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Design Principles


THERMAL COMFORT | Design Principles

The design should manage breezes and allow for controlled ventilation while reducing uncontrolled air leakage. Ventilation is important for thermal comfort, air quality and moisture control.

Managing breezes involves:
  • using operable windows;
  • having windows on both sides of the dwelling for cross-ventilation;
  • landscaping and window layout to capture cooling breezes in summer;
  • landscaping and window layout to deflect cold breezes in winter; and
  • having high-level windows to allow hot air to escape and draw in cooler air from low-level windows.
Controlling ventilation involves:
  • using operable windows that seal well;
  • locating windows so they can be open and secure regardless of the weather;
  • installing weatherstripping and draught-sealing doors;
  • sealing the dwelling to minimise uncontrolled air leakage.

See also:

Last updated: 21/06/2024