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Planning proposals


Waverley War Memorial Hospital Birrell Street Site - 99-117 Birrell Street, Waverley


The Proposal seeks to complement a separate planning proposal for the remainder of the block in Waverley for the War Memorial Hospital site. The Proposal proposes additional local provisions relating to Alternative Building Heights, Alternative Floor Space Ratio and affordable housing to enable the holistic redevelopment of the Edina Estate, to continue to provide health related uses and seniors housing and to retain and enhance the heritage and environmental significance of the site.

Documents (21)

Council report and resolution
November 2020 - SPDC Report
Council report and resolution
November 2020 - SPDC Minutes
Final Assessment Report
Plan finalisation report - Birrell Street, Waverley
Gateway determination
Gateway determination
Gateway determination report
Gateway determination assessment report
Gateway letter to council
Letter to Council
Proposal for Public Exhibition
PP - War Memorial Hospital - Birrell St Sites
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment M - Letter of Intent - Provision of Affordable Housing
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment L - Draft Site-Specific DCP
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment K - Landscape Design Statement
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment J - Traffic & Transport Impact Assessment
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment I - Environmental Site Assessment
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment H - Conservation Management Plan 2017
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment G - Conservation Management Plan 2005 (Part 2) (2)
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment G - Conservation Management Plan 2005 (Part 1)
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment F - Statement of Heritage Impact
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment E - Urban Design Report
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment D - Response to request for information
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment C - Planning Proposal report
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment B - Proposed Mapping
Proposal for Public Exhibition
Attachment A - Campus Site Gateway Determination

Activity Details

Local government area
Date Review Commenced
Relevant Planning Authority
Date of Determination
Gateway Decision
Exhibition Start-End Date
Link to PPA Website
Date Planning Proposal returned to Department for assessment and drafting of LEP
Date of Publication
Publish Decision
Link to LEP Document

Department Contact
Pengfei Cheng
Council Contact Detail
Patrick Hay