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Blackwattle Bay

The Blackwattle Bay State Significant Precinct rezoning was finalised in December 2022. The precinct controls finalised have taken into account community and stakeholder feedback, including further feedback on the Response to Submissions (RTS) revised proposal by Infrastructure NSW (INSW).

The new planning controls enable: 

  • transformation of the waterfront industrial and commercial precinct into a vibrant mixed-use precinct with:
    • around 97,500 square metres of residential gross floor area (GFA) allowing for approximately 1,200 apartments with a population of around 2,400 residents 
    • approximately 100,000 square metres of commercial and retail GFA allowing for approximately 5,600 new jobs 
  • new buildings ranging from 6 storeys to 35 storeys in height  
  • new homes close to jobs and services with existing and proposed public transport, including the proposed Pyrmont metro station 
  • nearly 34,000 square metres of new interconnected parks and public space, including a 30m wide foreshore promenade linking Glebe Island Bridge and the new Sydney Fish Market, and completing the harbour foreshore walk around the Pyrmont Peninsula  
  • a sustainable precinct that requires development to meet high sustainability criteria and demonstrate design excellence 
  • contributions towards and provisions for infrastructure, including community and cultural uses and affordable housing. 

INSW prepared the State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study and proposed planning controls for the precinct working with input from the department, City of Sydney Council and other government agencies.

The State Significant Precinct Study was on public exhibition from 2 July to 20 August 2021 and the department compiled the public feedback into a Summary of Submissions.

INSW submitted its RTS including revisions to the masterplan and proposed planning controls for a final assessment. The Department welcomed public feedback on these documents from 28 July to 26 August 2022.

Finalised documents

Response to submission documents 

View the revised studies

View the exhibited studies 


View the feedback on the Response to Submissions

Submission 01_Name Withheld
Submission 02_Name Withheld
Submission 03_Name Withheld
Submission 04_Name Withheld
Submission 05_Doherty_M
Submission 06_Logue_GB
Submission 07_ Monk_N
Submission 08_ Bourne_S
Submission 09_Ellis_T
Submission 10_Name Withheld
Submission 11_Name Withheld
Submission 12_Name Withheld
Submission 13_Smith_ R
Submission 14_Maleszka_P
Submission 15_Name Withheld
Submission 16_Name Withheld
Submission 17_Name Withheld
Submission 18_Name Withheld
Submission 19_Gavagna_R 
Submission 20 Webster_V
Submission 21 Highgate Owners
Submission 22 Name Withheld
Submission 23_Tunnicliffe_A
Submission 24_Name Withheld
Submission 25_Water NSW
Submission 26_Name Withheld
Submission 27_Name Withheld
​​​​Submission 28_Kerr_C
Submission 29_Tunnicliffe_K
Submission 30_Name Withheld
Submission 31_Bentley_L
Submission 32_Friends of Ultimo
Submission 33_Goodwin_A
Submission 34_Name Withheld
Submission 35_Stevenson_M
Submission 36_Crompton_M
Submission 37_Name Withheld
Submission 38_Name Withheld
Submission 39_Dowling_B
Submission 40_Scobie_B
Submission 41_Name Withheld
Submission 42_Name Withheld
Submission 43_Name Withheld
Submission 44_Name Withheld
Submission 45_Georgeson_D
Submission 46_Webster_J
Submission 47_DeBeers_N
Submission 48_Willson_N
Submission 49_Ultimo P&C
Submission 50_D'Iapico-Bien_V
Submission 51_Total Environment Centre
Submission 52_Name Withheld
Submission 53_Name Withheld
Submission 54_Wahlquist_A
Submission 55_Ewen_M
Submission 56_Denoon_D
Submission 57_Community Housing Industry Association NSW
Submission 58_Mortimer_M
Submission 59_Poulos Bros
Submission 60_EPA NSW
Submission 61_The Glebe Society
Submission 62_Doherty
Submission 63_National Trust
Submission 64_Celestino
Submission 65_Hymix
Submission 66_Name Withheld
Submission 67_Pyrmont Action Inc
Submission 68_Office of Environment and Heritage_EHG Advice S3.25 Consultation
Submission 69_City of Sydney
Submission 70_CASA
Submission 71_Kaplan_L
Submission 72_Smithson_C
Submission 73_Bessell-Browne_C
Submission 74_Seifert_Y
Submission 75_NSW DPI (Fisheries)
Submission 76_Sydney Airport Corporation
Submission 77_Alex Greenwich
Submission 78_NSW Health
Submission 79_ School Infrastructure NSW
Submission 80_Sydney Local Health District
Submission 81_Heritage NSW
Submission 82_Sydney Water

View the submissions


  • On Exhibition

    The consultation is open for public comment.

  • Under Consideration

    We'll be reviewing what you told us.

  • Made and Finalised

    The final outcomes of this consultation will be documented here.

Consultation period


More information

Exhibiting agency or agencies: DPIE
Exhibition location: NSW Planning Portal