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Part3A Modifications


Mod 1 – Concept Proposal Changes

Liverpool City

Current Status: Determination

Permit fill Importation and associated increase in building heights, transfer of containers to MPE rail terminal and future subdivision.

Layout changes including expanded Anzac
Road intersection footprint and deletion of one rail terminal.

Attachments & Resources

Application (10)

Submissions (3)

Agency Submissions (10)

Response to Submissions (6)

Additional Information (9)

Recommendation (2)

Determination (2)


Showing 161 - 180 of 459 submissions
Philip Gordon
Chipping Norton , New South Wales
Should be stopped by local government without local contributions!
Amanda Hughes
Holsworthy , New South Wales
I object to the whole project. I think an intermodal is better suited at the Badgerys Creek airport site
Jeff Thornton
Not supplied , New South Wales
How soon will monitoring analysis of pollution levels be reported to the public? PAC has demonstrated at every modification request (and there have been too many requests) they and the state govt are beholden to SIMTA plans by stealth to build something much more precarious for the local community than is initially promoted.

SIMTA and the govt have played the community consultation ''spin'' card with no evidence than any community objection to any meaningful modifications to this proposal by SIMTA. Truly, one of the most cynical exercises I've encountered
Dawn Thompson
xxxx , New South Wales
The road network will not handle the additional traffic, the weave at the exit from Moorebank to the Hume Highway is already dangerous without having to navigate even more trucks within this short distance. The Intermodal should not be built in Moorebank

Igor Buvac
Liverpool , New South Wales
Noise, pollution and traffic congestion are all detrimental outcomes for the local community ....
Peter Karagiannis
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
This initatove will worsen our air quality and traffic conditions on the already heavily congested M5. The growing pollution and increased traffic will make the area less safe for our children and elderly
Sanja Karagiannis
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
This project is so dissapointing. It will impact and bring about extreme levels of increased pollution. It will heavily worsen the already overly congested traffic on the M5 and make our area more dangerous. I strongly object to this initiative as it will impact our community very negatively
Name Withheld
Casula , New South Wales
My property is only 900M to the edge of terminal, I don't believe there will be no noise problem to us. every time when project is designed, all problems look like resolved perfectly, but when project finishes, problems are everywhere and no one cares. look at the news about how residents near port botany complaining the noise in the middle of the night. I believe at the first beginning, these problems must be ''resolved'' on port botany design paper
Casula , New South Wales
I object to the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal Stage 1 Early Works (SSD 5066 Mod 1) modification application. The application reveals the completely unacceptable scale and intensity of the works within the residential and sensitive ecological context of the area.
The truck movements will start the clogging of the essential arterial roads of South West Sydney, a process which will continue until the Moorebank Intermodal trucks render the roads virtually unusable for many hours a day, a scenario of which the NSW Department of Planning and Environment has been repeatedly warned.
A more sensitive modification would be to enslave the inhabitants of surrounding suburbs, and force us to carry the proposed fill in basket on our backs. Three vast pyramids could be built in honour of our great political leaders and their desire, against all reason to build something really big and useless as their legacy
Name Withheld
Chipping Norton NSW , New South Wales
We are say NO to this modification of stage 1 early works because in the past this community doesn't want an intermodal what does it take to listen to our request no the Intermodal no is no.
1. noise
2. traffic Newbridge road (especial in flood area)
3. Moorebank doesn't not need a project like this to take it out to badgerys creek where people have gone from there now
4. pollution from all the works that will be carried.
no no no we say no to intermodal

The Liverpool community say no the intermodal and this company has done nothing in listening to us as community. you have no respect for our health etc;
pollution etc to put second application is stupid unfair.
stop doing this to us.

THe traffic won't improve it will be in gridlock in what you are doing come on just listen we don't want this here in Moorebank;
i do not accept this new proposal and it should nt been done especially council doesn t approve of it you have liar about this ever since you done last application
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
As has been shown with all other intermodals that are too close together the number of trucks on the road is dramatically increased rather than decreased. Already the M5 is close to eing a car park during peak periods and extra three lanes each way will be needed by the time the intermodal is finished. This new amendment means the extra lanes on the M5 will be needed much sooner as there is currently insufficient capacity on the M5 to handle the trucks to deliver the fill.
Presumably the trucks will be electric powered ratherr than diesel as the air quality in the area is already extremely bad - if diesel are used then the increased air pollution will start killing people
Name Withheld
Wattle grove , New South Wales
I am against the proposed development, ,My reasons are:-

1. The proposed development site is near residential areas and will create pollution in different forms.

2. The proposed development will increase road traffic in the area. The M5 motorway, seemingly the only gateway to these residential areas. The M5 can barley contain the existing traffic at the moment, let alone the increased number of trucks and passenger vehicles that will travel on the motorway if this development happens

3. The project seem to favour economical gain over residents wellbeing and over environmental factors
Name Withheld
Wattle Grove , New South Wales
To the Planning Department head

I wish to object to some of the amendments requested by SIMTA to their initial approval granted by the Department of Planning

1 - SIMTA's submission expressly is telling the department of planning what is and what is not allowed to happen on the site in question and grossly infringes on the Zoning of site
The zoning is for warehousing, not heavy industrial use, such as concrete crushing plant, as what is proposed in the amendment

2 - The amended extended working hours are outrageous, as the site is within a few hundred metres of the suburbs of Casula, Wattle Grove, Moorebank and the sound of works will impact on the residents decidedly more as the extended hours proposed are mainly early morning and later at night when the background recedes and the site noise will travel faster and further. Provisional approval was given by the department with conditions attached which SIMTA now wants to change in total disregard of nearby residents.

3 - The necessity of acquisition of 1.6 million cubic meters of clean fill must have been obvious from the start, ''a mistake'' in calculations of that magnitude is not an oversight but deliberate ploy to gain the initial approval under false pretences

4 - The amount of truck movements required for this work in excess of the road network capacity when added to the already existing traffic volume, especially the M5/Moorebank Avenue intersection

5 - The proponent, in their submission for the amendments, underestimate the impacts of all points covered and is assuming and dictating to the department of planning as though they are the governing body and have assumed the authority of the department of planning as if they are the planning department

Will the commissioner take backs seat on this and let the department of planning be dictated to by this proponent?
Name Withheld
Glenfield , New South Wales
I wish to state my objection to the above modification because:

1) The number of trucks involved with up to a 9month period on the roads will cause much more traffic on a well used road than at present
2) I believe the traffic along Cambridge Road at Glenfield will increase because of the above
3) Removal of vegetation i.e. trees which are home to various birds and animals
4) The amount of soil (1.6 million m3) which is to be imported into the area from the others areas which could be contaminated.
5) Dust and noise arising from the project

I declare that I have not made any political donations
Hilal El-Jamal
Not supplied , New South Wales
Please make it stop
Stephen Mansell
Glenfield , New South Wales
We live at 18 Fergusson Street Glenfield. The area at the rear of our home is a Transgrid Corridor. As such both ourselves, our neighbours in Fergusson Street and others in Goodenough Street as well as Transgrid TOTALLY RESPECT to ANY form of rezoning from the current situation. When will the little people like us be respected & when will BIG BROTHER realise what it is doing to us?
Name Withheld
Moorebank , New South Wales
I strongly object to this proposal.
Having lived in this area since 1999, I feel I have a right to an opinion and comment on the changes I have noticed over the past 17 years.
The amount of traffic in the area has increased so much and there are many trucks roaring down the suburban streets than ever before.
I live on Nuwarra Road and the potholes are horrendous, especially after the rain
Gayle Heather Reddy
Casula , New South Wales
I strongly object to the Moorebank Intermodal Terminal on the grounds:
Increase in traffic currently with the widening of the M5 bottle neck now occurs at Moorebank entry. With increase of heavy vehicles in this will create heavier congestion on the entry and M5 as well as diesel pollution with the increase of vehicles.
State of the Georges River, increase in traffic will create run a run off of pollution into the Georges River which will destroy the natural habitat, water quality for the animals that uses the river.
Destruction of vegetation also will impact heavily on the natural habituate.
It makes no sense to place an intermodal into an areas that will out grow its use in a few years.
Paolo Peresan
Yagoona , New South Wales
Please do not do this...its crazy to add this amount of congestion to roads that are already under severe pressure...Not to mention the vey real likelihood of pollution to the Georges River.
Please utilise the facilities at Belfield where there is already a train line.
You must listen and at least give consideration to other proposals.
Lauren Adams
Holsworthy , New South Wales
This whole intermodal project based in Moorebank defies all logic and is beyond stupid. Stop the tragic waste of money, time, resources and life. Now!!!


Project Details

Application Number
Main Project
Assessment Type
Part3A Modifications
Development Type
Rail transport facilities
Local Government Areas
Liverpool City
Determination Date

Contact Planner

Dominic Crinnion