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State Significant Development


Liverpool Range Wind Farm

Mid-Western Regional

Current Status: Determination

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Consolidated Consent

Consolidated Consent



Application (1)

DGRs (4)

EA (37)

Engagements (2)

Submissions (15)

Response to Submissions (16)

Recommendation (1)

Determination (1)

Approved Documents

Management Plans and Strategies (1)

Notifications (2)

Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.


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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.


Showing 1 - 20 of 98 submissions
matthew wesley
Coolah , New South Wales
To Who it may concern
This project would be a big positive to the Coolah/Cassilis communitys
Susan Weis
Cassilis , New South Wales
I object to the Liverpool Range Wind farm in the Cassilis area for several reasons.
The impact of the turbines, both during construction and on completion, will destroy what is one of the most picturesque regions in NSW.
I live on a road that I have heard but not been officially advised will take 90% of the construction traffic for the wind farm. This will impact on my ability to move stock along this public road that runs between my properties during the day and disturb me throughout night.I have found Epuron difficult to deal with particularly in relation to the route of the proposed power line.
The wind farm is set to benefit a few landholders but impact on many surrounding farms and villages. Wind Farms have a sad history of splitting communities and this one is no exception.
It is unclear what will happens to these turbines when the life span of the wind farm expires. Will they remain as visual pollution along the Liverpool Range?
I feel Epuron has encouraged the community to believe that the wind farm will provide jobs and money to the local towns and has passively tried to gain support through sponsorship of local sporting teams.The reality is that the construction work will be undertaken by contractors and local businesses will not benefit and the people in the district will be inconvenienced for the benefit of a few.
The jury is still out about the ability of wind farms to provide energy when its needed. Coal fired power is still the most reliable and affordable source of power.
barney wesley
Coolah , New South Wales
Gday All

I support the Liverpool Range Wind Farm
Hugh wesley
Coolah , New South Wales

I support the Liverpool Range Wind Farm.
Thanks Hugh
Sam wesley
Coolah , New South Wales

I support the Liverpool Range Wind Farm.
Thanks Sam
Natalie Jones
Cassilis , New South Wales
I am submitting in relation to my concerns in regards to the proposed wind farm.There are a number of areas that I have questions and concerns about, especially when our residence is in close proximity to the proposed turbines.

~ The amount of increased traffic that is involved with construction as well as maintaining the turbines is a major issue.These turbines will need 25-30 years of regular maintenance and the condition of Old Coolah Rd has never been kept to a satisfactory standard with just the traffic that uses it now let alone the increase that comes with having wind turbines. That road is our only access to our property and the increase of dust and noise is a very serious issue for us. We breed cattle on our property and if we have dust covering our pastures, that then affects our production and income. Another problem is livestock carriers not being able to access our property when we have cattle to send to the markets. ( this has been a problem in the past on this road for us) whether it be from wet wether or the deteriorated condition of the road.

~ My concern is also about the noise of the wind turbines themselves. The noise is 'expected' to be within the standards allowed but that is only at our house, we spend 90% of our time outside in the paddocks working and these noise levels I'm positive will differ to the 'expected' levels put forward and I do not want that in my place of work. Does this change in our environment affect the level of reproduction in our cattle or the possible reduction of pasture the cattle utilise if they don't feed in the paddocks closest to the turbines? Nobody can know for sure until they are there and we are the ones disadvantaged.

~The increased probability of grass fires from the turbines especially in this area is a major concern for us. The idea of a grass fire in this area is quiet frightening considering the results from the most recent Sir Ivan fires destroying peoples livelihood.
I haven't seen or heard of any plans of action put in place by the Liverpool Ranges Wind Farms to address or reduce this danger.

~ The power line that transports the power from the turbines runs close past our property and I would be very annoyed if there were any interference or even loss of technology, radio or television receptions. Where we live has limited access to all of the above and to have this affected would be a problem running our property effectively.

~Finally the outlook and views from our property will be altered considerably with the number of turbines that we will be able to see. This is not what we like to see when we look out from our home or are out working with our cattle, the aspect from our place will be lessened if we are seeing wind turbines. We benefit in no way by having wind turbines and feel that the number of turbines that we are proposed to be able to view from our property be relocated closer to the people that are wanting the wind turbines.

I am sure that these concerns that I raise from mine and my families point of view are warranted and should be given weighted consideration to the proposed construction of the wind farms.
Sarah Thompson
Cassilis , New South Wales
Wind Farm Sumission

I would like to raise the following issues in relation to the Liverpool Range Windfarm Proposal following my attendance at the Community Information Session held July 26th at Cassilis.
Key points of concern are:
1. Traffic & Roads: the estimated changes to the movement of heavy vehicle traffic and over dimension vehicles will have an adverse impact on traffic, and on road conditions for local, regional and state roads. Whilst I noted that upgrades to local roads would be part of the approval requirements, I am extremely concerned by the lack of information regarding upgrades to the state roads, notably the Golden Highway.
* There should be a requirement from the RMS to upgrade this highway, which is already feeling the effects of increased heavy vehicle traffic. Most particularly concerning is the absence of any overtaking lanes for traffic travelling westward beyond Sandy Hollow to Dunedoo. This is a road safety issue., we have already had fatalites on this road section this year. It is also a major haulage route for fuel supplies in north western NSW.
* How is the issue of damage to road edges and corners on main highway and local roads going to be addressed.
* This highway is the transport route for grain and livestock movement, and for farm machinery at peak farming times such as harvest or sowing, as such a requirement for notification of haulage timeframes in advance should be made. This is also in the interests of stock movements that move across the roads. And further to this, haulage movements should avoid peak times for school routes, and work times. I understand that there is an expectation that possibly 6 over dimension vehicles a day will carry the turbine blades when this stage of development occurs. Given the number of wind turbines, this equates to a large number of days by any reference, and will have significant impact.
* The upgrades of local roads will also cause impact on the local district.
* A further safety issue I believe that arises from increased traffic,is the recognition that there are many concealed entrances to properties along the highway, from which trucks or machinery enter and exit, and travelling motorists may not be aware of these. It should be considered, that local property owners should have capacity to request appropriate signage to forwarn.
2. Noise incursion - I understand the EPA is the regulatory body for noise levels, Some of the community residences will be impacted by the noise of this increased heavy traffic because of their proximity to the road, and also from the impact of air brakes in the decent on some of the hills where they are so close to the road. It should be a requirement, where residences are concerned, that they have a capacity to request noise assessment be supported and cost covered by the developer, and with steps for remediation if necessary.
3. Water use: - for road works to be done, there is a requirement for a large amount of water, then for the building of the towers, cement works, construction requirements. Where will this water come from, and how will it affect the water ways, and water uses of the area.
4. Offsets - Cassilis community has already had areas designated for offsets for mining pursuits ,which has impacted on community numbers and de population. Where will offsets be? How will they be determined?
5. Birdlife: Will there be monitoring of the bird life impact, prior to the turbine placement, particularly the proximity to eagle habitat, and the effects of the wind farm these. Will turbine placement be adjusted to mitigate any impact.
6. Telecommunications- the Sir Ivan Fire of recent months highlighted the inadequacy of communications. The community of Cassilis and its surrounds have poor communication infrastructure, with high dependence on mobile technology for voice and data telephony. High traffic usage, such as holidays, or peak times, see already significant diminishment of signal. The impact of additional personel accessing these will impact on current residents in this district. A requirement for infrastructure , such as additional telecommunications tower, to upgrade telecommunications in this area, should become a requirement for this development to proceed.
7. Community Fund - The development proposal includes a commitment to establish a community enhancement fund. Further clarification of this fund and its proposed administration is needed. There needs to be a clear demonstration of community participation in the consultation process to determine the community benefits, which have been determined to be applied in an area 20km of an installed turbine, which would be Cassilis and Coolah. There is concern because of its size, that Cassilis will have less commercial benefit from the project flow on, and as such, residents seek assurance that their community would see concrete benefit from this fund, which in turn could add to attractiveness and viability of the historic village and the commercial and recreational pursuits of the village.
8. Finally, it is recognized that there is still much research to be done on the impacts of infrasound, and the concerns often raised in relation to windfarms. Therefore the owner of the wind farm should be required, if not already formulated, to contribute to research, financially, and be prepared to cooperate in investigations where concerns by those living near to the turbines, or power lines, are raised.

I support the renewable power project, and wind farms form a part of this. I would like to be assured that my concerns can be addressed and the development of this proposal is a positive one, and benefits of this scheme can be enjoyed by the community at large.

Kelly Leedham
Coonabarabran , New South Wales
A positive energy proposal to ensure renewable energy becomes an integral component of regional energy production. Excellent proposal and I'm excited that this type of project can contribute to rural economies. Kelly Leedham
Judy Jones
Coolah , New South Wales
The biodiversity assessment refers to a number of threatened species (Masked and Powerful owls, the squirrel glider and the Large-eared Pied Bat) that will be impacted by the wind farm. For these, and other species, it is proposed to offset the potential impacts by setting aside other land nearby. There is a some detail in the Environmental Assessment about the need for offsets but there is still limited detail on how each of the proposed offsets will result in an environmental gain. Offsets are frequently criticised as an ineffective conservation tool as they do not necessarily provide areas that will mitigate against the losses particularly if suitable and equivalent habitats for the species are just not available. The community needs to be provided with further information from the proponent about the offset proposal, and evidence that addresses its likely effectiveness (and whether there will be any likely environmental gain) in order to be able to assess whether the proposed offsets will be effective. Without this information the significance of the wind farm, in terms of the potential biodiversity loss, is not known.
Angus McDonald
COOLAH , New South Wales
Please see the attached submission with annexures dated instant.
Judy Jones
Coolah , New South Wales
Please see the attached file.
Sue & Paula Palmer
Cassilis , New South Wales
Hello Anthony

Thankyou for speaking with my daughter and I at the Cassilis meeting last Monday evening. As discussed attached is our submission letter.
Environment Protection Authority
Dubbo , New South Wales
Please find attached EPA's response to the Response to Submissions report.
Airservices Australia
Tullamarine , Victoria
See attached.
Department of Primary Industries
Sydney , New South Wales
Response as requested.
Warrumbungle Shire Council
Coonabarabran , New South Wales
Please find attached Council's submission prepared by our Director of Technical Services - Mr Kevin Tighe, in relation to the Response to Submissions for the Liverpool Range Windfarm proposal.
NSW Rural Fire Service
Coffs Harbour , New South Wales
Please find attached RFS comments for SSD6696 - Liverpool Range Wind Farm.
Canberra , Australian Capital Territory
Please find attached CASA's response.
Roads & Maritime Services
Parkes , New South Wales
Please see attached Roads and Maritime Services submission to Liverpool Range Windfarm.
Roads & Maritime Services
Parkes , New South Wales
Please see attached Roads and Maritime Services submission to Liverpool Range Windfarm.


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas
Mid-Western Regional
Determination Date
Deputy Secretary
Last Modified By
Last Modified On

Contact Planner

Iwan Davies