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State Significant Development

Response to Submissions

Burrendong Wind Farm

Dubbo Regional

Current Status: Response to Submissions

Interact with the stages for their names

  1. SEARs
  2. Prepare EIS
  3. Exhibition
  4. Collate Submissions
  5. Response to Submissions
  6. Assessment
  7. Recommendation
  8. Determination

Development of a wind farm, with up to 70 wind turbines and associated infrastructure


This project is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments, or an accredited assessment process. For more information, refer to the Australian Government's website.

Attachments & Resources

Notice of Exhibition (1)

Request for SEARs (3)

SEARs (17)

EIS (29)

Response to Submissions (1)

Agency Advice (13)


Showing 101 - 120 of 243 submissions
Name Withheld
MOUNT KNOWLES , New South Wales
My objection to a wind for those living close to them, they are a noise and visual nuisance which can cause distress and be a danger to health
Name Withheld
ARCADIA , New South Wales
We regularly visit and stay on an amazing property at Hargraves to admire the amazing birdlife and incredibly diversife wildlife.
My proposal is to ask for the windfarm not to be approved, but at a minimum to reduce the impact on the property we regulrly stay at and visit we request to delete turbines 67,68,69 and 70 which are the turbines closest to the property we use.

With Thanks

Melissa Thomson
Name Withheld
DEE WHY , New South Wales
I object to this project. The cost of converting to renewable energy is astronomical and we simply cannot afford it. It is also obvious that there is no way the world has enough materials to achieve the goal of green energy. We must also consider the fact that we are able to produce more food more cheaply and efficiently because of fossil fuels and until we have a viable alternative we should continue the way we are. I do not believe the science backs up the supposed benefits of renewable energy. We do not want to become a third world country because of our ideological stupidity. We have beautiful agricultural land being covered by unsightly solar panels and wind turbines which incredibly contain materials made from fossil fuels, the very things they seek to replace! Koalas and other native animal habitats are being destroyed to make way for these projects not to mention the birds, insects, etc. killed by the wind turbines. How is that greening Australia? Fossil fuel industries have contributed huge taxes to fund our country’s schools, police, hospitals, NDIS, etc., how will we be able to fund them without these taxes? I think we all want a cleaner, greener environment but not at the risk of destroying our countryside and our way of life.
Name Withheld
AVOCA BEACH , New South Wales
I object to the Burrendong Wind "Farm" for the following reasons:
Firstly, THEY ARE NOT FARMS - A farm in this rural landscape is something that produces food and fibre.
These areas of Wind Turbines are FACTORIES and not very good ones at that. They will not produce the amount of power required for base load to power factories and heavy duty organisations such as steelworks. They do not produce anything when the wind is not blowing and they seem to be turned off for various reasons on numerous occasions - probably when there's too much wind!!!
The proponents of the numerous Wind Turbine Projects have no idea of life in the rural districts of every one of our states that is affected. The proponents are politicians, bureaucrats and pen-pushers sitting in offices in our Federal and State capitals who have never experienced rural life for a living and are absolutely blinkered with the narrow vision that renewables are the only goal they must achieve in the immediate future.
Burrendong is a picturesque area used for recreation and the dam area is used for supply of a vital need in our communities - WATER.
Climate change and Renewables have got the city people mesmerised. They believe everything they are told and many have never set foot out of their cities to see what actually happens in our rural areas. Do they think that farming country and surrounds is suitable for turbines? They should come and have a look.
The logistics of transporting turbine parts on the highways is incomprehensible. The highways are not adequate for the current traffic, let alone huge masses that will hold up traffic and block the flow of necessities like fuel to the west of the state and cartage of livestock, grain and perishables to markets in the cities.
What amount of concrete needs to be made for the base of a turbine? Thousands of tons.
How much energy is used to produce this concrete? IS THIS REALLY "GREEN/RENEWABLE". I don't think so.
Waste - tons of waste will be produced in this production - where will it go?
Workers Camps - not a pleasant idea in the rural scene - producing more waste, need for water. Not being of any benefit to the townships - strangers and possible crime near farming families.
There is not enough time to note all objections. We are being bombarded daily with so many proposals all over the state of NSW & other states in the name of Renewable Energy.
RENEWABLES (A NEW BUZZWORD FOR GOVERNMENTS) is all the Ministers for Planning, Ministers for Energy and others involved can think of and we, the residents who make a living from the land producing food and fibre for the city do not have the time to be reading and fighting all these ludicrous proposals.
We farming families do not have the time, when running a business, (or the resources such as are employed by the proponents who write thousands of pages of meaningless "gumph"), to digest every section of it.
Why should we be expected and in some cases, forced, (with COMPULSORY!!!! acquisitions) to ruin our land in making power for cities.
It's about time the cities took responsibility for their own production of power by mandatory installing of solar panels ON EVERY ROOF IN THE CITY.
It should be mandatory for every new house to have solar panels and battery hubs in the suburbs.
There are so many rules and regulations now in building a house with regards to energy saving with windows facing north, insulation, double glazing etc. so WHY NOT SOLAR PANELS ON EVERY ROOF IN THE CITIES.
With the money that will be spent on building these "TURBINE FACTORIES" and the rumoured ridiculous amount of money that the hosts will receive annually, the Government could subsidise solar panels on every house in Australia.
We can't get Doctors, Nurses or Teachers in the Country areas and money should be directed at that instead of expensive unworkable renewables.
Pam Bowman
Name Withheld
BROOKLYN , New South Wales
I feel for the people of yarribin. These large oppressive turbines will dwarf the community and ruin a beautiful place. The risk to fauna and habitat is enormous. Rare black cockatoos have called this place home for as long as I have known. I actually cannot fathom what it would be like to live under one of these. Surely the safety of humans is more important than a far removed cities air conditioning units. I recognise that no one wants this in their backyard yet this development seems excessive and the size of these turbines send a chill to my core. Please do not build these here.
Name Withheld
BEXLEY , New South Wales
I object to the project as there has been a lack of consultation and refusal of providing photomontages to landowners after access onto their properties. We have been left in the dark this has caused stress and anxiety to our family and our community. There are 250m high turbines that are proposed along the ridgeline, towering above the dwellings, the visual impact will be frightful. This stunning rural landscape will be ruined of the turbines been considered as they are massive. Detraction of rural visual amenity, the introduction to the landscape of such enormous man made structures will severely detract from the existing rural character and level of visual amenity for at least 30 years and possible forever. Low frequency noise - known as infrasound - Health and Safety. Advise recent press articles and research show low frequency sound associated with wind turbines are a major concern of neighbours of wind farms and some have been driven from their homes. Clearly the Government needs to take notice and fully aware of all the potential health risks and ensure that any development safeguards the health and safety of the inhabitants and our livestock. Some farming operations will be affected, such as aerial spraying. I vehemently object to the proposed development due to the nature, location, scale and impact on ourselves, and the surrounding community.
Name Withheld
COLLAROY , New South Wales
I strongly object to this project. I am all for saving the planet but this project, along with many others, is not the answer. We don’t seem to care about the insects, magnificent birds, etc. that are being killed by wind turbine blades. Solar panels are taking over much needed farming land and from my understanding, solar panels and wind turbines have a certain amount of fossil fuel derived components in them anyway so what’s the benefit? Let’s go nuclear.
Pierre Le Bas
Palm Beach , New South Wales
See attached
Name Withheld
MAYFIELD WEST , New South Wales
I object to the whole renewable energy saga. Wind turbines and solar panels contain steel which is made from coal – what’s renewable about that? What happens to them after their useful life – are they dumped in landfill? They are a blight on the landscape and taking valuable agricultural land which should be used for growing food. Our agricultural exports are worth about $80bn annually. Quoting from a recent article in the Australian "Each year, on average, each Australian farmer feeds 150 of their fellow countrymen and 450 of their allies overseas." I've no doubt the $80bn of exports contributes to supporting the NDIS, schools, hospitals, etc. Australia's agricultural industries are world leading - we must not jeopardize this.
Amber Pedersen
YARRABIN , New South Wales
Please accept my initial submission of objection (attached) to the Burrendong Wind Farm Proposal: SSD-895094.
Name Withheld
Neutral Bay , New South Wales
The turbines are proposed on environmental conservation zoned land.
Greg Pace
FITZROY FALLS , New South Wales
My grave concerns for the introduction of a windfarm in such a unique bushland, range from the aesthetic to the environmental. Having frequented that area for years, I've taken my children camping, bush-walking, and hunting on private properties. They, in turn, are looking forward to experiencing the same joy with THEIR children in the not-too-distant future.
It would be heartbreakingly criminal to see such a beautiful ridge-line destroyed by spinning windmills that are not renewable themselves.
Asides from this, the destruction of almost 600 hectares of bush, inhabited by Koala's and birdlife, including the Wedge Tailed Eagle and the Glossy Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, cannot be justified for the construction of infrastructure that will only work when the wind blows, and that require electricity to actually start themselves up! They also will also be emitting humming sounds and emitting EMF.
The residents moved to this area for seclusion, not construction.
I urge your department to cancel this project at the first opportunity.
Name Withheld
OLD TOONGABBIE , New South Wales
I object to these renewable projects. There are so many toxic materials in batteries, often mined in poor countries by little children. Toxic materials are also found in wind turbines and solar panels which is so bad for the environment. I have seen reports of wind turbines and solar panels being dumped in landfill when they are past their use by date which is incredibly harmful to the environment and will leave that land useless for many years to come. No, No, No - Stop them now!
Name Withheld
DRUMMOYNE , New South Wales
I hereby declare that I STRONGLY OBJECT to the Burrendong Wind Farm - Submission - (SUB-65729211). Object to the proposal as follows:

My concerns is the deceptive and misleading conduct of Ark Energy in relation to their Burrendong Wind Farm proposal and provision of photomontages.

Impacted landowners did not receive photomontages from Ark Energy, prior to the public exhibition of the Burrendong Wind Farm Proposal.

This life-changing proposal has already contributed to over two years of devastating mental health/street implication for our community.

It is apparent that Ark Energy does not to provide photomontages from all dwellings, especially from those in Worlds End, as some dwellings are located within 1 to 2.5km of Ark Energy’s 250m high turbines that are proposed along the top of the Worlds End Ridgeline, towering approximately 3/4km into the air above the relative level of some dwellings located in the Worlds End valley below. Obviously visual impact will be horrific.

Ark Energy has also refused to provide Burrendong SOS members with a site map that numbers turbines corresponding to the numbering of turbines on photomontages provided.

This means we have no way of interpreting the photomontages to determine the distance and location of turbines that are visible from our dwellings.

Ark Energy is not meeting the requirements of the NSW Government’s Undertaking Engagement Guidelines for State Significant Projects, we are denied provision of such basic information.
Name Withheld
BOAT HARBOUR , New South Wales
I Strongly Oject to the Burrandong wind farm.
We have been at 167 yarrabin road and the area our entire life, Why are we letting multi national companys take advantage of us and destroy our communitys our familys and our homes only becauce it is convenent for them to put the electricily back into the high power grid that is close and it is cheaper for them.
This is going to kill all of our wildlife and destroy our water catchment which is used for Australians not for a multi national company. Over the last years our familys have been fighting this and it has put so much strain on our familys that we dont need. This land is for our generations of children to use and the hundreds of people that still use this land today for its serenity, when we have these wind turbines towering over us it will destroy the place.
I hope the submitions get looked at and dont get brushed under the mat like most things do.
Nicole Shepherd
BALGOWLAH , New South Wales
This property on Worlds end Rd will undoubtably decrease in value due this project.
We holiday here frequently and this will substantially affect the esthetics of this beautiful location.
Grant Piper
COOLAH , New South Wales
Name Withheld
COOLAH , New South Wales
I object to the Burrendong Wind Farm (SUB-65755208) as there are several major issues throughout the EIS.
One of which is the fact that the road route planned uses a road not in crown road, but in a different spot to what is legally shown. As the Department require transport route to be on legal roads, the entire current route is illegal and not allowable. The relocation of the road will intrude into personal landowners properties and the required construction of the road in that case will infringe on private land and cause biosecurity dangers.
There has been no consent form local landowners to access private lands for the road upgrade or any other reason therefore the entire EIS is built upon a Wishlist plan which is unrealistic at this stage and unapproved on every level by the local landowners.
Ark have also openly and forcibly misled, belittled and ignored requests from landowners and have told them that they will compulsory acquired, despite the Council stating that there will be no compulsory acquisition and that the company itself doses not have the power to do so. This has been the case in regards to the roads, land and visual assessments.
There was no mention of decommissioning and how that will be funded which is a very important detail to mention to allow fair consideration of the project and allow the local landowners to know the true impact of the project and its long lasting effects.
They also ignored the local koala populations, along with the local flora and fauna, and did not complete any targeted surveys or investigations in accordance with threatened species guidelines, and straight up did not survey several areas.
Jillian Lovelace
EMU PLAINS , New South Wales
The value of my Daughter’s and Son-in-Law’s property on Worlds End Rd will substantially decrease as well as be unsightly. This is my Grandchildren’s heritage and needs to be kept intact for their future.

Thank You
Jillian Lovelace
David Marks
Cronulla , New South Wales
Please find attached my submission


Project Details

Application Number
EPBC ID Number
Assessment Type
State Significant Development
Development Type
Electricity Generation - Wind
Local Government Areas
Dubbo Regional

Contact Planner

Ellena Tsanidis