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SSI Modifications


Mod 4 - Moonimba Quarry

Ballina Shire

Current Status: Withdrawn

Attachments & Resources

Application (17)

Response to Submissions (1)


Showing 1 - 20 of 30 submissions
Greg Murrell
Swan Bay , New South Wales
Dear Director, Transport Assessment,

I am writing to you to express my concerns and objections to the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway Upgrade project Modicaication 4 - Moonimba Quarry.

The proposed intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would have significant impacts on my home and work life and serious implications for the local community. The existing operation removing 30,000m3 causes enough concerns to increase this to 800,000m3 will have major detrimental impacts.

My house is on Reardons Lane with my bedroom being approximately 12m from the road boundary. As it stands the number of the trucks transporting from the quarry already impacts my amenities. The noise is significant, as the trucks pass the house shakes this affects myself as I quite often work at night sleeping during the day and my grandchildren when they visit.
I have also already lost two working dogs who were both hit by trucks. With the proposed increase of haulage and number of trucks passing at high speed I have grave concerns for my grandchildren and the children who catch the bus on Reardons lane.

The increase of truck traffic on the local roads will have implications on my ability to farm. It will cause increased danger when I move cattle and machenery on or near Reardons Lane and Boggy Creek Road.

Its my opinion that GPS technology is not adequate enough to manage the speed and driving safety of the trucks. After experiencing several dangerous incidences with existing trucks who use this GPS technology I have personally witnessed it not working.

I am also concerned about the impact the noise and truck movements will have on my land value the viability of my approved subdivision at Reardons Lane.

As I have stated the intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would cause significant impacts to myself and the local community. I strongly object to the proposed increase of operations exceeding the current DA approval.
stacie brooker
Ewingsdale , New South Wales
Dear Director, Transport Assessment,

I am writing to you to express my concerns and objections to the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway Upgrade project Modicaication 4 - Moonimba Quarry.

The proposed intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would have significant impacts on the amenity and livelihood of my family who live and farm on Reardons Lane as well as negative implications for the local community.

Such intensification of activity and associated truck traffic on Reardons lane and Boggy Creek Road will have a number of implications. Firstly, my Fathers house, that my young children and I often visit is located very close to road boundary on Reardons Lane. The noise associated with the existing haulage is loud enough, the increase of truck traffic will consequently lead to more road noise and reduce amenity.

Another concern is the speed at which the trucks travel in the area. Reardons lane and Boggy Creek road are rural roads and even with the proposed upgrades a number of threats exist.
The haulage route travels past a bus stop that young children use every day. The increase of truck traffic and potential of speeding at the site poses a significant risk to these children.

The increase of truck traffic also poses threats to the agricultural nature of the area. My family often move cattle over and/ or near both of these roads, the significant increase of heavy vehicles increases the risk of incidence to the animals and the farmers. These roads are unmonitored and I personally have seen a number of dangerous incidents in the area, I am unconvinced that the proposed GPS technology will be able to manage speed and actions of the drivers.

Additionally, the EIS for the project identifies 15 threatened species of flora and fauna at the site and states that the proposed increase of activity poses no threat to these species. In my opinion 15 is a significant number of threatened species and such an increase of activity, vegetation clearing and increase of heavy vehicles in the area will have a multitude of direct and indirect impacts for these species.

The proposed intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry will have huge implications for the residents and farmers of the Swan Bay / Bungawalbyn area. I am unable to see any positive outcomes for the people of the community. I strongly object to the proposed increase of operations exceeding the current DA approval.

Jennifer Standing
Bungawalbin , New South Wales
Dear Director, Transport Assessment,

I am writing to you to express my concerns and objections to the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway Upgrade project Modicaication 4 - Moonimba Quarry.

The proposed intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would have impacts on my home and work life and serious implications for the local community. The existing operation removing 30,000m3 causes enough concerns to increase this to 800,000m3 will have major detrimental impacts.

My house is at 75 Boggy Creek Road and my property connecting to this road produces tea tree and grazing pastures. I have lived at this address over 25 years.

Presently, there are many trucks using this road, servicing the quarry, and I have great concerns that the additional 300 heavy vehicle movements will have a greater impact on my farm, life style and the environment.

The noise and vibration from these trucks, will be significant and I am worried for the safety of local traffic, including the local school bus, that will be in jeopardy. It's my opinion that GPS technology is not adequate enough to manage the speed and driving safety of the trucks. After experiencing several dangerous incidences with existing trucks who use this GPS technology I have personally witnessed it not working.

I also continually suffer from breathing issues from the dust produced from this quarry and road and this will be intensified further.
The noise, dust and vibrations impacts generated by excavation, drilling, blasting, crushing and stockpiling of rock material. My famaliy and I choose to live in a quiet peaceful part of the the Richmond valley area and implementing this plan will cause me and my family great distress.

Following environmental studies, I have concerns regarding clearing of the vegetation of 103 habitat trees near protected habitat for the Powerful & masked owl, Eatern Long-eared Bat, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Great Broad-nosed Bat and other vulnerable animals.

The increase of truck traffic on the local roads will have implications on my ability to farm. It will cause increased danger when I move cattle and machinery on or near Reardons Lane and Boggy Creek Road.

I am also concerned about the impact the noise and truck movements will have on my land value, as this will depreciate my property.

As I have stated the intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would cause significant impacts to myself and the local community. I strongly object to the proposed increase of operations exceeding the current DA approval.
Stuart Wade
Evans Head , New South Wales
Dear Director, Transport Assessment,

I am writing to you to express my concerns and objections to the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway Upgrade Project Modification 4 - Moonimba Quarry.

The proposed intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would have significant impacts on our property and work life and serious implications for the local community. The existing operation removing 30,000m3 causes enough concerns to increase this to 800,000m3 will have major detrimental impacts.

My family and I are owners of land entering on Reardons Lane and Boggy Creek Road, and this property has been owned and farmed by the Wade family for over 50 years.

We have grave concerns at the impact heavy vehicle movements using this road, will have on our property, its value, the environment and surrounding communities. This increase of heavy truck traffic on the local roads will have implications on our ability to farm. It will cause increased danger when we move cattle and machinery on or near Reardons Lane and Boggy Creek Road.

We are worried about the safety of local traffic including the school bus along Reardons Lane, especially along the hazardous bends and corners on Boggy Creek Road with the proposed 300 heavy vehicle movements. It's our opinion that GPS technology is not adequate enough to manage the speed and driving safety of the trucks. After experiencing several dangerous incidences with existing trucks who use this GPS technology we have personally witnessed it not working.

We are also concerned about the impact the noise, and large amount of truck movements will have on our land value. The viability and value of our approved subdivision at Reardons Lane, will be decreased due to this noise, dust and heavy traffic. This will have huge negative impact on prospective buyers and purchase of the land blocks. Richmond Valley Council has not consulted land owners regarding this increase of heavy vehicles.

Also, its concerning to road users and property owners, on the destruction of fencing, by contractors, on Boggy Creek Road, with boundaries of a Flood Reserve, used for cattle when flooding occurs.

Following environmental studies, we also have further concerns regarding clearing of the vegetation of 103 habitat trees near protected habitat for the Powerful & Masked owl, Eastern Long-eared Bat, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Great Broad-nosed Bat and other vulnerable animals at Moonimba Quarry, on Boggy Creek Road. The destruction of this natural bushland is a great concern to us and the community.

As I have stated the intensification of operations at Moonimba Quarry would cause significant impacts to myself, my family and the local community. I strongly object to the proposed increase of operations exceeding the current DA approval.

Regan Sawatzki
Woodburn , New South Wales
We live on the Woodburn Coraki Road in the overlap zone with the Coraki Quarry traffic. The front steps of our house is just under 11 meters from the road fog line. Our house is already being affected by the volume of trucks from the Coraki Quarry operation. Every loaded truck shakes the house and conversations are interrupted due to the noise. This proposal will double the number of quarry truck movements past our house, we have concerns of structural damage to the house due to the shaking.
This proposal combined with the Coraki Quarry will result in 2 million tonne of material per annum passing our front door.
Discussions have been held with some households regarding noise barriers, these houses are further from the road than ours. We cannot consider any jobs that would require shift work as it would be very difficult to sleep due to heavy vehicle noise and vibration
Every time we mow the lawn in front of the house we have had to pick up rocks up to 50mm diameter, these can only be coming from trucks from approved sites but it is evidence the current management plans are ineffective.
We have limited visibility of Woodburn bound traffic when we access the road and occasionally have to pull off to the side of the road to let vehicles past.
We operate an agricultural business and frequently move tractors between farms, some of these have a top speed of 30kmph. When a truck is approaching at 100kmph this is quite unnerving.
I would like to see a reduction in speed limits on the proposed haulage route from the Boggy Creek Road - Reardons Lane Intersection through to Woodburn town limits.
I would like to see noise and vibration mitigation plans for houses close to the roads on the proposed haulage route.
I would like to see maintenance on the Woodburn Coraki Road prior to the increase in heavy vehicle movements as the road condition is very poor in some areas.
Michael Trustum
Swan Bay , New South Wales
I would like to see the speed limits reduced on all roads affected by this project reduced to a maximum of 80km per hour. The road surfaces and structure are of low standard already and this extra traffic will only compound the issues.
There is also a bus stop at the northern end of Casuarina Drive where 3 of my children catch the bus. There is also up to a further 6 children who catch the bus at this point. There is currently another subdivision on Casuarina Drive being constructed which could allow the bus to do the pickups at residences on Casuarina Drive rather than the end, as the bus would be able to do a 'round trip' through the three subdivisions serviced by Casuarina Drive. This would require a change to the bus route.
I would also like the operational finish hour on Saturday to be reduced to 12 midday. I also work 6 days a week and would like to be able to relax on Saturday afternoon without constant truck movements.
Name Withheld
Swan Bay , New South Wales
I strongly oppose intensifying the extract and supply of material for the Woogoolga to Ballina Highway upgrade from the Moonimba Borrow Site.
I live close by, the environmental devastation is appalling.What regeneration is planned for this "borrow Site?"
For residents, the constant dust and truck traffic is above health regulations in a rural area.Our roads are degraded constantly by such heavy vehicles in particular, Reardons Lane. Boggy Creek Rd and the Woodburn/Coraki Rd.
There is still a huge extraction allowed. Do Not increase it. There will be no more Moonimba Ridge left. It is first home to flora and fauna, then our home!
brett cornish
550 Reardons Lane , New South Wales
Living on Reardons Lane of course I object to this massive amount of cartidge to a highway that is not needed if we had used rail.
The amount of times I have just about been taken out by trucks hauling road base in this area is scary.
Down around Coffs Harbour the new highway was built in a bridge style over the wetlands but in our area we are carting a ridiculous amount of tonnage to raise the highway in places of up to 8 metres. This cartidge has destroyed our local roads which are now so dangerous to drive on.
This submission is a feel good activity set up by the government who are going to do exactly what they want irrelevent of all the objections.
I look forward to a reply answering all my comments.
Wayne Phillips
Bungawalbyn , New South Wales
Hours of operation ( 2.2.3): Concerned regarding the extended hours on a Saturday; 8am till 5pm. would like this reduced to 8am to 12 midday due to the impact on the residents along supply route in regard to noise and amenity.

Development application No 2105.70069 (2.4.2): under this current DA the higher standard of pavement (AC/ open graded hot mix )extending west down Boggy Creek road from the centre line of Reardons Lane only has to be completed for 350 metres down Boggy Creek Road. I would like this increased to 500 metres down Boggy creek Road due to the increase in heavy traffic and its associated noise and vibration.

Due to the high increase of heavy vehicles ( max movements of 300 a day) and the increased noise and vibration from these movements we would also request a sound barrier be installed along our northern barrier or installation of double glazing to the north facing windows of the residence .

Reardons Lane to be widened between Casuarina Drive and Boggy Creek road as the road narrows through this section. Safety concerns for local traffic and encounters with the haulage vehicles.

Name Withheld
Woodburn , New South Wales
We support the project providing we have a safe secure entry and exit from our properties onto wooburn-coraki rd
Name Withheld
Woodburn , New South Wales
I support the project providing I have a safe secure entry and exit from my property at 455 wooburn-coraki rd and it doesn't impact on my house and property in anyway - dirt, noise & structure damage etc
Joel Hayward
Swab Bay , New South Wales
My 2 points of concern are 1. The Acoustic wall to be erected on the boundary at 240 Reardon Lane Boggy ck rd Intersection under the "phase 2" council D.A, has been assessed and deemed suitable for the Increased truck movements as per the Pacific complete proposal.
2. I would like to see the reduction of operating hrs on Saturday from 5pm to 12noon.
I have also seek legal advice on this proposal which has advised on getting an building inspection before the work commences to protect my property for any vibration damage caused by the increase truck movements.
I will also be monitoring truck movements in restricted time and after hrs
Name Withheld
Swan Bay , New South Wales
The Moonimba Borrow Site Traffic Impact Assessment does not sufficiently cover the Reardons Lane and Woodburn-Coraki Road intersection. This is a dangerous intersection when you turn right out of Reardons lane towards the Pacific Highway Upgrade due to a short sight distance the west around the corner, with the sugar cane. The proposal for that intersection is unsafe as it only covers a left turn when west bound and not the dangerous direction of right turn, east bound, as this is the proposed haulage route turn.

They used a traffic report from 2014 traffic for a development 90,000t per annum quarry not a 400,000t per annum. This intersection is inadequate for 5½ times the traffic. The Coraki quarry already has the Woodburn-Coraki Road already has a constant stream of truck and dogs on the road from the Coraki Quarry and I do not how these trucks will ever pull out onto the Woodburn-Coraki Road with out an appropriate turning and acceleration lane on the Woodburn-Coraki Road .

This haulage route is severely damaged and the truck and dogs are constantly running other road users of the road, as they are trying to go as fast as they can to get more loads in. This Coraki Quarry has 462 traffic movements per day and plan to upgrade to 682 traffic movements per day just for the Pacific Highway Upgrade. . The proposed haulage use part of the same Woodburn-Coraki Road, which is exacerbating the whole traffic problems. With the extra 234 traffic movements per day from the Moonimba Quarry will have over 910 traffic movements per day about 90 traffic movements per hour just from the 2 quarries operations for the highway upgrade. Just think on traffic movement ever 45 seconds on a road and intersections that will not cope with the traffic.

The speed limit also needs to be lowered for the to 80km/h for heavy vehicles due to dog trailers wandering all over place on the undulating road forcing other road users of the road. This is really apparent when the trucks and trailers are empty.

I request that the proposal not be approved until proper safe intersection at Reardons Lane are put in place and the road adequately maintained for the safety of all road users
Michael Trustum
Swan Bay , New South Wales
The width of Reardons Lane from approximately 800mtrs west of Woodburn-Coraki Road through to Boggy Creek Road intersection seems to be narrow. Usually when passing large vehicles, one vehicle needs to leave the bitumen surface and run along the verge to enable safe passing. It would be good to have the road width verified as adequate to prevent any chance of collision not only with local traffic but also construction traffic.
Grafton , New South Wales
I can advise the EPA has no comments in relation to the Woolgoolga to Ballina MOD 4 Modification Report.
Roger Wood OAM
Woodburn , New South Wales
My submission will be uploaded. The box belows limits submitters to one of three views. I believe the closest to my view is that I object to it, which I don't as a whole. I only object to a few parts of it.

But, I object to the limitation of three views.
Matt Kinkead
Swan Bay , New South Wales
Please see attached document
Roger Wood
Woodburn , New South Wales
Please accept this uploaded submission as a replacement for my previous submission. There were a few typos and possibly unclear sentences.
Stuart Walker
Woodburn , New South Wales
my submission has been uploaded
Sandra Russell
Swan Bay , New South Wales
Document Attached


Project Details

Application Number
Main Project
Assessment Type
SSI Modifications
Development Type
Road transport facilities
Local Government Areas
Ballina Shire

Contact Planner

Caleb Ball