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Release Notes

March Release: Complying developments, data warehouse, development application, major projects and more.

12 April 2023

Complying Developments
Data Warehouse
Development Applications
Major Projects
Complying Development Certificate

Address entry

Enhanced captions, labels and tool tips have been introduced when new addresses or parcels of land have yet to be registered or synchronised with the Portal.

Certifier reference number

Enhanced captions, labels and tool tips have been introduced to certifier reference numbers throughout the Portal, to allow certifiers to refer to their internal system’s unique identification.

Lismore LGA

When applicants are apply for a Complying Development Certificate (CDC) within the Lismore Council LGA, a new questions is now asked ‘is this application for a house raising’ as per the recent changes to the Lismore Local Environmental Plan 2012 (2013 EPI 66). Where the applicant answers ‘yes’, additional documents will be required.

Certificate Registration

Certifiers can now submit Certificate Registrations for Complying Development Certificate (CDC) modifications.

Development Application (New DA, Mod, Review)

DA Online and DA State

Address entry

Enhanced captions, labels and tool tips have been introduced when new addresses or parcels of land have yet to be registered or synchronised with the Portal.

Post Consent Certificate - Construction Certificate, Subdivision Works Certificate, Post-Consent Application, Occupation Certificate and Subdivision Certificate

Occupation Certificate

Certifier reference number

Enhanced captions, labels and tool tips to certifier reference numbers has been introduced to allow certifiers to refer to their internal system’s unique identification.

Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan

A Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan Modification Request workflow allows an applicant to submit a request form by paying the initial assessment fee and for DPE to consider and assess the request after any additional assessment fees are paid.

The key features of this release include:

  • The ability for an applicant to apply for Cumberland Plain Conversation Plan modification request draft or a formal modification request.
  • The ability for an applicant to pay initial assessment fee for a formal modification request via the online fee payment option.
  • The ability for a DPE officer to evaluate the draft application and advice an outcome.
  • The ability for a DPE Officer to evaluate the formal application and request any additional assessment fees (if required).
  • The ability for DPE to progress an application to assessment once the applicant has paid the additional assessment fee via the online payment option.
Major Projects

Various enhancements have been made to Major Projects as part of the March 2023 release, including:

  • Updates to compliance case processing
  • Updates to forms (including wording updates to instructions and data captures)
  • An inclusion of templates to various case types

Defects listed in these notes have been completely rectified.

Short-Term Rental Accommodation
  • The display screen now shows a 180-day booking limit rather than 365-day, as per regulation.
Special Infrastructure Contribution

Various enhancements to Special Infrastructure Contributions, including:

  • Site address validation message has been updated to accurately reflect addresses outside a ‘Special Contribution Area’.
  • Applicants can now select and pay their SIC contributions through third party transfers.
  • A workflow has been included to allow SIC offset credit claims.
Application Programming Interface (API)

The integration API team consolidates and prioritises BAU tickets into monthly releases. These are in response to issues identified in production and/or to align with impacts from other projects and BAU fixes. There are no new API services introduced and no outages as part of this change.

Other enhancements
  • The Planning Delivery Unit (PDU) dashboard has been updated to display all case charts.
  • Organisational administration profiles have been updated to reflect the organisation services and users.

Detailed release notes are available in the Knowledge Management section of the Portal.

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