A State significant project application must address all relevant legislation, environmental planning instruments (including drafts), plans, policies, guidelines and planning circulars.
View the NSW Legislation website
View current planning system circulars
State significant development guidelines and State significant infrastructure guidelines
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 requires SSD applicants and SSI proponents to have regard to certain guidelines when preparing an EIS.
Other helpful links
Development impacting Crown land in New South Wales
It is common that Crown land, roads and waterways will adjoin a project proposal or be contained within a project proposal. It is important to note that authority to use and access Crown land, roads and waterways is required under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and the Roads Act 1993. Any required authorisation must be in place prior to a project/development beginning.
Crown land is also subject to Aboriginal land interests, including Aboriginal land claims under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 and native title under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). Any proposal on Crown land will need to address consistency with these interests.
The following resources are designed to assist applicants and landholders to understand how to identify the presence of Crown land, roads or waterway and the requirements that will need to be addressed to gain an authorisation.
Order a search on the status of Crown land from DPE - Crown Lands
View Crown Land Guidelines and factsheets