State Significant Development
Response to Submissions
Kingswood Battery Energy Storage System
Tamworth Regional
Current Status: Response to Submissions & Prepare Amendment Report
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- Prepare EIS
- Exhibition
- Collate Submissions
- Response to Submissions
- Assessment
- Recommendation
- Determination
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Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with a capacity of 270MW/1080MWh and associated infrastructure
Attachments & Resources
Notice of Exhibition (1)
Request for SEARs (1)
SEARs (1)
EIS (14)
Response to Submissions (1)
Agency Advice (20)
Showing 1 - 20 of 69 submissions
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I object to the Environmental & agricultural destruction to our country that this project will bring.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I would like to register my objection to the above proposed developments/projects.
• Such developments are not in keeping with our rural area and will be of no benefit to our region.
• I believe the technology is flawed and in the event of a fire the batteries will be unable to be extinguished and will emit toxic gases.
• The area is frequently cut off by flood waters.
• If there were to be a fire and the area was affected by a flood were would the local residents be evacuated to?
• Burgmanns Lane is part of the proposed Tamworth bypass, this would pose a greater risk of accidents around the site.
• The local residents rely of bore water. This is at risk of contamination.
• The Goonoo Goonoo Creek is at risk of contamination and therefore the Peel River is also at risk of contamination.
• Such developments are not in keeping with our rural area and will be of no benefit to our region.
• I believe the technology is flawed and in the event of a fire the batteries will be unable to be extinguished and will emit toxic gases.
• The area is frequently cut off by flood waters.
• If there were to be a fire and the area was affected by a flood were would the local residents be evacuated to?
• Burgmanns Lane is part of the proposed Tamworth bypass, this would pose a greater risk of accidents around the site.
• The local residents rely of bore water. This is at risk of contamination.
• The Goonoo Goonoo Creek is at risk of contamination and therefore the Peel River is also at risk of contamination.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I object to this development because we are a rural area not an industrial area. The development will affect our roads. There is a risk that there will be fires that can't be extinguished. The rural residence relay of bore water and there is a risk of ground water will be contaminated. There is also a rusk of the Goonoo Goonoo creek be contaminated, this creek flows into the Peel River, it contains platypus colonies so they will be at risk. I believe this development will also impact the property values for residence of Calala, a built up suburb of Tamworth, and also the rural properties around the development.
There are too many questions about who will regenerate the site if it becomes obsolete. What sort of compensation will there be if if courses fire damage to surounding properties?
There are too many questions about who will regenerate the site if it becomes obsolete. What sort of compensation will there be if if courses fire damage to surounding properties?
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
Kingswood NSW
New South Wales
Please find attached my submission of Objection to the proposed Kingswood BESS
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Attached is my Objection to the proposed Kingswood BESS
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I am submitting my objection to the proposed Kingswood BESS. My close family member is a specialized hay grower catering to the unique needs of equine care., He operates the sole enterprise of producing low-sugar hay for horses with specific dietary requirements in Australia. The proximity of the proposed battery stations, approximately under a Kilometer away from my property's boundary, raises significant concerns.
The proliferation of lithium ion batteries within such close proximity poses potential hazards, particularly regarding fire risks. While assurances are made regarding safety measures, instances of battery fires globally, including within Australia, underscore the unpredictability of such events. Given the agricultural nature of our locale, any fire outbreak could spell catastrophic consequences for neighboring properties, including livelihoods and residences.
Moreover, the toxic emissions from potential fires pose a grave threat to both our immediate community and the wider region. The topography of our valley exacerbates this risk, with prevailing winds likely to carry hazardous fumes towards populated areas, necessitating potential evacuations.
Furthermore, the environmental impact on our water sources cannot be overstated. Our region's predominantly shale terrain means any contamination could swiftly infiltrate the water table and local river systems, jeopardizing both our quality of life and broader water infrastructure.
The proposed Tamworth, Calala and Kingswood BESS within approximately 1 Kilometer from each other also present concerns regarding noise pollution, disrupting the tranquility characteristic of our rural setting. Additionally, the visual impact of acres of illuminated infrastructure contradicts the serene ambiance cherished by residents and undermines property values.
This proposal not only threatens our present lifestyle but also casts uncertainty over our future prospects. The potential depreciation of property values and the associated financial ramifications are deeply troubling, compounded by the emotional strain on our community dynamics.
While acknowledging the importance of renewable energy initiatives, the siting of these stations amidst residential areas is untenable. Alternative locations, distant from human habitation and with minimal environmental impact, should be explored earnestly.
In conclusion, I implore a reconsideration of the proposed battery stations' placement, mindful of the profound ramifications on our community's well-being and livelihoods. Our collective hope rests on a decision that prioritizes both sustainability and the welfare of affected residents.
The proliferation of lithium ion batteries within such close proximity poses potential hazards, particularly regarding fire risks. While assurances are made regarding safety measures, instances of battery fires globally, including within Australia, underscore the unpredictability of such events. Given the agricultural nature of our locale, any fire outbreak could spell catastrophic consequences for neighboring properties, including livelihoods and residences.
Moreover, the toxic emissions from potential fires pose a grave threat to both our immediate community and the wider region. The topography of our valley exacerbates this risk, with prevailing winds likely to carry hazardous fumes towards populated areas, necessitating potential evacuations.
Furthermore, the environmental impact on our water sources cannot be overstated. Our region's predominantly shale terrain means any contamination could swiftly infiltrate the water table and local river systems, jeopardizing both our quality of life and broader water infrastructure.
The proposed Tamworth, Calala and Kingswood BESS within approximately 1 Kilometer from each other also present concerns regarding noise pollution, disrupting the tranquility characteristic of our rural setting. Additionally, the visual impact of acres of illuminated infrastructure contradicts the serene ambiance cherished by residents and undermines property values.
This proposal not only threatens our present lifestyle but also casts uncertainty over our future prospects. The potential depreciation of property values and the associated financial ramifications are deeply troubling, compounded by the emotional strain on our community dynamics.
While acknowledging the importance of renewable energy initiatives, the siting of these stations amidst residential areas is untenable. Alternative locations, distant from human habitation and with minimal environmental impact, should be explored earnestly.
In conclusion, I implore a reconsideration of the proposed battery stations' placement, mindful of the profound ramifications on our community's well-being and livelihoods. Our collective hope rests on a decision that prioritizes both sustainability and the welfare of affected residents.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I strongly OBJECT to this project.
My objections are attached.
My objections are attached.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed development of the Tamworth Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). As a member of the community whose family members are directly impacted by this project, I urge you to carefully consider the numerous risks and concerns associated with its implementation.
First and foremost, the development of the BESS poses significant threats to our environment and natural resources. The disturbance of the topography of land and removal of contour banks will undoubtedly lead to adverse impacts on soil and land use. This alteration of the landscape could result in increased water flow into nearby watercourses such as the Goonoo Goonoo Creek, jeopardising the delicate hydrology and water quality of the area.
Furthermore, the potential for a lithium-ion battery fire presents a grave danger to both the environment and public health. In the event of such a fire, there is a real risk of contamination of underground water sources, further exacerbating the already precarious situation.
The visual impacts of the BESS on sensitive receivers cannot be understated. Our community cherishes the natural beauty of our surroundings, and the introduction of such industrial infrastructure would irreversibly mar the landscape, robbing us of our scenic vistas and diminishing our quality of life.
Equally concerning are the potential physical and mental health impacts on affected residents. The stress and anxiety caused by living in close proximity to a large-scale industrial facility cannot be ignored. Studies have shown that exposure to such environments can lead to a myriad of health issues, including but not limited to respiratory problems, sleep disturbances, and heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
Moreover, there are significant economic ramifications to consider. The devaluation of neighboring properties and the potential inability to sell homes due to their proximity to the BESS would have devastating consequences for homeowners in the area. Many of which have invested their life savings into these homes and properties, and the prospect of losing significant equity is deeply distressing.
Lastly, the inadequately assessed hazards and emergency response plans in the case of lithium-ion battery incidents are deeply troubling. Our community deserves reassurance that proper safeguards are in place to mitigate the risks associated with such a hazardous material.
In light of these concerns, I urge you to reconsider the development of the Tamworth Battery Energy Storage System. The potential risks far outweigh any perceived benefits, and the long-term consequences for our community and environment are simply too great to ignore.
Thank you for considering my concerns. I implore you to prioritise the well-being of our community and take decisive action to protect our environment and livelihoods.
First and foremost, the development of the BESS poses significant threats to our environment and natural resources. The disturbance of the topography of land and removal of contour banks will undoubtedly lead to adverse impacts on soil and land use. This alteration of the landscape could result in increased water flow into nearby watercourses such as the Goonoo Goonoo Creek, jeopardising the delicate hydrology and water quality of the area.
Furthermore, the potential for a lithium-ion battery fire presents a grave danger to both the environment and public health. In the event of such a fire, there is a real risk of contamination of underground water sources, further exacerbating the already precarious situation.
The visual impacts of the BESS on sensitive receivers cannot be understated. Our community cherishes the natural beauty of our surroundings, and the introduction of such industrial infrastructure would irreversibly mar the landscape, robbing us of our scenic vistas and diminishing our quality of life.
Equally concerning are the potential physical and mental health impacts on affected residents. The stress and anxiety caused by living in close proximity to a large-scale industrial facility cannot be ignored. Studies have shown that exposure to such environments can lead to a myriad of health issues, including but not limited to respiratory problems, sleep disturbances, and heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
Moreover, there are significant economic ramifications to consider. The devaluation of neighboring properties and the potential inability to sell homes due to their proximity to the BESS would have devastating consequences for homeowners in the area. Many of which have invested their life savings into these homes and properties, and the prospect of losing significant equity is deeply distressing.
Lastly, the inadequately assessed hazards and emergency response plans in the case of lithium-ion battery incidents are deeply troubling. Our community deserves reassurance that proper safeguards are in place to mitigate the risks associated with such a hazardous material.
In light of these concerns, I urge you to reconsider the development of the Tamworth Battery Energy Storage System. The potential risks far outweigh any perceived benefits, and the long-term consequences for our community and environment are simply too great to ignore.
Thank you for considering my concerns. I implore you to prioritise the well-being of our community and take decisive action to protect our environment and livelihoods.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Increased traffic in the area
Increase noise pollution
Potential ground/runoff water contamination
Potential Fire Risk
Decrease in the Value of my home/land/asset
Increase noise pollution
Potential ground/runoff water contamination
Potential Fire Risk
Decrease in the Value of my home/land/asset
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Increased traffic in the area
Increase noise pollution
Potential ground/runoff water contamination
Potential Fire Risk
Decrease in the Value of my home/land/asset
Increase noise pollution
Potential ground/runoff water contamination
Potential Fire Risk
Decrease in the Value of my home/land/asset
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
As a neighbour I strongly OBJECT to the project.
My submission is attached.
My submission is attached.
Mike Maher
Mike Maher
New South Wales
I live adjacent to the proposed project that is proposed to be constructed on land that is Rural Zoned. The proposed project is less than 1km from my house and adjacent to another proposed battery farm that is approximately 200m from my house. These projects will destroy our area.
The Glossy animated pictures of what the site will look like when completed is fictional to say the least, the "STORAGE" units are nothing more than glorified shipping containers, which over time will be like living next door to a USED CAR YARD, they will NOT blend in with the Environment, not to mention the Glare and the Noise and the Fire Hazards. Iberdrola will claim the risk is minimal, they will also claim once operational the site is "UN-MANNED", all REMOTE operation--So WHAT IF there is a problem and the REMOTE OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS FAIL--Helicopter from SYDNEY, time anything arrives would be TO LATE!!
The way in which land has been acquired through what is best described as underhanded, by offering owners nearly double what their property is worth and requesting non-disclosure agreements/arrangements fracturing our local communities, this same tactic has been enacted by various entities, in some cases the project has been on sold with agreements in place multiple times, all the while the land has been classed RURAL, the community has NOT been consulted that their land would be rezoned. The ethics of this and all projects in vicinity are highly questionable.
This is now the third property to the East of our property, one 2km NE and Neighbour on the northern side 20 meters!! away, sold or under NDA agreement to be sold. Who knows how many more, as additional land has been purchased in secrecy, all these back onto RESIDENTIAL Estates, literally a few hundred meters away--How the bloody hell has this been allowed to happen. Whilst at the same time we have been advised by local real estate agents that our property will lose 25% of its value should this project proceed, again where are the ethics, where is the transparency!
The approval of this and any other project MUST be at a minimum put ON HOLD to a full and transparent investigation is conducted and a above board and transparent system put in place that approves ALL these projects on a cumulative basis and their cumulative impact, not the staged Individual approval process that negates the true effects of the overall impacts to the community as a whole
The Acquisition of this land is not just unethical but totally Un Australian. My father a WW2 Veteran would be turning in his grave at what has become of this country he fought for and many of his mates died for.
Australia has faced concerns in recent years over Foreign Countries involvement in Australia, These issues have been raised and addressed with Attorney General Mark Dreyfus (Reference BBC World News Feb 23). Can Australia afford to have Foreign owned companies owning and operating critical Australian Infrastructure?
I find myself asking WHY?
WHY has Australia gone down this path of destruction --Net Zero Australia prices the 2050 Net Zero at 79 trillion Dollars. Australia simply does not have the money to pay for this, Australia is already 1.5 trillion in debt (Federal & State) --Is it a race to see how quick we can get to 3rd World Country Status?
Climate The Movie, sums up how Science has been manipulated to fuel the CO2/Climate Change narrative, with most scientists/graduates entering the field only have access to work that is aligned with the CO2 narrative, I hope the DPI team can spare the time to watch the link below
All these battery farms, wind farms, solar farms are based on a lie and more and more politicians, academics and scientists locally and globally are speaking out.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton recently stated a Coalition government will dump Australia's legally binding climate target to cut emissions by 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. With the next Election due around September 2025, it is apparent that there will be a change of government, hence a change of policy, with what is fair to assume as a "cease and desist" on any future "SO CALLED" green projects, and fair to assume compensation claims from the so-called developers. As this project even if it did proceed would not be completed before a change of government.
I believe the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has a major role in preventing this project and all other similar projects from proceeding in any area that in its existing zoning is classed Rural, as the best use for that long term is Rural, with the option of our expanding Tamworth Region to become Residential at some stage down the track, as what has occurred with the adjacent farming country to this project.
I believe there is sufficient proof that the whole Climate Change and Paris accord agenda are fraudulent, with debate around anyone opposing censored, with this fraud capturing our political arena through Lobby Groups and Foreign companies more interested in Wealth creation at the cost of Australian Citizens, well and truly evident on the ROI (Return On Investment) which I believe to be in excess of 1000 % over the project life of approx. 20 years. Ask yourself from a business perspective and noted by Barnaby Joyce recently in Parliament "These Foreign Owned Companies look at Australia as a BUNCH OF SUCKERS", and he is 100% right.
Anyone that is not aligned with stopping these projects from destroying ours and our children's future needs to do some serious research and thinking before it's too late. Many out there think it already is.
I provide the following information in the hope that it will provide sound reasoning as to why this and similar projects should NOT proceed, with details of experts/. scientists to reference
1 Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide appreciably warm the atmosphere
2 The Earths Atmosphere is warming
3 Wind, Solar (and Battery Backup) systems are cheaper than Coal Fired Power Stations
Lie #1 All of the below appreciably disagree that CO2 warms the Atmosphere
Professor Dr John Clauser
Professor Dr Richard Lindzen
Professor Dr Will Happer
Professor Dr Don Easterbrook
Professor Dr Willie Soon…...the list of eminent physicists goes on….
All disagree unequivocally with the subject assertion.
The CSIRO have been challenged to provide proof that CO2 appreciably warms the earth’s atmosphere, and they cannot.
Lie#2. The Earth’s Atmosphere
is Warming.
No… Actually, it’s Cooling!
Following raw temperature data taken from temperature measuring stations that are real and have not been encroached upon by urbanization.
These temperature measuring stations belong to credible climatology networks in many different parts of the world.
Data taken from “long term” weather stations
As @March 2021 BoM Map indicates there are 2,641 stations
Australia (1877-2016) Average trend downwards
for 139 years
Wind and Solar are Cheaper
than Brown Coal
The CSIRO Gencost Paper asserting Wind and Solar Generation Systems are cheaper than Coal is seriously flawed to the point of it being mendacious.
a rough scoping of a proposed 8GW pumped hydro scheme to be installed in Northern New South Wales.
The cost of electricity generated by solar is likely to be ~21 cents/kWh
The cost of electricity generated by brown coal is ~2.5 cents/kWh
To provide reliable power will require storage 4 times the size of Warragamba Dam!
From 2021 report, who wouldn't support Climate change with the hundreds of billions of dollars involved--China to discourage coal use in developing countries
Fast forward to 2024, China adds 50 Gigawatt of extra Coal fired power in
2023 alone, nearly 100% of all "SO CALLED" renewables are imported from China
In summary, the proposed Battery Farm project is based on a Climate Change Lie, there is Global evidence that the Climate Change agenda is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from Australia to organizations perpetuating this Scam, in addition all government departments, all levels of government and all individuals working for these departments that enable any of these projects to proceed will be held accountable for their actions, as the true nature of these scams will be exposed. Only then will the perpetrators feel the pain that they have inflicted on the communities they have destroyed, the lives and livelihoods they have destroyed and the ultimate sacrifice of some that see no other way out then that of their own life.
Why should our livelihoods be destroyed
Who will pay the increased insurance costs for those that remain, will the project developers provide indemnity to all adjacent landholders if a fire breaks out on their property, through either accident, arson or act of God!!
Are the adjacent landholders expected to have some sort of coverage against these hundreds of millions of dollars of what may now be deemed critical infrastructure.
The proposed Iberdrola Battery farm of 270 Mega Watt, as this is could also be classified as a 270MW Bomb, should one of the battery modules be hit with a direct lightning strike, it is fair to assume that there would be a domino effect that would take out the rest of the modules, should such an event take place it would probably take out half of Calala, not to mention the main Transgrid distribution system they are connect to. Does Iberdrola and all other proposed battery farm developers have a detailed risk assessment/analysis of how they can control and mitigate such an event, should it occur?
The destruction of our livelihoods on the rushed out REZ rezoning without full and transparent scrutiny of the full impacts may go down in history as one of the biggest crimes in Australian history, and I do hope all involved in perpetuating this are held accountable.
The Glossy animated pictures of what the site will look like when completed is fictional to say the least, the "STORAGE" units are nothing more than glorified shipping containers, which over time will be like living next door to a USED CAR YARD, they will NOT blend in with the Environment, not to mention the Glare and the Noise and the Fire Hazards. Iberdrola will claim the risk is minimal, they will also claim once operational the site is "UN-MANNED", all REMOTE operation--So WHAT IF there is a problem and the REMOTE OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS FAIL--Helicopter from SYDNEY, time anything arrives would be TO LATE!!
The way in which land has been acquired through what is best described as underhanded, by offering owners nearly double what their property is worth and requesting non-disclosure agreements/arrangements fracturing our local communities, this same tactic has been enacted by various entities, in some cases the project has been on sold with agreements in place multiple times, all the while the land has been classed RURAL, the community has NOT been consulted that their land would be rezoned. The ethics of this and all projects in vicinity are highly questionable.
This is now the third property to the East of our property, one 2km NE and Neighbour on the northern side 20 meters!! away, sold or under NDA agreement to be sold. Who knows how many more, as additional land has been purchased in secrecy, all these back onto RESIDENTIAL Estates, literally a few hundred meters away--How the bloody hell has this been allowed to happen. Whilst at the same time we have been advised by local real estate agents that our property will lose 25% of its value should this project proceed, again where are the ethics, where is the transparency!
The approval of this and any other project MUST be at a minimum put ON HOLD to a full and transparent investigation is conducted and a above board and transparent system put in place that approves ALL these projects on a cumulative basis and their cumulative impact, not the staged Individual approval process that negates the true effects of the overall impacts to the community as a whole
The Acquisition of this land is not just unethical but totally Un Australian. My father a WW2 Veteran would be turning in his grave at what has become of this country he fought for and many of his mates died for.
Australia has faced concerns in recent years over Foreign Countries involvement in Australia, These issues have been raised and addressed with Attorney General Mark Dreyfus (Reference BBC World News Feb 23). Can Australia afford to have Foreign owned companies owning and operating critical Australian Infrastructure?
I find myself asking WHY?
WHY has Australia gone down this path of destruction --Net Zero Australia prices the 2050 Net Zero at 79 trillion Dollars. Australia simply does not have the money to pay for this, Australia is already 1.5 trillion in debt (Federal & State) --Is it a race to see how quick we can get to 3rd World Country Status?
Climate The Movie, sums up how Science has been manipulated to fuel the CO2/Climate Change narrative, with most scientists/graduates entering the field only have access to work that is aligned with the CO2 narrative, I hope the DPI team can spare the time to watch the link below
All these battery farms, wind farms, solar farms are based on a lie and more and more politicians, academics and scientists locally and globally are speaking out.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton recently stated a Coalition government will dump Australia's legally binding climate target to cut emissions by 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. With the next Election due around September 2025, it is apparent that there will be a change of government, hence a change of policy, with what is fair to assume as a "cease and desist" on any future "SO CALLED" green projects, and fair to assume compensation claims from the so-called developers. As this project even if it did proceed would not be completed before a change of government.
I believe the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has a major role in preventing this project and all other similar projects from proceeding in any area that in its existing zoning is classed Rural, as the best use for that long term is Rural, with the option of our expanding Tamworth Region to become Residential at some stage down the track, as what has occurred with the adjacent farming country to this project.
I believe there is sufficient proof that the whole Climate Change and Paris accord agenda are fraudulent, with debate around anyone opposing censored, with this fraud capturing our political arena through Lobby Groups and Foreign companies more interested in Wealth creation at the cost of Australian Citizens, well and truly evident on the ROI (Return On Investment) which I believe to be in excess of 1000 % over the project life of approx. 20 years. Ask yourself from a business perspective and noted by Barnaby Joyce recently in Parliament "These Foreign Owned Companies look at Australia as a BUNCH OF SUCKERS", and he is 100% right.
Anyone that is not aligned with stopping these projects from destroying ours and our children's future needs to do some serious research and thinking before it's too late. Many out there think it already is.
I provide the following information in the hope that it will provide sound reasoning as to why this and similar projects should NOT proceed, with details of experts/. scientists to reference
1 Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide appreciably warm the atmosphere
2 The Earths Atmosphere is warming
3 Wind, Solar (and Battery Backup) systems are cheaper than Coal Fired Power Stations
Lie #1 All of the below appreciably disagree that CO2 warms the Atmosphere
Professor Dr John Clauser
Professor Dr Richard Lindzen
Professor Dr Will Happer
Professor Dr Don Easterbrook
Professor Dr Willie Soon…...the list of eminent physicists goes on….
All disagree unequivocally with the subject assertion.
The CSIRO have been challenged to provide proof that CO2 appreciably warms the earth’s atmosphere, and they cannot.
Lie#2. The Earth’s Atmosphere
is Warming.
No… Actually, it’s Cooling!
Following raw temperature data taken from temperature measuring stations that are real and have not been encroached upon by urbanization.
These temperature measuring stations belong to credible climatology networks in many different parts of the world.
Data taken from “long term” weather stations
As @March 2021 BoM Map indicates there are 2,641 stations
Australia (1877-2016) Average trend downwards
for 139 years
Wind and Solar are Cheaper
than Brown Coal
The CSIRO Gencost Paper asserting Wind and Solar Generation Systems are cheaper than Coal is seriously flawed to the point of it being mendacious.
a rough scoping of a proposed 8GW pumped hydro scheme to be installed in Northern New South Wales.
The cost of electricity generated by solar is likely to be ~21 cents/kWh
The cost of electricity generated by brown coal is ~2.5 cents/kWh
To provide reliable power will require storage 4 times the size of Warragamba Dam!
From 2021 report, who wouldn't support Climate change with the hundreds of billions of dollars involved--China to discourage coal use in developing countries
Fast forward to 2024, China adds 50 Gigawatt of extra Coal fired power in
2023 alone, nearly 100% of all "SO CALLED" renewables are imported from China
In summary, the proposed Battery Farm project is based on a Climate Change Lie, there is Global evidence that the Climate Change agenda is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from Australia to organizations perpetuating this Scam, in addition all government departments, all levels of government and all individuals working for these departments that enable any of these projects to proceed will be held accountable for their actions, as the true nature of these scams will be exposed. Only then will the perpetrators feel the pain that they have inflicted on the communities they have destroyed, the lives and livelihoods they have destroyed and the ultimate sacrifice of some that see no other way out then that of their own life.
Why should our livelihoods be destroyed
Who will pay the increased insurance costs for those that remain, will the project developers provide indemnity to all adjacent landholders if a fire breaks out on their property, through either accident, arson or act of God!!
Are the adjacent landholders expected to have some sort of coverage against these hundreds of millions of dollars of what may now be deemed critical infrastructure.
The proposed Iberdrola Battery farm of 270 Mega Watt, as this is could also be classified as a 270MW Bomb, should one of the battery modules be hit with a direct lightning strike, it is fair to assume that there would be a domino effect that would take out the rest of the modules, should such an event take place it would probably take out half of Calala, not to mention the main Transgrid distribution system they are connect to. Does Iberdrola and all other proposed battery farm developers have a detailed risk assessment/analysis of how they can control and mitigate such an event, should it occur?
The destruction of our livelihoods on the rushed out REZ rezoning without full and transparent scrutiny of the full impacts may go down in history as one of the biggest crimes in Australian history, and I do hope all involved in perpetuating this are held accountable.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Despite decades of rolling out wind and solar plants in many countries the CO2 emissions still rise every year. Wind and solar projects, including this proposed stand alone BESS project, just make no difference. This BESS will increase atmospheric CO2 and increase our NEM electricity system costs to me and other end consumers. I object to any project that costs me heaps for no benefit at all. Don't approve this useless project!
Also, I object to this Electricity Generating Works proposal because I cannot support a project that relies on slave labour to provide some of the materials and manufacture of tonnes of large scale toxic batteries.
Your sincerely
An Unhappy Australian
Also, I object to this Electricity Generating Works proposal because I cannot support a project that relies on slave labour to provide some of the materials and manufacture of tonnes of large scale toxic batteries.
Your sincerely
An Unhappy Australian
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
My oppositions to this proposed project are many but in particular I am very concerned about the use of industrial lithium batteries. They require many minerals to be mined, including in wilderness areas, that are toxic and, in some cases, require the use of slave labour to keep costs down. The recycling of thousands of tonnes of lithium batteries is not yet viable and, due to their short economic lives, will pollute our environments in a few short years. They pose fire and toxic smoke risks to fire-fighters and nearby residents and towns that will continue to occur despite the claims by the Proponent.
Tamsin Baker
Tamsin Baker
New South Wales
These foreign owned and unsafe facilities have no place here.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
I have been through the documents provided in regard to the proposed battery energy storage facility on Burgmanns Lane. I have below limited my objection to be short and sweet.
As a close neighbour to the proposed battery project, I will be objecting to location, mainly given its proximity to newly constructed homes and use of prime grazing farmland within the city limits of Tamworth.
This type of proposal is generally always the stepping stone for a much larger wind turbine or Solar farm project. As a directly affected resident (only 650m from my home), I object to any development of not only a battery storage facility, but possibly, renewable energy structures be declined, not only because of its close proximity to town but the large environmental & amenity impacts it will have further down the track.
I will also be objecting to the simple fact it does not comply with the RU4 objectives set out in councils LEP. At a minimum I would expect council reject the DA and ask the applicant to first issue a planning proposal for an added usage to the allotment or a rezoning of the lot to allow such heavy industrial / commercial usage.
Battery fire issues, Two Tesla Megapacks were engulfed in flames when a fire broke out during initial testing at the Victorian Big Battery site in Moorabool, near Geelong, on July 30 2023. The blaze triggered a warning for toxic smoke and it took “four days” for the site to be deemed under control by firefighters! The having such a fire possible close to peoples homes and open grassland is unacceptable. The risk of Toxic smoke and an uncontrolled fire for 4 days is a possibility within 500m to a housing estate? This type of development should be 10KM+ from any house or town to prevent the risk of toxic smoke and fire affecting near by homes.
Large fire also broke out at Bouldercombe Battery Storage facility, south of Rockhampton 9 months ago, The fire was contained, but crews were advised by "Tesla" themselves to allow the fire to burn out, prompting a warning to local residents to stay indoors to avoid the hazardous smoke.
These fires cannot be put out easily, if at all. So what do all the residents do whilst its burning? These are toxic fumes and the majority of the wind we receive all year round comes from that direction. Mean the whole housing estate of Lampada will be affected.
Noise in the environmental statement, its predicted that the noise during operation is to exceed noise criteria for about 90% of the residences within 1 km of the project site. As a close resident the main selling point for the area is that its quiet and away from the main arterial roads. I would object to any increase in ambient noise at all especially one which is from a development which should be well away from houses in the first instance.
Traffic, Burgmans lane and burgess lane were both over used and trashed by the traffic during the recent construction at the Transgrid site adjacent to the proposed battery. I believe any further construction which would see and increase of workers traffic either during construction or operation would have a detrimental affect on the roads surface. Council / state planning should make the applicant seal the road from the new England high way all the way to the burgess lane intersection and the remaining burgess lane also. The road only “just” copes with the local resident traffic in its current form.
Land use, the SOEE says the land on which project is proposed is “not categorised as high value agricultural land”. I would argue that that is untrue, given the land adjacent is irrigated and grows numerous lucerne crops year round which is essential for the local farmers during drought or dry times. Its easy for someone in an office in the city to say they are not prime agricultural lands but they still hold value to the local community.
renewables energy projects are proven to increase the surrounding ambient temperature significantly, especially in lieu of open grazing country. Ambient temperatures monitored around solar farms for instance show an average increase or 4 – 5 Degrees Celsius on average summer day. Given the local temperature already exceeds 35 Celsius on most summer days, this would not only make the local area unbearably hot but also increase power loads
I would ask that the applicant disclosed the future proposal for “ALL” the land held by them or associated companies, in the vicinity of Burgmanns Lane in its entirety before council or any authority (JRPP) make any decisions affecting local residents.
The proposed usage of the battery must be disclosed to the local community prior to and approvals being granted. I am sure if the future proposal for the applicant or an associate company is to in fact install renewable energy this close to the city, I am positive the local community will strongly recommend refusal of the Development of the Battery Energy storage facility
If the applicant intends the development only be used for “off the grid power” and not renewables, I ask that council condition the Development Consent that the battery system will not be used in any form for the storage of renewable energy from within the local government area.
As a close neighbour to the proposed battery project, I will be objecting to location, mainly given its proximity to newly constructed homes and use of prime grazing farmland within the city limits of Tamworth.
This type of proposal is generally always the stepping stone for a much larger wind turbine or Solar farm project. As a directly affected resident (only 650m from my home), I object to any development of not only a battery storage facility, but possibly, renewable energy structures be declined, not only because of its close proximity to town but the large environmental & amenity impacts it will have further down the track.
I will also be objecting to the simple fact it does not comply with the RU4 objectives set out in councils LEP. At a minimum I would expect council reject the DA and ask the applicant to first issue a planning proposal for an added usage to the allotment or a rezoning of the lot to allow such heavy industrial / commercial usage.
Battery fire issues, Two Tesla Megapacks were engulfed in flames when a fire broke out during initial testing at the Victorian Big Battery site in Moorabool, near Geelong, on July 30 2023. The blaze triggered a warning for toxic smoke and it took “four days” for the site to be deemed under control by firefighters! The having such a fire possible close to peoples homes and open grassland is unacceptable. The risk of Toxic smoke and an uncontrolled fire for 4 days is a possibility within 500m to a housing estate? This type of development should be 10KM+ from any house or town to prevent the risk of toxic smoke and fire affecting near by homes.
Large fire also broke out at Bouldercombe Battery Storage facility, south of Rockhampton 9 months ago, The fire was contained, but crews were advised by "Tesla" themselves to allow the fire to burn out, prompting a warning to local residents to stay indoors to avoid the hazardous smoke.
These fires cannot be put out easily, if at all. So what do all the residents do whilst its burning? These are toxic fumes and the majority of the wind we receive all year round comes from that direction. Mean the whole housing estate of Lampada will be affected.
Noise in the environmental statement, its predicted that the noise during operation is to exceed noise criteria for about 90% of the residences within 1 km of the project site. As a close resident the main selling point for the area is that its quiet and away from the main arterial roads. I would object to any increase in ambient noise at all especially one which is from a development which should be well away from houses in the first instance.
Traffic, Burgmans lane and burgess lane were both over used and trashed by the traffic during the recent construction at the Transgrid site adjacent to the proposed battery. I believe any further construction which would see and increase of workers traffic either during construction or operation would have a detrimental affect on the roads surface. Council / state planning should make the applicant seal the road from the new England high way all the way to the burgess lane intersection and the remaining burgess lane also. The road only “just” copes with the local resident traffic in its current form.
Land use, the SOEE says the land on which project is proposed is “not categorised as high value agricultural land”. I would argue that that is untrue, given the land adjacent is irrigated and grows numerous lucerne crops year round which is essential for the local farmers during drought or dry times. Its easy for someone in an office in the city to say they are not prime agricultural lands but they still hold value to the local community.
renewables energy projects are proven to increase the surrounding ambient temperature significantly, especially in lieu of open grazing country. Ambient temperatures monitored around solar farms for instance show an average increase or 4 – 5 Degrees Celsius on average summer day. Given the local temperature already exceeds 35 Celsius on most summer days, this would not only make the local area unbearably hot but also increase power loads
I would ask that the applicant disclosed the future proposal for “ALL” the land held by them or associated companies, in the vicinity of Burgmanns Lane in its entirety before council or any authority (JRPP) make any decisions affecting local residents.
The proposed usage of the battery must be disclosed to the local community prior to and approvals being granted. I am sure if the future proposal for the applicant or an associate company is to in fact install renewable energy this close to the city, I am positive the local community will strongly recommend refusal of the Development of the Battery Energy storage facility
If the applicant intends the development only be used for “off the grid power” and not renewables, I ask that council condition the Development Consent that the battery system will not be used in any form for the storage of renewable energy from within the local government area.
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Objection document attached below
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Objection document attached to this submission
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Objection document attached to this submission
Name Withheld
Name Withheld
New South Wales
Community affected:
- There are 665 homes within a 2km radius of this plant.
- A rise in mental health issues has already been detected just from the planning of this project.
Noise Pollution:
- The noise that this project will create, 24hrs a day, exceeds acceptable levels at all times for the closest homes including the sleep disturbance criterion.
- The decibel frequency omitted by this project can cause interference with hearing devices (hearing aids) - no one, let alone those with a disability should have their quality of life diminished further. Noise pollution like this can be tortuous and lead to mental insanity in both humans and animals.
Road Safety and maintenance:
- Traffic in the area will increase by 46-62% with the primary route being via Whitehouse Lane, Marsden Park Rd, Burgess and Burgmanns Lanes.
- There are a lot of children and equine enthusiasts that live on these roads. Increased traffic raises the risk of accidents.
- Some of these roads are unsealed and are partial to road repair after heavy traffic use, this repair and maintenance will come at the cost of the rate payer yet the increase in traffic is due to this project. Not fair. The roads that are sealed are not built for heavy traffic use either.
Fire risk:
- The lot is bush fire prone land, with 38 homes within 1km.
- These fires also emit toxic gas - harmful to both humans and animals. Properties within 1km of this plant are livestock producers, this plant puts at risk the bio-security of these operations with toxic gas from fires and leachates into the ground water contaminating the primary production operations causing livestock to be:
1. withheld from market due to contamination or withholding periods.
2. reduction in stud stock value due to effects on mental ability from noise pollution
all of which will subject the landholder to a loss of income.
Water contamination:
- Drainage from the site will go into Goonoo-Goonoo Creek and then into the Peel river.
Devaluation of property:
- Rural Property value will decrease by $500,000
- Evident already with 4 properies within 2km radius of the plant on the market and potential buyers have pulled out of sales on all 3 once finding out about the Kingswood plant.
- Compensation is requested in full for all properties within a 2 km radius.
Other notes:
- There are a lot of horse trainers and industry professionals that live within a 2 km radius of this plant, this plant will cause a loss of income for these professionals with horse owners not wanting to subject their horses to the effects of this plant (toxicity in the air and water and noise) - even if it is "proven" to not have an effect - the loss of income is imminent by association, there are a lot of negative factors surrounding BESS, these are circulated amongst the community and therefore all BESS plants have a negative connotation, so by having a property nearby we are subject to a financial loss just by association.
- There are 665 homes within a 2km radius of this plant.
- A rise in mental health issues has already been detected just from the planning of this project.
Noise Pollution:
- The noise that this project will create, 24hrs a day, exceeds acceptable levels at all times for the closest homes including the sleep disturbance criterion.
- The decibel frequency omitted by this project can cause interference with hearing devices (hearing aids) - no one, let alone those with a disability should have their quality of life diminished further. Noise pollution like this can be tortuous and lead to mental insanity in both humans and animals.
Road Safety and maintenance:
- Traffic in the area will increase by 46-62% with the primary route being via Whitehouse Lane, Marsden Park Rd, Burgess and Burgmanns Lanes.
- There are a lot of children and equine enthusiasts that live on these roads. Increased traffic raises the risk of accidents.
- Some of these roads are unsealed and are partial to road repair after heavy traffic use, this repair and maintenance will come at the cost of the rate payer yet the increase in traffic is due to this project. Not fair. The roads that are sealed are not built for heavy traffic use either.
Fire risk:
- The lot is bush fire prone land, with 38 homes within 1km.
- These fires also emit toxic gas - harmful to both humans and animals. Properties within 1km of this plant are livestock producers, this plant puts at risk the bio-security of these operations with toxic gas from fires and leachates into the ground water contaminating the primary production operations causing livestock to be:
1. withheld from market due to contamination or withholding periods.
2. reduction in stud stock value due to effects on mental ability from noise pollution
all of which will subject the landholder to a loss of income.
Water contamination:
- Drainage from the site will go into Goonoo-Goonoo Creek and then into the Peel river.
Devaluation of property:
- Rural Property value will decrease by $500,000
- Evident already with 4 properies within 2km radius of the plant on the market and potential buyers have pulled out of sales on all 3 once finding out about the Kingswood plant.
- Compensation is requested in full for all properties within a 2 km radius.
Other notes:
- There are a lot of horse trainers and industry professionals that live within a 2 km radius of this plant, this plant will cause a loss of income for these professionals with horse owners not wanting to subject their horses to the effects of this plant (toxicity in the air and water and noise) - even if it is "proven" to not have an effect - the loss of income is imminent by association, there are a lot of negative factors surrounding BESS, these are circulated amongst the community and therefore all BESS plants have a negative connotation, so by having a property nearby we are subject to a financial loss just by association.
Project Details
Application Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity supply
Local Government Areas
Tamworth Regional
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