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ENERGY | Other Energy Sources

Note: Applies to multi-dwelling developments only.

In multi-dwelling developments, BASIX assesses the energy efficiency of the following appliances:

  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Clothes washer (washing machine)
  • Clothes dryer

Note: If appliances are selected in BASIX then they must be installed before occupation.

The ability to consider appliances in multi-dwelling developments is a concession provided as a result of public exhibition. It is a policy decision that recognizes multi-dwelling developments include common areas and communal services such as lobbies, car parks, swimming pools and gyms, providing services to the residents of the dwellings. Multi-dwelling developments have common area lighting, car park ventilation, lifts and other significant energy demands that are not required in single dwellings.

What is energy star rating?

Energy star rating is a joint Australian Government, State and Territory Government Agencies Program. It rates appliances on their energy consumption and publishes an energy rating for a variety of appliances, to help consumers make the most efficient appliance selection - the higher the star rating the more energy efficient the appliance.

A list of appliances and their energy star ratings can be found at

This is an image of an energy star rating
Last updated: 01/03/2024