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The SSI Process

Assess SSI

Evaluating the merits of an SSI project

After publishing the submissions report, the department will complete its assessment of the merits of the project in accordance with government legislation, policies and guidelines and prepare an assessment report.

This will typically involve:

  • reviewing the design of the project
  • considering whether the project is compatible with the strategic context 
  • checking whether the project complies with any relevant statutory requirements
  • further community engagement 
  • seeking advice from government agencies and independent experts
  • requesting additional information from the proponent
  • considering any advice from the Independent Planning Commission
  • assessing the economic, environmental, and social impacts of the project against relevant standards and criteria
  • evaluating the benefits of the project as a whole
  • preparing recommended conditions of approval (if warranted).

Once complete, the department will publish the assessment report online and ask the approval authority to determine the project.

Last updated: 14/09/2022
