The term ‘heritage’ includes cultural, historic and natural elements. State significant projects may have impacts on Aboriginal or historic heritage items, or on natural heritage.
Heritage Guidance for Applicants
This fact sheet provides heritage guidance to applicants when they are scoping their State significant projects and includes guidance on the types of heritage listings, how to check heritage registers, what information to include in a scoping report and more.
Aboriginal Heritage
Aboriginal heritage includes objects, places and features of Aboriginal significance. Assessment of such heritage should consider the following guidance.
Guide to Investigating, Assessing and Reporting on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in NSW 2011
This guide provides advice on how to investigate, assess and report on Aboriginal cultural heritage that may be affected by a proposed project or activity.
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements for Proponents 2010
This document focuses on the requirements for consultation with Aboriginal people as part of the heritage assessment process.
Code of Practice for Archaeological Investigation of Aboriginal Objects in NSW 2010
This Code specifies the minimum standards for archaeological investigation of Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW.
Connecting with Country Framework 2023
This framework offers guidance on how to connect with Country to inform the planning, design and delivery of built-environment projects in NSW.
Historic Heritage
Historic heritage includes places, buildings, works, relics, moveable objects and precincts of State or local heritage significance. Assessment of historic heritage should consider the following guidance.
Australia ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Significance, Burra Charter 2013
The Burra Charter, and the associated series of Practice Notes, provides best practice standards for managing cultural heritage places in Australia.
Assessing Significance for Historical Archaeological Sites and ‘Relics’ 2009
This guideline gives advice about how to assess the heritage significance of known and potential archaeological resources, features or deposits and determine whether they are ‘relics’ as defined by the Heritage Act 1977.
Altering Heritage Assets
This document provides guidance on how an item can be changed without negatively affecting its heritage value, and what type of heritage management is appropriate.
Design in Context – Guidelines for Infill Development in the Historic Environment 2006
These guidelines provide information on the legislative context for infill design and outline six key criteria that are used in assessing development applications for new buildings affecting a heritage item or within a conservation area.
Skeletal Remains; Guidelines for Management of Human Skeletal Remains 1998
The guidelines detail the process for managing human skeletal remains and is available in hard copy only from the Heritage Branch, Office of Environment and Heritage.