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State Significant Development


Cleanaway's Western Sydney Energy & Resource Recovery Centre


Current Status: Withdrawn

The purpose of the proposal is to build an energy-from-waste facility that can generate up to 58 megawatts of power by thermally treating up to 500,000 tonnes per year of residual municipal solid waste and residual commercial and industrial waste.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (25)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (12)


Showing 81 - 100 of 634 submissions
Name Withheld
FAIRFIELD , New South Wales
The last thing we need anywhere in the Sydney region is more pollution. There is no safe way to burn rubbish without putting toxins into the air we have to breathe. Cleanaway seems to have a monopoly on waste disposal and I never feel comfortable when a large company tells everyone that they can safely incinerate waste with no poisonous emissions. The people objected to the last proposal and we do not change are minds after a couple of years. No. Not now or ever.
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
Western Sydney does NOT need this incinerator. Our health matters. We have schools nearby, aged care homes, parks full of of sporting families. We already put up with foul smells on a daily basis from this area and now they want to build bigger and x 2... No No No. No incinerator for Western Sydney. Keep our air clear.
Name Withheld
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,
I am totally opposed to the construction and commissioning of this project based upon the types of materials (such as non- recyclable plastics) that are proposed for incineration, and the sheer volume of waste from which Cleanaway have in mind to separate up to 500,000 tonnes to burn. This would not be waste just from the local area, but waste most probably from all over Sydney in order to get enough fuel to burn. That could mean a lot more traffic into an area which is already heavily used as an industrial area.
The last proposal for such a project at Eastern Creek was canned, ultimately stopped by the NSW Independent Planning Commission. Although the site is not the same one, it is not far from the prior one!
I also lived through the era when the St. Peters garbage incineration furnace existed, and the problems for residents' health and road congestion that was caused before it was finally decommissioned. I am sure that Cleanaway is proposing this plant solely for profit, but is that enough reason to take the risk with local residents' health?
I hope the IPC will also stop this one as well.
Raymond Montebello
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
This should not be built in a populated area. To many times human error has occurred and the the surrounding population suffers the concequences.
We do not know what longterm effects this may have or if accidentally toxic wast released as a result of a malfunction.
If it is so safe would it be built near a dam, would the directors of Cleanway live within the fallout area?
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I strongly object this project given the health risks it presents to all persons who live in the vicinity of this proposed project. I don't understand how companies can apply to build toxic incinerators so close to residential areas including schools and shopping centres. It's not safe and Cleanaway are clearly not being environmentally and socially responsible in doing so.
As a proud resident of Minchinbury for more than 20 years, I'm also concerned about the impact this will have on the value of my home and neighbouring suburbs. Western Sydney is not a dumping ground for everyone else's crap. If the toxic incinerator can't be built in the prestige eastern suburbs, why the hell is Western Sydney any different. The people of Western Sydney deserve to have clean air to breath and to not have to worry about health risks arising from a toxic incinerators.
Name Withheld
SMITHFIELD , New South Wales
I would like to object to the project, due to environments and health's issues for the communities. Please consider the public health.

Thank and regards My
Name Withheld
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
I object to the proposal based on maintaining my family's health and for the safety of my community. We live within 5kms of the site with scores of schools, homes, child care centres, work places and aged care facilities within close proximity.
The previous application was not supported by the New South Wales Parliament Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Planning and Environment citing that many stakeholders, including the NSW EPA and NSW Health, expressed significant concerns about the project, particularly the uncertainty around the risks it may pose to human health and the environment. NSW EPA's continues to hold concerns about Cleanaway's ability to maintain safety with consistent areas of concern relating to environmental controls and understanding of environmental responsibilities by Cleanaway employees.
Those with more knowledge than I do about these matters hold grave concerns with Cleanaway's ability to operate within the conditions of its license and hold fears for the potential health impacts for those in the area should this facility go ahead. I implore you to again reject this proposal and consider the lives of the thousands of residents that would be directly impacted by the construction of such a facility.
Thank you
Anita Bautovich
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
I am objecting the project as there are concerns over the long term health effects this will impact the community. Thanks
Name Withheld
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
I object because of the probable toxic fumes that will be generated across the Western Sydney region.
Name Withheld
MOUNT VERNON , New South Wales
This project has been proposed previously & was subsequently rejected on health grounds.
What has changed to make this project acceptable in this location?
It is in close proximity to densely populated expanding areas.
Government predictions indicate over 1 million population growth in the surrounding LGAs.
Authorities have publicised studies indicating emissions have detrimental effects in relation to childhood learning abilities.
Also to asthma related respiratory problems.
Older population must also be considered.
Carolyn Ahmet
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
This should not go ahead as it to dangerous to our community and the environment
Name Withheld
GREYSTANES , New South Wales
My family have lived in Western Sydney for over 50 years, we are sick and tired of the state government allowing projects such as this to be dumped on Western Sydney.
You work for the people of this area so do your job and represent them to improve the area with public parks not pollute the air we breath and the water we drink.
Michael Sterbal
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I am a resident in Minchinbury, a father of 2 children, one of which has special needs. My daughter (6) goes to the local school and loves it, my son (3) goes to a daycare centre where he is thriving and when he is not there, he is with me attending the many therapies he requires to try and reach his developmental milestones.
This energy facility, if developed, will impact our way of life. It will impact the lives of many who already have respiratory issues (myself being an asthmatic and my son having sleep apnoea), and it will cause many issues for the generally healthy.
If this facility is to be built, why must it be built so close to soo many residential suburbs? Western Sydney Matters. We have built our lives out here, lives that will be cut short due to the chemical exhaust from such facilities. We do not want this out here. We want upgrades to our hospitals, our playgrounds, our schools, NOT our future medical bills due to hazardous conditions. We should matter, people matter, Cleanaways pockets shouldn't.
Don Ricciardiello
GREYSTANES , New South Wales
I object to this proposal on environmental grounds. I believe that the emissions from the plant would be unhealthy and therefore unsafe for local residents. A similar waste plant was proposed some years back and it failed on environmental grounds. I don’t see how this is any different and should also be precluded from going ahead.
Name Withheld
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
That's it dump it in the western suburbs, this along with all the noise pollution from an airport with no curfew.
There is plenty of land away from populated areas in NSW.
Rafael Aducayen
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
Take it to the East Side. We do not want it here. We are not a dumping ground.
Alicia Schloeffel
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
I object to the Waste to Energy Facility proposed by Cleanaway, and anyone else that wants to contaminate our air with its toxic emissions.
This will have severe negative impacts on our environment and personal health.
We have a right to breathe clean air.
Our children deserve better!
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
This project showed negative health benefits to the community with the first submission, and was rejected. We are now in battle 2 because the health repercussions to the community are of little concern to Cleanaway
Malcolm Forrester
Greystanes , New South Wales
I have read the 110 page proposal and take exception at the wording about the Flue Gas Cleaning - " will reduce NOx ,acids,heavy metals and dioxins and furans". The word -'reduce' is not acceptable when using EU current standards as the benchmark - as the report repeatedly does. If this proposed facility cannot showcase worlds best practice rather than following the historically achieved benchmarks of other countries , it should not be built in western sydney. At only 1.7 kms from Prospect Reservoir, accumulated deposits of gaseous or solid exhaust from the flue poses a real threat to the integrity and quality of our drinking water supply - particularly during the spring / summer westerly wind periods.

The stated aim outlined in the proposal to continually " monitor emissions" from the plant, with the stated intention to shut down operations temporarily if the plant exceeds operation target parameters is insufficient guarantee when commercial imperatives of the company would more likely lead them to carry on polluting, with only self monitoring being used as a regulatory process.

I oppose this proposed project. Western Sydney should not be used as a solution to the waste disposal problem generated by greater Sydney.
Name Withheld
SMITHFIELD , New South Wales
I strongly object to the proposed incinerator.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Other
Local Government Areas

Contact Planner

Sally Munk