State Significant Development
Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project
Muswellbrook Shire
Current Status: Determination
Interact with the stages for their names
- Prepare EIS
- Exhibition
- Collate Submissions
- Response to Submissions
- Assessment
- Recommendation
- Determination
Extend the life of the open cut operation by mining deeper coal seams, using existing and proposed new infrastructure.
Attachments & Resources
Notice of Exhibition (1)
Request for SEARs (2)
SEARs (13)
EIS (48)
Response to Submissions (3)
IESC (2)
Agency Advice (25)
Amendments (2)
Additional Information (26)
Recommendation (3)
Determination (3)
Approved Documents
Management Plans and Strategies (7)
Agreements (2)
Community Consultative Committees and Panels (2)
Notifications (1)
Note: Only documents approved by the Department after November 2019 will be published above. Any documents approved before this time can be viewed on the Applicant's website.
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Note: Only enforcements and inspections undertaken by the Department from March 2020 will be shown above.
Phillip Enderby
Phillip Enderby
Carly Hartley
Carly Hartley
Luke Ward Thomas
Luke Ward Thomas
Agriculture, viniculture and specifically the thoroughbred industry have been in a long struggle for land use with the coal mining industry - one that has cost both parties significant time , money and most pertinently, security. Clear long term legislation has been absent and instead both industries has had to battle out every decision. This has led to a situation where both currant and future investment is on shaky ground. If we look to the future growth and stability of the valley - coal mining should have no part. The legacy we leave the next generation should be one where clean and sustainable energy fulfil our energy needs. The process employed to develop this legacy should not be damaging to the future investment and health of industries that will remain.
As a resident and thoroughbred industry employee this mine represents a short sighted, retro grade step not just for the local area but for the future of the generation we would like to farm after us.
Name Withheld
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Australian thermal coal has contributed significantly to the energy security in Japan and I am convinced that it will continue to play an important role for Japanese energy security and economy during next a couple of decades.
From the global environment perspective, a high calorific valued Australian coal can reduce total amount of coal consumption and CO2 emission in the world.
Hence I support the optimisation project of Mount Pleasant.
Enjoi Pty Ltd T/AS Pirtek Muswellbrook
Enjoi Pty Ltd T/AS Pirtek Muswellbrook
Christopher Knight
Christopher Knight
Name Withheld
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Name Withheld
I believe that the Mt Pleasant mine extension of life to 2048 is a good thing for the area. It creates 100's of jobs for the upper hunter and gives job security to the local area. I believe that if we want to continue to see our area thrive the mine should be extended right through to 2048. I have lived and worked in the area my entire life in the agriculture industry and I personally believe that they are improving the countryside by implementing first class rehabilitation with Geo flutes for water run off to help retain soil erosion which I believe is great for the environmental impact. Given that we have just been through possibly the worst drought of all time in this area, the Rehabilitated land still looks good and has managed to maintain a ground cover. There appears to be no expense spared to insure that it is completed to a high standard. The mining industry supply's a much needed economic relief for our country and coming through covid we might need projects like these to get approved now more than ever.
I have a family of five and wish to keep living and working in the area as my Grandparents were able to do also, with plenty of employment opportunities. For me this application is a no brainer it supply's more jobs for more people with a smaller disturbance area to the mining lease.
Thankyou for allowing me to submit my application
Tony Veitch
Tony Veitch
What must be recognised is that the coal produced by the Mount Pleasant project (and other Hunter Valley coal mines) are among the highest quality coals in the world. Coal from Mount Pleasant fuels these new high efficiency low emissions (HELE) power stations around the world. Operation of these new HELE plants manages the transition to alternative forms of despatchable energy generation as efficiently as possible. Failure to approve this optimisation project will lead to higher carbon emissions globally.
Justin Harris
Justin Harris
I have seen first hand how well this project is run and all its benefits for the greater Hunter region..Mt pleasant is also very environmentally aware and does great work with its rehabilitation projects ,noise and dust management aswell as looking after and creating habitat for local species.
Overall I believe this submission should be granted a green light for approval and help with not just my future but the future of so many in the Greater Hunter..
Kind regards justin harris
Aaron Cochrane
Aaron Cochrane
Name Withheld
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Name Withheld
Natural mine landform design is also being incorporated into the mine planning to achieve high standard rehabilitation.
Hayden Rhook
Hayden Rhook
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
Blackrock Industries
Blackrock Industries
I, Steven Fordham, am the founder and Managing Director of Blackrock Industries (a 100% Indigenous-owned business) and I am writing this letter of support to highlight the invaluable work Mach Energy are doing within the social inclusion space that often may go unnoticed. We feel it needs to be highlighted and celebrated as they have made a real difference to our business and our Community.
As a proud Kamilaroi man, I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to help our mob, to help families grow together and not fracture and fall apart, which is part of the systemic problems we face in our community today. This is where I have created the Second Chance for Change Program, which works with incarcerated Indigenous men, to help them rehabilitate through training, skills and education. To date we have rehabilitated 65 men and have provided countless other opportunities for Aboriginal people to seek employment.
This achievement is impossible to do alone. We can only achieve this amazing result through help from our bigger brothers, and I can whole-heartedly recommend and shine light on Mach Energy and what they have done to truly help create change.
I have engaged with many large corporate companies to seek assistance and have been disappointed through many meetings which resulted in no outcome. My experience with Mach Energy, is that they have lived up to their values and have assisted Blackrock to grow into one of the larger Indigenous businesses in the Hunter Valley, which, in turn helps the Second Chance for Change Program succeed in making a real difference. Mach Energy have done this often without seeking public recognition.
The team at Blackrock Industries can speak very highly of Mach Energy and our contact, Ngaire Baker and Richard Baily . But, I can also say that my contemporaries in the Indigenous space would also share the same feelings of inclusion and support that we have all gained from our relationship with Mach Energy.
It’s not often you see a company take a chance on a young 25 year old with nothing but $20,000 a tipper truck and a dream, but Mach Energy did. They say our people come from the dream time, but Mach Energy made my dream happen, through the support and belief and optimism in giving us a chance. They did not see the RISK, rather they only saw the reward in helping create a better future.
To date, through the ACDF fund, Mach Energy has put over $4 million into the Aboriginal Community with a focus on health; economic development; cultural and community development and education and also with a further commitment of $670,000 each year on top of the $4 million they have already spent. This is unbelievable but even more, they have given our mob a voice on how the money should be spent through having an amazing group of Aboriginal people that run the fund. This is the way it should be, to have our people not be told what’s good for them all the time, but with Mach Energy, they let us create our own destiny.
By letting this extension go ahead, you will support over 320 people employed on the project and their families, help continue their employment with most of their wages going back into the community that is used to buy things like a pie on the way to work, a loaf of bread on the way home, or even pay for a little girl to get dancing lessons a little boy to get his Ram’s team jersey, and to help a mum and dad put food on the table. This is the stability of having a job at Mach Energy.
This project is vital for not only the large businesses but the mum and dad business that started in their sheds at home with nothing but an idea and a chance and the willingness to have a go. Through the support of Mines like Mach energy these businesses have an actual chance a succeeding in their ambitions. If Mach Energy does not get this approval, it will not only affect these 320 people that would lose their jobs, it would affect 320 families and local business and our local community that rely on this income.
In 2016, when Drayton Coal Mine’s application for extension was rejected, our whole community felt this blow. Not only did it affect people’s jobs, but it affected people’s lives; people that have been living here for 3-4 generations were moving away from the area to look for work, and leaving an area they called home. Businesses that relied on that income had to shut down and their dreams of owning a business, destroyed. But, luckily we had Mach Energy open and this helped give our community a chance to rebuild and thrive and I hope never to see a day like this again.
Over the past five years, it’s been the hardest time to be in business, but in rural Australia, you have to be tough but you also have to have the support of your community and be there to support them through the hard times too. Bush fires and droughts are a common part of life living in rural Australia, but with COVID-19 this has affected not only Muswellbrook but all of Australia and provides much uncertainty to what the future holds. By approving this project you give a community hope and security in a very uncertain time.
Should you wish to support Mach Energy in their bid for this extension, I would have the utmost confidence in knowing they will fulfil their pledge to help support the local businesses in the Muswellbrook area. They will increase social inclusion and create a better future for our local community.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you wish to discuss this further.