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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Dinawan Wind Farm


Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Construction and operation of a wind farm with up to 200 wind turbines and associated infrastructure.


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (2)

SEARs (18)

EIS (22)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (21)


Showing 1 - 20 of 88 submissions
Name Withheld
Springfield , Queensland
I OBJECT to Spark Renewables’ horrible plan for Dinawan Wind Electricity Generating Works with 200 ugly, destructive, short-term Turbines that only work part-time, make people sick & create a massive pile of toxic waste that is ruining Australia forever!
Heidi Howden
Chatham Valley , New South Wales
I object to Dinawan Wind Farm Proposal for the following reasons:
1. Fire risk posed by wind turbines appears to be significant, making them inappropriate for the Australian landscape.
2. Adverse impacts on flora and fauna.
3. Adverse impacts on the community, neighbouring properties and the landscape.
4. Distance of the proposed site from where the resulting power is likely to be consumed, resulting in lengthy, disruptive transmission lines and transmission losses.
5. Carbon footprint/embodied energy of the huge wind turbines - there is a lack of transparency around the calculation of this important measure, leaving doubt as to whether wind turbines actually constitute renewable energy.
6. Relatively short useful life of wind turbines and concerns as to the cost of dismantling these gigantic structures.
Name Withheld
Waverton , New South Wales
This needs to be referred to EPBC due to Impacts to species and communities listed under the EPBC Act have been assessed. Significant impact
assessments concluded that the project has potential to cause significant impacts to two TECs, Weeping Myall
woodland and Natural Grasslands of the Murry Valley Plains, and two threatened species, Plains Wanderer and
Superb Parrot.
Name Withheld
Coolah , New South Wales
This project contributes to become a significant state wide development of which I believe the wider impacts and cumulative impacts be considered. I believe the government is not valuing the environment and underestimating the high cost to caused by the development negatively impacting flora fauna and communities. The governments have recently commenced a review of REZ and these findings should also be considered in the decision to approve this project.
John McGrath
WOOLGARLO , New South Wales
I object to the proceeding with the 200 turbine Din wind turbine development SSD50725708 for the following reasons. Firstly the footprint of the Dinawan Wind farm is home to 3 bird species the Major Mitchell Cockatoo Lopchura leadbeateri that is conservation listed as Vulnerable is NSW. The Plains Wanderer Pedionomus torquatus which is Commonwealth listed Critically Endangered. The Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii which is listed in NSW as Vunerable.
Wind turbine blades are known killers of flying creatures added to that the destruction of the habitat of the 3 birds within the footprint of the Dinawan Wind farm where the habitat will be detrimentally impacted due to clearence, for the wind turbine itself, access roads added to this new high voltage transmission lines and new substations?
Why are ever more wind turbine developments approved when it's well know that there's no NSW Compulsory Decommissioning Legislation?
I hope that the Department takes on board my comments and rejects completely this project?
Name Withheld
MOLLYAN , New South Wales
I object to this project and request a controlled action.

This project needs to be referred to EPBC. It is a large scale and unnecessary project that will be damaging to the local community and environment.
Michael Henderson
MAXWELL , New South Wales
This is another example of taking farmland to build theses wind farms that only work when the wind is blowing
Owned by a overseas company’s they all are destroying our country
Who is going to remove the tons of concrete in the ground when they are no longer required
Are electricity costs going to go down with all this infrastructure I don’t think so
It’s about time, the government pull their heads in and looked in the nuclear power where we are still retaining our farming country to feed this country
I am strongly opposed to this proposal and everyone that goes on Prime Farmland
Name Withheld
BALGOWLAH , New South Wales
I object.
I request this be a controlled action.
Stop damaging the environment with these projects.
Stop destroying local habitats for these projects.
These projects are not green or clean.
Name Withheld
I object and put forward a request for a controlled action.
Name Withheld
Mendooran , New South Wales
I object to this project and request a controlled action.
This project will be detrimental to both communities and the environment.
John Moore
Submission that the Dinawan Wind Farm be declared a controlled action, be denied a planning permit and NEVER be constructed

1. The Dinawan Wind Farm will slaughter iconic birds and bats, over a 50 km area, 24 hours a day. It will be very detrimental to the local ecology. Particularly decimate protected Wedge Tail Eagles.
An example: (The Australian 10/7/24) According to the EPA, the proponent St Patricks Plains Wind Farm, Tasmania owned by Korea Zinc, estimates the blades will kill on average two eagles a year, or 41 to 81 eagles across the farm’s 30-year lifespan, based on mitigation reducing 58.5 per cent of collisions. It is estimated only 220 Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle breeding pairs remain, and there are fewer than 1,000 birds overall.
Experts warn there is insufficient consideration for the cumulative impact of multiple wind farms and fear Tasmania’s “wind rush” poses a “major threat” to the species’ survival.
2. The spreading of thousands of Wind Turbines across rural New South Wales, will end up creating the great danger, of having horrendous bushfires on an Annual basis.

Rural New South Wales is known as one of the most bushfire prone areas on Earth. Scattering tens of thousands of wind turbines (individually known to catch fire occasionally and the older they get the more likely it is to happen) on 250m high towers across the Countryside. This must increase the risk of a fire starting from a Wind Turbine100,000 times. The risk will encompass all rural landholders, country towns and rural cities. Everybody will be in danger and on tenterhooks, every Total Fire Ban Day. The danger of a fire reaching serious proportions, is greatly increased as the Wind Turbines, physical height, (250m), blade diameter and created wind turbulence, stops any arial water bombers operating within 5km to 10km of any Wind Farm. This would mean any fire started by malfunctioning wind turbine, would reach major proportions before any attempt could be made to control it. The loss of life, loss of livestock, wildlife and property has potential to be huge. The presence of the wind turbines will greatly endanger all residents, livestock, wildlife and the property of Rural Australia See wind turbines when they burn.

3. I believe that the Dinawan Wind Farm relies on the Medieval technology of Wind Turbines, powered by a weather fuel the Wind. Are totally inefficient, unreliable and totally uneconomic and should never be considered as being suitable to provide baseload electricity 24/7 to a modern society.

This is because Wind turbines can only produce electricity, when the wind speed is between 12kms/hr and 90kms/hr. As a result, Wind turbines are reported to produce electricity on average for only 30% of their rated capacity or on average for eight hours per day, this leads to random periods of hours, WITHOUT ANY ELECTRICITY BEING PRODUCED, (occasionally in some calm periods, wind turbines produce NO electricity for days at a time. These random calm or gale force periods of zero electricity production, has to be provided to the consumer by a second, standby, backup electricity generator either coal or gas, which makes the cost to the consumer, unnecessarily high.

4. When all the processes that go into the construction of Wind Turbines. A. mining. B. Transport. C. Manufacture. D. Transport. E. Site preparation and construction. E. Operation. F. Dismantling and restoration. G. Transport. Disposal of Waste to landfill.. When all these procedures are taken into account, there is a strong possibility that more so call Green House gases will have been produced, than saved by the intermittent production of the Dinawan Wind Farm.
Name Withheld
Mendooran , New South Wales
I object and request a controlled action. The negative impacts on communities and species are too significant for this project to go ahead.
Name Withheld
MOLLYAN , New South Wales
I request a controlled action and object to this project.
Why should Australian habitat be cleared for an un-essential large scale wind proposal?
Name Withheld
MOLLYAN , New South Wales
I object and request a controlled action.
This project will damage land and ecosystems for a number of animals such as two threatened species: Plains Wanderer and Superb Parrot.
Our government must do better.
David Landini
WAKOOL , New South Wales
1) The term renewable power is incorrect and misleading due to it referring to self-renewing and freely available sunshine and wind, while in fact the electricity generated requires the original construction of solar panels, wind turbines and power lines, and these need to be regularly maintained, and the panels and turbines eventually demolished and replaced at least every 20-35 years.

The electricity being generated is obviously not self-renewing or freely available as the term ‘renewable’ implies.

2) The panels, turbines and power lines associated with the electricity generation despoil the landscape. These are a blight on the natural and unique beauty of the area.

3) The panels, turbines and power lines associated with the electricity generation decimate the productivity of the associated land, causing a decline in the creation of wealth and prosperity of the people.

4) The many proponents of these behemoths live mainly in the urban areas of Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong, and refuse to have them constructed in their own backyard, but instead construct them in ours. This is an abuse of authority.

5) The great quantity and cost of material and construction required to install the panels, turbines and power lines exceeds the quantity of material and cost required for the existing electricity supply.

6) There is no advertised method or place of disposal of the panels and turbines when they are eventually demolished. This lack of knowledge is unsatisfactory.

7) The installation of the panels, turbines, power poles and lines, has been ordered without the consent of the of the people on the affected area. The dictatorial nature of the NSW State Government’s actions is unsatisfactory.

8) The subsidizing of the cost of the so called renewable electricity by the cost added to the existing electricity supply is adding greatly to the cost of all electricity. This greater cost is reducing the ability of all people in NSW to prosper. In many cases it is reducing the ability of people to heat their homes. The cost of this electricity is reducing the prosperity of all people in NSW, and in some cases, is impoverishing them.

9) The premise for the need to replace the existing electricity supply is not supported by evidence.

The premise consists of numerous factors, the most obvious being:

a) The world’s temperature is increasing catastrophically.

b) The world’s climate is changing catastrophically.

c) The world’s temperature is increasing, and the climate changing due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

d) The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by Man’s burning of carbon based fuels such as coal and oil.

e) The burning of carbon based fuel in Australia must stop in order to save both the Earth and all life on Earth.

The factors constructing the premise are not convincingly supported by evidence. There is in fact much evidence provided by numerous eminent professionals that indicates, if not proving conclusively, that the factors listed above are false.

The claimed evidence supporting the premise appears to consist mainly of regular repetition of the premise’ factors in the urban media in the hope, if not with the intention, that they will be eventually perceived as fact. The premise relies on repetition rather that evidence and substantiation.

There is a different standard applied to other countries considering that Australian coal is copiously mined in Australia and exported to many and any other country in the world for burning over there.

10) There have been many predictions of temperature and climate disaster made by proponents of projects such as this one that have failed to occur in any semblance of their description.

I conclude and request that;

1) The installation of the proposed solar panels, wind turbines and associated power pole and lines is not justified or desired.

2) A moratorium be placed on the installation of the proposed project.

3) The existing method of electricity generation and supply be retained entirely.

4) A NSW State Government funded enquiry be conducted by professionals both in support of and opposed to the proposed project.

This enquiry to include:

a) the investigation of the justification i.e. premise, for the project.

b) investigating the existing method of electricity generation and supply

c) Investigate the proposed electricity generation method

d) investigate alternative methods of electricity generation such as using nuclear, gas and hydrogen fuel.

5) Assuming and confident that the requested enquiry will justify my request, I demand that at the end of the moratorium the proposed project be discontinued and any existing construction be demolished.
Michael Hill
CHATHAM VALLEY , New South Wales
My reasons for objecting are as follows:
- Wind turbines are a significant fire risk being a source of fire ignition and also the source of fire spread via blade throw in the event of a structural failure in the blade. Any other machine that suffered from the historical rates of fire as Australian wind turbines in recent times would be immediately withdrawn from the market.
- Cummulative effect of landscape impacts. Australia landscapes are having their natural character and beauty ruined.
- Secret contracts with non-disclosure agreements. Wind turbine development should not continue while corporations are using cynical and exploitive negotiating practices that divide communities with winner and losers. It is unjust that some persons are benefiting at the expense of others.
- All people harmed by the development of this project must be fully and fairly compensated. Without full transparency and independent scrutiny this is simply not possible.
Michael Hill
ph 0451 156 025
512 Chatham Valley Rd
Chatham Valley
NSW 2787
Stan Moore
GUNDARY , New South Wales
This project and its shear scale will have an irreversible impact on the land and landscape and the animals in the area, both ground based and flying.
There is a significant risk that the land will be contaminated with Bisphenol from the blades and therefore rendering the land no longer usable for agricultural and pastoral pursuits.
As there is no guarantee that the developer and initial operator will be around when it comes time to decommission and remediate, the developer should be required to lodge a decommission/remediate security bond to cover the cost at the end of life of this proposal.
Kevin Loughrey
KEITH HALL , New South Wales
The core motivation for adopting wind and solar generation systems is to reduce human emissions of Carbon Dioxide because it is asserted Carbon Dioxide is a "Green House Gas" and, as such, an increased concentration of this gas in the earth's atmosphere will result in the atmosphere becoming so hot as to destroy life on earth.

As one who has studied Thermodynamics to 4th year university level with honours, the focus of my study being hot gas and steam, I know with certainty that there is no way, within the laws of Physics and Thermodynamics, that Carbon Dioxide has any appreciable effect in terms of it warming the earth's atmosphere. To this end, I attach a paper which has been reviewed by Professor Will Happer, a world renowned expert in atmospheric physics, that provides raw data from temperature measuring stations belonging to climatology networks around the world. All of these graphs show the same downward trend, that is, the earth's atmospheric temperature is cooling at a time when the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is rising. Further reinforcing this data is the fact that proxy data from two ice cores providing temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations over a period of approximately 10,000 years show that as Carbon Dioxide concentration has risen, temperatures have fallen. The only conclusion one can draw from this data is that Carbon Dioxide has no appreciable effect in terms of it warming the earth's atmosphere and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is one huge, monstrous fraud.

To further reinforce this, please watch . Climate Change is one huge hoax with the only beneficiary being the Chinese Communist Party. None of these projects promise to deliver energy at a set price to the point of consumption. All of these projects will cause electrical power to be much more expensive than it was, in real terms, in 2007 before this madness began.
The adoption of Wind and Solar power leads to much higher energy prices and, as inexpensive reliable energy is the foundation-stone of any modern society, the adoption of these systems of power generation is ruining all Western economies that have adopted these systems of energy generation.n electricity produced by coal. The study also shows that it is not practical to store sufficient energy to guarantee reliable supply.
All of these projects are a huge waste of taxpayer's money at a time when this country is close to one trillion dollars in debt. The only beneficiary of this scheme is the Chinese Communist Party. It is noteworthy that electricity is 5 times cheaper in China than in Australia. The Communists have arranged treaties such that they do not have to reduce China' emissions until 2050. With this situation there is no possible way Australian manufacturing can compete with the Chinese.
In summary:
1. The basis for adopting generation systems based on wind and solar is invalid. Human emissions are benefiting this planet in terms of increasing plant growth. These emissions are definitely not appreciably warming the atmosphere.
2. Wind and solar generation systems are many times more expensive than is coal or, for that matter, nuclear and cannot provide anything like the necessary reliability of supply. This necessitates maintaining and operating two systems of electricity generation.
3. Not dealt with above but, as a closing comment, wind and solar systems have a very limited life and disposal will be expensive and fraught with the possibility of significant damage to the environment. As it is, the installation of these systems into wilderness areas and on prime agricultural land is doing great harm to the environment and this country's food production capability.
This folly on the part of State and Federal Governments puts at risk the prosperity and the security of Australia. IT MUST STOP!
Ian McDonald
WALCHA , New South Wales
This is getting out of control. I refer you to my attached submission.
kym daniel
MERRIWA , New South Wales
"Dinawan Wind Farm" renewable energy project will have a major negative impact on the surrounding community, flora and fauna, protected and endangered species, waterways, heritage and historical items.
Nothing put in place by the proponent will stop or contain the destruction to prime agricultural land
Not enough research has been provided by the proponent to adequately assess the impact of the project.


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas

Contact Planner

Julia Green