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State Significant Development


Cleanaway's Western Sydney Energy & Resource Recovery Centre


Current Status: Withdrawn

The purpose of the proposal is to build an energy-from-waste facility that can generate up to 58 megawatts of power by thermally treating up to 500,000 tonnes per year of residual municipal solid waste and residual commercial and industrial waste.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (1)

SEARs (1)

EIS (25)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (12)


Showing 121 - 140 of 634 submissions
Name Withheld
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
This is a residential area we have enough pollution around eastern creek, no means no ignoring the first set of submissions is not on go to some other remote area our precious air does not need to be contaminated more.
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
This location is very close to St Clair, Erskine Park areas which are full of schools and families. Please look after People's health.

Dangers from chemicals have been overlooked in the past: chemicals such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were regarded as safe on introduction, but were banned many years later because of widespread ill‐effects.

Increased adult lung cancer and all cancers have been found in the vicinity of incinerators: the peak seems to occur at least 14 years after incinerator start‐up.

Those guys will build the incinerator, and will get their bonus and leave it to another management. When people get cancer and birth defects. those guys will be gone.
Name Withheld
HAMMONDVILLE , New South Wales
- very expensive technology for energy production,
- when you burn a mix of materials that you actually don't know exactly the composition of it (it can include house hold chemicals, batteries, and many other things even in small portions that can work as a catalyst), when you burn it at this high temperature (850 degrees) which something might not happened before you might end up with substances that might not been on earth before (like Furans) which can cause health and environmental issues that we face after 20 or 30 years. and please don't say that you are going to filter it because how are you going to filter what you don't know?
- Australia don't need such technologies for waste management, we need more recycling (plastic to plastic and paper to paper)
Name Withheld
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I oppose the Cleanaway facility because the pollution emissions, that will be created as a result of the facility, will have a detrimental impact on the environment near my area. The pollutants that the facility will release into the air could have a dangerous impact on the health of the people living in the surrounding areas, while also placing them at risk of developing health conditions as a result of the pollutants. Because of this, I believe that the facility poses a risk to public health as those who live in the surrounding area of the incinerator would be exposed to toxic pollutants created by the incinerator placing their health at great risk.
Lee Dowds
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
This sort of proposal has already been rejected previously as the local does not want toxic fumes poisoning their families. Research of similar facilities has found prolonged exposure to fine particulate matter from these sort of facilities pose a massive health risk to the public and higher rates of cancer and diseases.
Jacob Masudy
ST MARYS , New South Wales
To whom it may concern,
As a concerned resident of the local area I would like to address my concerns. Firstly, the trend and growth of renewable resources has proven to be a much more viable option for energy production. Secondly, the amount of energy supplied by residential solar panels may exceed our energy requirements. Thirdly, the incinerator is providing a small proportion of energy needs. Fourth, there is not enough evidence that burning off rubbish is healthy for individuals. There has been significant research about dioxins and other hazardous materials being released when burning rubbish.

It makes absolutely no sense creating or even considering an insinerator. It is neither economically, financially or socially suitable.

There are much better renewable options that the government and private industries MUST consider.

I thank you for reviewing my submission.
Darlene Cunich
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
Disgusting that this is even still being looked at after all the previous objections.
Kim Emerton
St Clair , New South Wales
As this project was previously cancelled our concerns are the same. We cannot trust a private company to make sure any toxic gasses will not affect the people surrounding the site.
Joseph Incorvil
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
This is totally unacceptable in such a densely populated area, and why has there been a backflip on the first decision which was made?Not in our backyards THANKS!
ERSKINE PARK , New South Wales
This project is a very short distance from my home and once again I am fighting to stop these corporations from polluting my backyard so they can make massive profits. I firstly want to understand why there is opportunity for these corporations to continually apply for these approvals and why we as residents need to continue to fight each and every time to stop them.
Western Sydney became a dumping ground and we have to put up with the smell of the tip when the wind blows our direction or as we are driving up the M4 (of course we were promised this wouldn't happen before it went in, again without our consent), now you want to add smoke to it with more truck loads of rubbish coming into our community.

Our country relies heavily on tourism and many of those tourists travel to see the blue mountains, a natural wonder recognised around the world, how much of an embarrassment will it be when we drive them past an incinerator while they are holding their noses and watching smoke billowing out of our suburbs.

Please put a stop to the incinerator and send a clear message to anybody else hoping to put an incinerator in that the answer is NO and its always going to be NO
Natalie Gallop
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
I have grave concern for the health of our community and the impact on environment if this development were to go ahead.
Peter Gilbert
St Clair , New South Wales
I object to this project on the following grounds: The potential for fire and explosion is far too great. The proposed site is far too close to major roads and the M7.
This will only increase heavy traffic on already congested roads, not just during the construction phase. The continuous trucks supplying waste 24 hours/7days a week is not sustainable on Wallgrove Rd. This can only cause more pollution from truck exhaust.

Incinerating industrial waste drastically increases the potential for explosion. The current plan to classify and reject, sort and recycle dangerous waste is completely inadequate.
The pollution from the incinerator combustion gasses into the air and surrounds is completely unacceptable.

Induced draught combustion fans planned are totally insufficient to contain odours and any hazardous atmospheres.
The intended use of Hazardous Area (Ex d) electrical equipment and Intrinsically safe apparatus (Ex ia) in Zone 0 areas only serve to confirm the potential for explosion and fire.

There are enough waste facilities in Western Sydney, we don't need any more. Let's not leave this environmental nightmare to our children and grandchildren's heritage.

The previous proposal for an incinerator was overwhelmingly rejected by people, from all walks of life, in Western Sydney.
So why are we wasting public money and resources on this type of application again?
Must we go through this procedure every time a company dreams up another harebrained scheme? When will they take no for an answer?
Name Withheld
We cannot underestimate the toxicity of air pollutants emitted during and following the completion of this proposed project.
Emissions of criteria air pollutants – PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO – no matter how little, accumulate damage, insidiously, putting all Western Sydney residents – young through to old – at increased risk of cardiorespiratory disease and likely other unknown adverse health effects and impacts on quality of life.

My family of 4 strongly object this hazardous project.
We must protect the future of our Western Sydney suburbs and family generations by binning this Cleanaway project.
Health protection is non-negotiable.
Name Withheld
GREYSTANES , New South Wales
We need to stop this project because we have enough pollution in Greystanes without having another incinerator which will emit fumes into our lungs and affect our environment. Greystanes is having a lot of units built which has attracted a large population here, even more than before. We have enough traffic, car fumes and other pollution even more so during peak hours now than before. It is an area which contains a lot of children and elderly and we do not need all that extra pollution in our lungs. The incinerator should go somewhere where the bush surrounding it and other environment will compensate for the pollution it emits. I cannot support this in any form as it is a threat to our environment, our health and our community. I ask you to reconsider what you are going to do with this project and where you are going to put this incinerator. Regards
Chloe Cowgill
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
Health in danger
Daniel Mcmaster
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
I disagree with the incinerator project
Name Withheld
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
Our family is allergic to the fumes that this new incinerator will emit across Western Sydney.
Robert Hammer
ST CLAIR , New South Wales
We’ve lived in Western Sydney for over 40 years. It already has air quality and heat Issues. We do not want another source of pollution, not matter how low they may be.
Lara Field
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I have objected with the previous submissions and I object once again. I do not want this facility located in Western Sydney. We have enough pollution coming from the current tip and industry surrounding us as it is. Western Sydney has suffered enough - take it elsewhere where it does not affect local residents.
Fotos Melaisis
MINCHINBURY , New South Wales
I write on behalf of my young family and I who are residence of the Minchinbury, NSW community. We express our sincere concern from a social, environmental and economic standpoint. As an environmental engineer, I have been able to assist local government (including Blacktown City Council) with the design, operation and ongoing maintenance of water treatment systems which in turn has contributed to the protection of our waterways. We wholeheartedly believe that the development of a mass scale incinerator located in our local community will have detrimental effects on our air quality and long term living standards. Please consider intergenerational equality and Environmental Sustainable Development during the review of this proposal.

Fotos Melaisis
BE (hons) MIEAust


Project Details

Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Other
Local Government Areas

Contact Planner

Sally Munk