoming National Championships and at the recent International Championships we had 22 members in the National Team representing Australia, and having a space to continue to train and race during construction is key for us to ensure the long term viability of our club and our sport.
As has been mentioned previously we are disappointed in loosing the parking space and would hope DPE, INSW, TfNSW will be working with City of Sydney Council with regard to the metered street parking and reviewing the metered parking times to allow parking on the street on the weekend.
Glebe Rowing Club
GLEBE , New South Wales
Glebe Rowing Club supports the project in terms of it enhancing access for Dragon Boats NSW and its member clubs to utilise the valuable blue space of Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays and their access to other adjacent areas of Sydney Harbour suitable to passive recreational water craft. The development of the New Sydney Fish Markets, redevelopment of the old Fish Markets site and ongoing commercial development in these bays continues to threaten the ongoing enjoyment of this remaining area of Sydney Harbour that allows for Dragon Boats, rowing and other passive on water sports. The proposal offers Dragon Boats NSW and others a permanent home, an incredibly important consideration.

In this regard, Glebe Rowing Club:
- supports the project
- supports the new Dragon Boat Storage Area
- supports the 1-3 Bank St Community Hub that includes amenities (toilet and shower block) for Dragon Boat use, plus the café, meeting room and storage area.

Glebe Rowing Club is fortunate that we have a permanent home on Blackwattle Bay, having been there since 1879. Dragon Boats is a valuable neighbour and friend for us and we value their ability to enjoy their passive on water sport and recreation as we do.

We understand how important it is that DPE, INSW, TfNSW now works closely with Dragon Boats NSW on the temporary re-location of their boats and equipment during construction Phase 2 of the Park, so they can continue their regular activity during 2025/26. Glebe Rowing Club has an ever growing membership across all demographics and in recent years has grown our junior development program. As with rowing, it is vital for Dragon Boats NSW and their affiliates to have a space to continue to train and race during construction and once construction is complete to ensure the long term viability of theirs and other passive on water sports.
Name Withheld
West Ryde , New South Wales
Currently Dragon Boats NSW use this site with 7+ clubs using the site 2-3 times a week, plus outriggers and single craft users.
The proposed parking spaces are woefully inadequate. Perhaps the parking spaces could be reconfigured to perpendicular parking, taking only a small area from the footpaths. (similar to Pirrama Park). Street parking nearby is limited
The toilet and change room facilities are inadequate for the use of sporting clubs where many people complete their training at the same time
So many other things, but these are the main ones.
Thank you
Alex Peng
Pyrmont , New South Wales
I am very happy to see a new Kayak Launch Jetty provided in the design (as I am a keen kayaker and I live in Pyrmont).
Can some kayak storage area be provided in the park design (as has been provided for the dragon boats) for residents in Pyrmont who live in units and has no where to store kayaks. Residents who live in the area can maybe apply for a permit for a small fee to store their kayaks in the kayak storage area. Currently at the western end of the New Fish Market there is a storage rack/area for the Pacific Dragon Outrigger canoes. Maybe something like this can be provided at the new Bank Street Park for kayaks/canoes for residents who lived in the area.
Pacific Dragons Dragon Boat Club
Balmain , New South Wales
We are very excited about the Bank St Park development and both the new Dragon Boat storage area and the 1-3 Bank St Community Hub amenities (toilet and shower block) for Dragon Boat use (plus the café, meeting room and storage area).
We look forward to DPE, INSW and TfNSW working closely with Dragon Boats NSW (DBNSW)) on the temporary re-location of our boats and storage during construction Phase 2 of the Park, so that we can continue our club's activities during the 25/26 year. Our club has over 100 members at the site each week (with our youngest being 14 and our eldest at 73), and includes members who represent both NSW and Australia in dragon boating. Having a space to continue to train and race during construction is key for us to ensure the long term viability of our club and our sport.
Mark Naglost
PYRMONT , New South Wales
Great project and the pop-up park has been an amazing success. Some feedback / suggestions for the new multi-purpose court planned for the new park.

1. My family & I have been using the basketball half-court consistently and have had some issues with pickle ball players using tape, marking pen and thick chalk to draw lines over the court in an attempt to create a pickle ball court. This creates a significant slip hazard which we’ve seen cause injury with basketball players. We’d suggest erecting signage at both the pop up park and the new park to advise court users that they are not to draw additional lines.

2. The pop up park court surface doesn’t appear to have the usual one degree fall across the court, so a few sections retain / pool water. This create another slip hazard especially after cleaning or rain. We’d suggest incorporating the one degree fall in the new court.
Brian Salt
Pyrmont , New South Wales
I support the general plan but the following ideas are important to me and I can’t see if they have been included.

There are obviously walkways and perhaps in parts dedicated cycleway but I didn’t see any dedicated walking/running tracks like those on the Bay Run. Running tracks can exist along side cycle tracks but they should be dedicated to runners/exercise walkers. There should be a loop walking/running track around Blackwattle Bay crossing over the Glebe Island bridge and not the noisy, polluted Anzac bridge.

I am very pleased to see respect for the original aboriginal culture in the area but I’d like to see signs describing the settlement of the area by Europeans. There are some small signs around Jones Bay wharf that describe past history but they are small and unimpressive. Please bring some imagination to how to trace history of Pyrmont from aboriginal land to the present day.

I am 75 years old and I have lived in Pyrmont for 11 years and I never want to leave. I am a keen exercise walker but I hate having to walk across the Anzac Bridge. I look forward to the Glebe Island Bridge being opened for pedestrians.
Name Withheld
Pyrmont , New South Wales
The park looks great, can't wait for it to be built. Here are my comments:
1) An old building by the water was a captains accomodation. How will the history of this building be brought into the park design. There are historic maritime relics in that site that must be repurposed (timber structure that says 'Workshop', and also a pulley).
2) How will some of the relics from Pyrmont Heritage Boating Fleet be used in the park? Can the timber be reused, or even some of the small boats can be used in the kids play area. Some innovation will be needed, but it is too important in the site history to be ignored.
3) Transport for NSW need to include ferry access to this part of the Bay. The marina must include a public wharf.
4) Marina storage should be located elsewhere, not in a park. I do not support the commercial (private) marina having so much public recreation space.
Stephen Cameron
Pyrmont , New South Wales
Adrienne Tunnicliffe
Pyrmont , New South Wales
Please find attached my submission. I would like to congratulate the planning team on the consultation they have undertaken. While I think the plan is excellent I believe the connection to the water could be expanded and made a feature of the park.
City of Sydney
SYDNEY , New South Wales
The Walking Volunteers Inc.
BLACKHEATH , New South Wales
See submission below


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Sports & Recreation Activities
Local Government Areas
City of Sydney

Contact Planner

Anna Nowland